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Chapter 499: Fragmented

Human nature is ever-changing, always moving from one extreme to another.

The most enthusiastic colleague at the beginning has now become the most passionate opponent...

From the time Victor was reincarnated into this world, he went from being powerless and incompetent at the beginning until he has the status and wealth he has today.

Although he made countless enemies and frequently took risks, he was always able to turn danger into disaster and become the ultimate winner.

From then on, he seemed to have the illusion that he had an insight into people's hearts and could lie to anyone without even a heartbeat.

Lies have become his habit. To a certain extent, maybe Victor is more suitable for a nocturnal performer.

However, when de Gaulle showed him a sad expression, he fell silent and began to doubt himself.

"I really care about reputation, and I have a strong self-esteem. I always think that I am the best detective! Even without invisible skills, I will be better than those detectives who rely on magic..."

De Gaulle turned his face away.

"But actually, I don't care if I become someone else's foil, a supporting role, turning you, Vladimir Judler Watson, into a great detective. I'll be your assistant!"


Smashing his fist against the armrest of the chair, de Gaulle stood up suddenly, suppressing the resentment in his heart.

"But, I don't want to become an object of pleasure for you, a chess piece played in the palm of your hand..."

After saying that, he straightened his deerstalker hat and walked off the rooftop with a sullen expression.

"I can't do anything to you. After all, you are a distinguished elite of the Ministry of Defense and Suppression, so I have to leave, leave this country, and never see you again... Watson."

Victor didn't say another word until the other party left.

The loud sound from the bell tower came again, which seemed to announce the death of someone, just like the sound heard in the Anti-Suppression Department at that time.


With a final sigh, Victor also left there...

He returned to Xianxiang Mansion, and as soon as he entered the door, he bumped into Pemis.

In the past, Permis would have complained loudly to Victor, but today, she walked away with a sullen face.

Victor noticed that there seemed to be a red handprint on the maid's face, as if she had been slapped by someone.

"What’s wrong with you?"

He asked with concern, but Permis ignored him.

Just when he felt strange, Will's coughing sound came from upstairs.

Victor thought of something and walked sullenly outside the door of Will's room and saw him wearing a coat and writing some letters at the table.

"Okay...very good...just like this, if you make those guys miserable, who dares to compete with me for a membership spot..."


Victor stood by the door, coughed twice, and then knocked on the door. Will finally found out that the boss was back.

He hurriedly stuffed the written note back into the drawer, then turned around and smiled awkwardly at him.

"It seems that you have some free time recently and can go home." Victor teased.

Will looked nervous.

Victor saw that he had a guilty conscience, so he asked him sullenly why he wanted to beat Permis.

When Will was questioned, he hurriedly apologized to Victor like a deflated ball.

"Hug...I'm sorry, I lost control just now. I...I'm in a very bad state recently..."

Then, he sat back on the bed and told him everything that happened during the time Victor left Renekton.

It turned out that in order to put his application at the top of the queue, Will secretly hired people to collect dirty information about competing merchants and used various means to make them give up their plans to join Rockefeller's ocean trading.

Of course, this process offended many people, and Will encountered some tough problems and even received death threats.

Therefore, Will had to turn to Mike for help, hoping that Mike could use underworld means to attack those guys. In the end, Mike only agreed to protect Will and did not intend to deal with anyone.

Will was dissatisfied with this, but fortunately the White Hand thugs sent by Mike did help him resist an assassination on the road.

According to most people's opinions, Will should thank Mike.

But he was even more angry, thinking that Mike didn't listen to him and struck first, and in his heart he hated the entrepreneur who tried to assassinate him.

So, he dived in to collect intelligence, and finally found evidence that the other party had murdered someone.

He hoped that Mike could hand over the evidence to his backer in the legal community in Renekton. This time Mike agreed, so Will worked hard to write the materials to accuse the other party.

His current mood and temper have become more extreme, and he is nothing like the person he used to be.

So, when Permis accidentally broke a piece of delicate china that he loved, Will suddenly stood up from the table and slapped her hard.

Pemis was absolutely loyal to his master. Even if he had any resentment, he would only come down and get angry with Victor, the butler. It was really not a big deal to be taught such a harsh lesson.

"The condition is very bad..." Victor stared at Will's face for a long time.

Then, he walked up to Will, put his hands on his shoulders, and pushed him back into his seat.

"Tell me, who is the owner of Xianxiang Mansion..."

Victor's voice suddenly turned cold, scaring Will into a cold sweat.

"Victor...Master Victor..."

"Very good, then let me tell you again, you have no right to hit my employees, do you understand?"

"Ming... understand..."

Although Will secretly criticized Victor, when they met, he would always think of the mysterious employer who wanted to kill him and stuff him into the basement.

Although he has never seen Victor kill someone, for some reason, Will always feels that Victor has a bloody aura hidden in him.

"Is there any problem at the brewery?" Victor asked calmly.

Will hesitated and hesitated, and finally said that he hired other people to manage it, as if he felt that the profit was not worth spending a lot of time every day to organize the work in person.

However, it is indispensable to give half of the dividend to Victor. Even if Victor only contributed the initial start-up capital of 500 francs, Will would not be able to accomplish anything without this money.

Not to mention Mike's help, they also cooperated with Will to develop the industry because of Victor's face.

After getting the reply, Victor didn't want to say anything more. He finally ordered Will to come down and apologize sincerely to Permis, then left the "master's" bedroom and walked downstairs.

Permis was picking up the trash in the house, packing it up and carrying it outside.

Victor stopped her and asked her where the porcelain she had just broken was.

Pemis glanced at Victor with a look full of resentment, opened a cloth bag, and showed it to Victor.

Victor took a look and found that the fragments inside were quite exquisite and must have cost a lot of money.

The accessories in the Incense Mansion are all cheap. If there is no such thing, Will must have bought it later.

He seems to be paying more and more attention to luxury and enjoyment...as if he was blinded by money and fell into the torrent of this Gilded Age. Like all living beings, he regards wealth as life...

"Don't throw it away. This thing costs 100 francs new at least. You can get some change by taking these pieces. Don't tell me that I said that..."

This chapter has been completed!
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