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Chapter 416 Northern Faith

Being ignored is even more unacceptable.

Charti also didn't expect that his sharp sarcasm could not anger the other party.

She felt quite bored, and the good mood she originally had in coming to see Victor was gradually worn away.

"so terrible……"

Finally she muttered something, finally left the gate and walked out of the front yard, and took the car across the road.

After Eredin finished washing, she returned to the backyard with the basket under Pemis's disgusted gaze.

Victor lowered the curtains, feeling as if he was choked with depression.

Pemis came back, reported the results to him, and said that even if she had not successfully persuaded the lady to leave, she would not have returned the money to Victor.

Victor knew that Permis's salary was very low, so he didn't care about the gains and losses of the twenty farka with her, so he let her do her own business.

Returning to the study and opening William's letter again, Victor thought about it for a long time and made an unexpected decision to himself.

He wanted to take a cruise to Sanfran in advance to avoid contact with Charti in the near future.

The hot impulse in his head needs to calm down, and at least give Victor time to think clearly about how to explain to her what happened to him.

Yes, maybe carrying out this mission will give him a little more time to think.

It is not difficult to change the ticket in advance, or buy a new one at the worst, but William has explained that it may be a bit difficult for Victor to meet with the new investigator.

However, if you think about it carefully, it can still be solved. Victor can arrive at Sanflang first and wait for the other party there. Anyway, he took a boat all the way from Ainannia and will go to Sanflang sooner or later.

After thinking about this, Victor disguised himself and slipped out of the backyard, preparing to go to Port Violet to exchange tickets.

In order to avoid too much noise, he chose to walk across Baker Street and go to the next street to take the tram.

Be careful along the way to prevent Sharti from hiding in the dark and following you secretly.

But this is too much to worry about, as Sharti is not good at tracking.

Victor thought about it and was convinced that she must have found the location of his home through some means and came to visit with the intention of giving it a try.

As for the way, Victor had no time to investigate, but the biggest suspect in his mind was William Marshall. After all, the minister knew his hiding place, and maybe he leaked it while chatting with Charti.

Just as he was passing by 221 Baker Street unknowingly with his mind full of speculation, he suddenly realized that he was downstairs of the Smart Eye Detective Agency.

"Is it such a coincidence?" Victor muttered in his mind, and unexpectedly discovered that the instructions downstairs were missing.

A middle-aged woman was walking downstairs with a man. The two chatted endlessly about the environment of the apartment, rent and other issues.

Victor only heard a few sentences and was convinced that the woman was the landlord here. She seemed to be selling the rental room upstairs to the men around her.

Strange, isn't de Gaulle's detective agency upstairs?

Victor was surprised. He waited for the two to finish chatting. After the man left, he took the initiative to ask the middle-aged lady.

"Sorry, can I ask you, is the detective agency upstairs still open?"

The lady looked Victor up and down, then laughed and said, "No... he's moved."

"Moved?" Victor looked confused, "Is it because he can't pay the rent or..."

"That's not true. The guy himself said that his professional skills were poor and he screwed up several cases. He felt that he was no longer suitable for this industry, so he moved away." The lady talked eloquently.

Not good at business level?

Victor remains skeptical of this statement. He does not think that de Gaulle's detective skills are not good enough.

Either something happened, or the woman in front of me was lying.

But why did she lie to herself?

No reason...

"Are you here to rent a house?"

"Well...that's not true."

"If you are looking for a private detective, I can introduce you to a better one. As long as you can afford the price and you have my acquaintances on Baiyin Road, you can..."

"No...no need, thank you, ma'am."

Victor took off his hat and greeted the other party politely, then said goodbye with a smile.

De Gaulle's disappearance was unexpected by Victor.

But he didn't care much.

The other party can barely be regarded as his friend, and the two of them get along pretty well.

The only thing Victor cares about is the headless girl he met when he was changing the rules of the Wheel of Fortune.

The girl reminded him of his sister Alice, and in the previous dream, Alice also claimed that she had other names, such as: Alice Shaklo.

That is de Gaulle's surname. Why does Alice have this surname? Shouldn't her surname be Damon?

There is no logic and strange connections. Victor can only attribute it to a delusion caused by the influence of Amanda's dream builder.

At present, the contact with de Gaulle can be regarded as severed, and the other party's whereabouts are unknown.

Victor would not dwell on problems that he could not figure out temporarily. He focused on the present and soon boarded the tram and headed for the Violet Port.

There were a lot of people at the port, so Victor found the cruise company by asking for directions and asked for a ticket exchange.

But because it was too long before the flight arrived, the cruise company refused to exchange the ticket, so Victor had to pay for another one.

"Northern Faith?" He stared at the name of the "transfer" cruise ship, feeling that it was not particularly auspicious.

"Isn't this ship a passenger ship from the Northern Holy See? Is it aboard a whole boatload of religious fanatics?"

Questioned by Victor, the conductor quickly explained: This ship was bought by their passenger ship company from a shipyard in the northern state. It was indeed named by the Pope himself at first, but other than naming it, it had nothing to do with the Holy See.

"I see……"

Victor was relieved, picked up the ticket and left.

The Northern Faith is scheduled to dock at Port Violet tomorrow.

Victor went home and tidied up briefly, and waited near the dock the next morning.

He didn't know the size of the ship he was about to board, but when he saw the Northern Faith docking, he felt as if he was seeing the Titanic.

To be precise, it is a smaller version of the Titanic, with the same white ship tower and black hull, and four chimneys...

Recalling his past life, Victor liked the shape of the Titanic very much, but when he had this sense of déjà vu, he had an ominous premonition.

After doing fortune-telling, Victor got a happy and good fortune.

This proves that he was right to choose to take the boat in advance and that his judgment should not be affected by the "sense of déjà vu".

So, Victor picked up his luggage, lined up to check in, and boarded the deck in an orderly manner.

However, suddenly a rash little man squeezed over rudely, jumped in front of Victor, and bumped him.

Victor was unprepared, and the suitcase in his hand was knocked off, and he fell from the long ladder into the sea.

This chapter has been completed!
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