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Chapter 456 The clown with strings

Victor did not take action to stop this horrific drama, because the guards rushed onto the stage and held the madman firmly.

His murder weapon was kicked away, his body was pressed to the ground, he was kicked twice in the face, and he was laughing maniacally while spurting blood.

Blood soaked the stage, ferocious laughter echoed in the theater, and the performance of "Age of Steam" was suspended, but this murder became a more exciting drama in reality.

People from the police station arrived, and then people from the Inspection Bureau also arrived.

The Grand Theater was completely sealed off, the audience and guests were driven out of the gate, and all intersections were taken over by official investigators.

"We can't let that lunatic live! Kill him! Kill him, bastard!"

Bugis lost control of his emotions and was escorted out of the corridor surrounded by police. Victor sat on a bench and stared at the rows of famous sculptures in front of him.

There were footsteps nearby, and Tony Carlos arrived, and after handing over information to the police, he asked about the ins and outs of the incident.

He walked up to Victor and talked to him: "That's a lunatic, a homosexual, who somehow managed to sneak into the backstage of the theater. I think from now on, Bugis will have to consider the theater's security loopholes."

Victor took a deep breath and said, "How is the actress?"

"In a coma..." Tony sat next to Victor, "The time has come to test the ability of the doctor in charge of Sanfran."


After another long breath, Victor said: "Art is really not suitable for me."

Tony was slightly embarrassed and quickly changed the subject: "So, have you seen that woman?"

He was talking about Missy. Victor shook his head: "No, there were too many people inside, and there were quite a few female spectators. They were sitting together and it was easy to confuse my sight. Before I had time to search carefully, this happened.


Tony's expression was solemn: "My people checked the audience as they left the gate one by one, and Missy was not found..."

"She didn't come?" Victor was slightly surprised. "Snow Leopard's performance has a strong appeal to women in the city. She also has a poster of this opera at home. I don't believe she will miss it."

"Yes, I don't believe it either, but the fact is that she has not been found..."

Tony shrugged.

This time it felt uncomfortable. Originally, Victor came to the opera just to find a chance to observe Missy and see who she knew and what connections she had.

But she didn't come...

"A woman who is so passionate about Wandaoyuan would suddenly be absent, and this vicious case happened tonight... It is difficult not to make people doubt that Missy actually knew it a long time ago..."

Victor muttered to himself, and Tony next to him suddenly realized.

"You're right, there is indeed such a possibility. Do you want to go find her and ask?" Tony suggested.

Victor waved his hand: "Don't panic, don't make that woman wary, and if we go to her rashly, we won't get the answer we want. No matter whether this murder case is directly related to her or not, she will answer

:I don’t know, how should we judge?”

Tony frowned. As he was thinking, Victor suddenly looked up at him and asked, "Where is our snow leopard?"

"Agent No. 13? It is said that he arrived one-sixth of an hour late and just missed the murder..." Tony glanced at his mouth.

Victor looked stunned.

He remembered that the male lead in this play was Elode, and he was supposed to appear on the stage after the actress who was attacked finished singing. Who knew that a pervert would come in midway and start the attack.

If Elold had arrived ten minutes late, he would have been still putting on makeup backstage and would have just missed the murderer on stage...

Arriving ten minutes late for such an important performance?

Victor's eyes suddenly narrowed, and an indescribable train of thought swirled in his mind.

"So where is he now?"

"Agent No. 13 doesn't want to reveal his identity as the Anti-Suppression Department. He was just being questioned by the police like an ordinary citizen. I don't know what happened..."

"All right……"

Victor bit the nail of his thumb and continued talking about the murderer.

"What about the murderer? Who is he? What is his name? What is the motive for the murder?" he asked.

Tony replied briefly: "He is a lunatic, and he did not say a normal word. Fortunately, this guy has a criminal record and has some records at the police station... His name is Justin Bilson, and his stage name is Ivan Nicole.

Typical gender cognitive disorder, a pervert..."

Recalling that he was wearing a woman's dress and singing with a woman's voice on the stage, Victor was not surprised.


"Wait a minute, what's the deal with his stage name? It's the same as Ai...Agent No. 13? Don't tell me that he once performed at Mangao Garden."

Tony smiled strangely: "Don't be joking, Wanlaoyuan will not allow such disgusting things to appear on the stage..."

"Really?" Victor expressed doubt, "But I heard that his singing is actually pretty good..."

Tony thrust a postcard into Victor's hand and told him that it fell out of Justin's clothes.

Victor looked down and was stunned on the spot.

Tony didn't notice his expression and continued: "That guy has done some heinous things before. He violated a...man and a child. You must know that our faith severely punishes pedophilia.

If it was in the north...he might have been beaten to death by the executioners on the street..."

"However, I don't know why, but the court didn't get strong evidence when trying him, which resulted in this guy getting away with it, until tonight's tragedy..."

"But this time, he can't excuse his crime."

As soon as he finished speaking, Victor grabbed Tony's wrist: "This postcard, do you think it's the perverted one?"

Tony nodded.

"Yes, it was supposed to be picked up by the police, but I used my authority to get it. This is a club. I have heard of it, but I don't know where it is held. It is considered an underground venue and only entertains insiders.


"Although that bastard Justin is a pervert and a murderer, he is extremely talented at singing. Because Wangaoyuan doesn't want to see him, he seems to have been performing for others in underground venues... Well, that's said to be the case."

Victor pinched the postcard hard. There was a picture on it of a funny clown, controlled by two big hands using puppet strings.

Clown Club...

The ticket in the letter Pickman sent to Victor belongs to this club...

Everything is connected to each other. Such a coincidence is like a spider web that turns into a thread that affects Victor's actions...

Somehow, the feeling of chasing Augusta National back in the east came back.

This was a bad premonition. He secretly made predictions and got a linger...

"Lark... the name Justin shouted after the murder seems to be a stage name." Victor continued, "If possible, ask the police station to transfer the person to the Police Bureau, and we will interrogate him personally."

After saying that, Tony was ready to take action, but immediately, there were screams from outside the door, and many police officers wearing police helmets ran out, not knowing what was going on.

This chapter has been completed!
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