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Chapter 435 Akkads Call

At the bottom of the Northern Faith cruise ship, the roots that clung to it quickly withered, fell off and dispersed.

In the pilothouse, Captain Morgan stood by the door and window, looking expressionlessly at the bright light underwater.

It is a burning flame, like a flash in the pan, but it will eventually be extinguished by the sea water.

However, this moment of dazzling was enough, because the Deep Diver had already left the Northern Faith.


The captain said this calmly.

There was a large pool of blood at his feet, and two crew members fell in the pool of blood, both of whom had been shot in the head.

And the murder weapon that killed them was currently in Captain Morgan's hand.

"The tower...is getting slower and slower."

Another murmur to himself, I don’t know who to tell it to.

He took two steps back, pulled the barrel filled with oil out from below, picked it up and poured it on the rudder of the ship.

Then, Morgan took out the matchbox from his pocket and immediately implemented his dark plan.

However, no matter how secretive the plan is, there will always be unpredictable episodes. For example, at this moment, a young man with long red hair was standing outside the door of the cruise ship's cab, watching him quietly.

Morgan paused with his hands and felt a numbness on his back. Then he turned around and looked at the man, his eyes narrowed into a slit.

His eyes swept over the young man's body, observing the green coat, the clean short cloak on his upper body, and finally stopped at the delicate brooch on his chest.

The young man held a short divination staff in his hand, and no matter how he moved his arm, the end was always pointed at Morgan Sparrow.

"Ah... you are very interested in the seminary brooch." The red-haired young man spoke to the captain, obviously aware of where the other party was looking.

The brooch was golden, probably shaped like some kind of bird, and had been pinned to Li Anlong's chest. Victor had actually seen it before, but most of the time he was attracted by his red hair and ignored it.

these details.

"This is called a jay, a native bird of Ainannia. Their feathers are dark gold, their beaks are black, and there are three additional colors on their wings. They are very beautiful." Li Anlong said to the two corpses on the ground.

Turning a blind eye, "If you have the opportunity, you can visit that land. We welcome foreign tourists as long as they don't worry about contracting the banyan disease."

Captain Morgan had a gloomy look on his face. He put down his hand and raised his pistol to aim at Rianlong.

"But it's a pity, I'm afraid you won't have that chance..." Li Anlong faced the dark muzzle of the gun and did not make any dodge action.


The sound of gunfire spread inside the cruise ship, and Victor, who was still walking in the corridor, heard it.

He remembered that earlier, Rianlong said that he would find Captain Morgan himself, so after the threat of the Deep Divers was eliminated, Victor had time to find them.

There must be something wrong with the captain, but he needs to deal with the out-of-control cruise ship first, and Victor doesn't have time to deal with him.

After all, Li Anlong is a fortune teller, able to seek good fortune and avoid disaster, and is not a reckless person. If he has found Morgan, he will definitely find a way to contact Victor first.

But now, the gunshot in the cab made Victor's heart skip a beat. His first reaction was that Rianlong found Morgan there and exchanged fire with him.

Rianlong probably didn't have a firearm, so who was Morgan shooting at?

Although the two of them met for the first time, as they were both colleagues in the Anti-Suppression Department, Victor would not ignore death, so he hurried up and ran up, quickly arriving outside the cab door.

He saw a strange sight. Rianlong stood in front of him as if nothing had happened, with his back to Victor. The ground was covered in blood, but it was not his, but belonged to two other crew members who had long since died.

As for Captain Morgan, he is now "extremely distorted", physically and visually, it can be said that he is no longer human.

A large group of wriggling sea cucumber-like insects crawled out of his body, like snakes shedding their skin, and on his head, his eyes were still wide open, staring at the red-haired duo in front of him.


While talking, Morgan spit out thick yellow mucus from his mouth. As the bugs crawled out, his body quickly withered, and in the end, only a piece of horrific human skin was left on the ground.

Those sea cucumbers were not headless flies. They gathered together as if they had a collective consciousness, crawled into the cracks in the dark corners of the cab, and disappeared where light could not reach.

Victor held the fire spell and looked for them, but he didn't see them. He must have escaped and hid somewhere.

As someone below exclaimed, a bunch of thumb-sized sea cucumbers appeared on the deck, jumped directly over the railing, and fell into the sea water.

"What happened just now?" Victor looked at Lianlong seriously.

Li Anlong replied very calmly: "Nothing, I saw through his disguise, and then you rushed in."

Victor saw the gun under the human skin out of the corner of his eye. He had clearly heard the gunshot just now, and Rianlong didn't have a gun in his hand, so it must have been Morgan who was shooting. Where was he shooting?

Li Anlong was fine. No bullets or even bullet holes were found in the room. It was strange...

Picking up the revolver carefully, Victor saw that there was indeed a bullet missing from it. Where did it go?

Recalling Morgan's message just now, Victor felt it was very familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.

"What is Akkad?" he asked Rianlong behind him.

Li Anlong paused, thought for a while, and said: "If it's just a pronunciation, this word should refer to the capital of the ancient Uruk Dynasty, a city."

"Huh?" Victor was stunned for a moment.

Rianlong went on to explain: "Archaeologically speaking, that city is located on the red earth. The hometown of the Nippur people, a wandering people now spread all over the world, is Akkad."

People from Nippur?

Victor remembered the newspaper saying that Greybean had now set off a populist craze to persecute the Nippur people, but he didn't know much about that nation.


Victor remembered something about Akkad...

Previously, he and Mike destroyed Renekton's slave auction market and found an "order" inside. The transportation route was to transport slaves to an island in the Sea of ​​Tranquility, and the name of that island was Akkad!

As a man who had served in the Navy, Mike denied that there was such an island in that area of ​​the sea.

As for the purchase of slaves, the client of the Cigar Association and Rockefeller Ocean Trading Company was named Abraham Cain, the mysterious man who owed the Dimon family a huge sum of money.

Clark on the deck was still maintaining the situation. He didn't know what was going on with the captain and Victor, and could only wait for the fate of his choice.

At this time, there was another roar from the water, and the Northern Faith trembled, and soon it tilted again, and everyone on the ship fell to the right.

Fortunately, the tilt was not too severe. Anyone who found a support could temporarily maintain their balance. Only a few unlucky ones fell and paddled into corners, suffering some injuries.

"What's wrong?!"

Clark shouted loudly, and he didn't know who answered him: "First mate! Something is shooting at us underwater!"

"What?!" Mate Clark was shocked and hurriedly ran to the edge of the boat and looked underwater.

Are the Deep Divers still unwilling to let go of the Northern Faith?!

This chapter has been completed!
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