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Chapter 413 Ambiguity

The place where Charlotte lives is so different from the apartment where Victor imagined a woman living alone.

He thought that the other person would keep the house very clean, or conversely, it would not be as glamorous as this person seemed on the surface, and the room would be very messy.

But both of these extreme ideas are incorrect. There are many things in her home, but they are not messy, and those items are diverse, with many handicrafts and inferior imitations of art, and unknown paintings hanging on the walls.

, and the style is relatively unified, it may be written by the same person.

Charti came out of the bathroom, changed her skirt into loose trousers, and wore a simple white shirt with lace cuffs on her upper body. With her pair of glasses, her whole body was covered with a kind of art that was different from the ordinary people.


She lit candles and oil lamps throughout the house, then went into the kitchen to tinker, and invited Victor to sit down in the living room.

Soon, she brought out coffee and desserts and placed them on the coffee table.

"What? Are we going to have dessert first?" Victor teased.

Charlotte smiled: "I'm worried that you are hungry, after all, dinner will take some time to prepare."

"Would you like me to go to the cake shop down the street to prepare a birthday cake for you?"

"No, I'm ready..."

As Charti went to the kitchen to prepare dinner, Victor looked around her house with a coffee cup and a biscuit in his mouth.

There was a room that was ajar, and Victor thought it was the beauty's bedroom. He looked in through the crack in the door out of curiosity, but found that there was no bed but something else inside.

He gently opened the door and saw the easel placed in the middle of the room, facing the spacious window. Outside the window was a city with a good view, facing the direction of the pier, and the sea water could be seen on the skyline.

There are paints that have not been cleaned around the easel, the wooden floor is colorful, and there are many paintbrushes scattered on the floor.

Victor retracted his earlier thought that the house was not messy. It turned out that the most messy place was concentrated in this studio.

There were many finished products stacked sideways in the corner, or they might be scraps. Victor looked over curiously and found that the style was consistent with those hanging on the wall.

"It turns out she painted them all herself."

Victor suddenly realized.

Unexpectedly, Miss Charlotte still has artistic cells hidden in her body.

He looked at it curiously and found that Miss Charlotte liked to paint landscapes the most, as well as still lifes at home and sketches of handicrafts, and rarely painted people.

Victor didn't know how to evaluate it. He didn't know anything about art. He just thought it was awesome and didn't have the kind of colors that made people feel uncomfortable.

"You sneaked in without my permission, you are not good..."

Suddenly, a scent of fragrance came from behind, and Miss Sharti appeared behind Victor at some point, her chin almost touching his shoulder.

Victor was slightly startled, and then the beauty grabbed his wrist and said, "Let's go, the birthday cake is ready..."

There is no special dining table in the living room. Dinner and cakes are placed on the coffee table. The flickering candlelight illuminates the center of the room, making it warm and cozy.

The number of candles was wrong, and Miss Charti seemed deliberately unwilling to reveal her age. She cut off a piece of cheese and handed it to Victor.

Victor took it with a bit of embarrassment, his nose filled with the scent of milk and some of the scent of Charti's smooth wrist.

He always feels weird.

It was obviously the other party's birthday, so he invited him to come alone and prepared everything, but he himself did not prepare a birthday gift for the lady.

"What are you thinking about?" Charti continued to cut the steak that had just been cooked to medium rare.

"I'm thinking about what kind of birthday gift I should prepare for the lady." Victor said bluntly.

Charti chuckled: "I'm not that vulgar."

"Really... Haha, but to be honest, I thought the birthday party for a beautiful lady like you would be more lively."

Charti paused and said calmly: "Maybe I'm not as popular as you think."

These words seemed to tell Victor that she didn't have many friends.

Victor was surprised and immediately stopped speaking randomly.

Charti explained it himself: "You know this job. Basically, you stay alone behind the counter on the third floor and doze off all day long. The only people you come into contact with are elite agents like you. Most of them are

She is quite eccentric, and rarely comes to the Anti-Suppression Department, and when she comes, she almost ignores my existence."

"Wait, you mean I'm weird?" Victor's face jumped.

"Of course..." Sharti smiled mischievously, "But you are more handsome..."

Victor was embarrassed by what she said and was about to change the topic: "By the way, do you like painting?"

"That's right..." Charlotte nibbled on the cut steak, "I studied art, but I just didn't have the chance to continue this career."

"Oh...that's such a pity..." Victor said politely.

Charti replied that it was not a pity: "Compared with some real geniuses of the same period, I am still far behind. The completed works cannot attract the favor of the art association. It is quite good just as a hobby. That can relieve my

of loneliness.”

"Do you feel lonely?" Victor asked curiously.

Charti looked gloomy: "In the past, Father Sang often chatted with me to relieve my mood."

"Haha..." A strange thought suddenly appeared in Victor's mind, "Father Sang will talk to you? I'm afraid he has evil intentions."

Charti complained at him: "I know the old man's lust, and I was aware of his strange ideas from the beginning, but I didn't let him succeed."

"Then you have to thank yourself for being vigilant..." Victor joked.

As a result, Charti said: "But later I felt that maybe Father Sang was not that simple a person. Many of his behaviors were just to divert people's attention and were unwilling to expose his true thoughts."

"Well..." Victor suddenly thought of something sad, "We will never be able to understand his old man."

After speaking, he picked up the coffee cup again, only to find that it was filled with coffee, which made him feel a little disappointed.

"It's a pity that when we talk about the deceased, we can only drink coffee."

Charti was stunned for a moment, suddenly stood up, and hurried to a certain room. When he came back, he had a wine bottle and two empty glasses in his hands.

"Hundred-year-old Sidis...want to try it?"

"What?" Victor didn't understand.

"Xidis, a wine brand, has withdrawn from Secred's market due to the prohibition of alcohol. It is not available on the market, and this bottle of wine is hundreds of years old..." Charti poked the bottle opener

Got into the cork.

Victor was slightly surprised: "Such a good thing is only used to entertain me? What a pity."

"How could it be such a pity..." Charti put down the uncorked bottle and filled the empty cup, "Because you tasted it, it gained value."

He took the wine glass from the beautiful woman's hand and took a few sips. The mellow taste filled his whole body, and the strong taste came quickly, making Victor's body gradually feel hot.

Similarly, the lady in front of me also drank this wine, her face turned rosy, her chest rose and fell, and she looked fuller.

"Did you know?" She took off her shoes, put her feet on the sofa, curled up like a lazy kitten, "I heard that this kind of wine can make people feel as if they are swimming in the clouds...


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