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Chapter 504 The expensive way to survive

Will hopes to get rid of Captain Isborne and make all the smuggling profits.

For this reason, he was busy obtaining the qualification to join Rockefeller Ocean Trading.

Even if he joins that company to participate in the trade, Rockefeller will get the maximum profit, but since he has decided to smuggle secretly, Will will definitely not want to have a big piece of meat bitten by other captains.

At present, he is still very hopeful of getting himself to a higher position in the draft, but there is one problem that cannot be solved, that is, he does not have an ocean-going cargo ship.

So, he needs support, all support...

"I hope to get more investment from you, Mr. Victor!"

Will immediately began to talk endlessly about his grand plans.

"That bastard Is Ben only gave us 30%, but we did most of the work. This is unreasonable. Let me calculate for you how much profit we can make if we bypass him..."

He explained quickly, leaving Victor stunned.

"This investment must be profitable. We need an ocean-going cargo ship with a cargo capacity of no less than tens of thousands of tons. We can even consider the best iron-clad ship. If the cargo capacity exceeds 100,000 tons, our annual income...


"Wait!" Victor interrupted him, "Do you want to raise funds to buy an ocean-going cargo ship?"

"Yes!" Will clenched his fists, "That way we can leave that bastard alone and do it ourselves!"

"Impossible!" Victor felt that this guy was a little crazy, and he immediately threw reality in Will's face, "Do you know how much it costs to buy a ship with a cargo capacity of tens of thousands of tons?"

In fact, even Victor himself didn’t know this problem.

But he knew very well that he didn't have that much money.

Even if you take out all the 60,000 French cards used for financial management in the Giant Bank, it will not be enough.

His entire net worth is probably only enough to buy a larger steamboat, or a yacht for offshore fishing or sightseeing...

Will didn't know Victor's family background, so he was surprised when his boss objected.

Although he only made a small fortune recently, Will used most of the funds to bribe relevant dignitaries and buy luxury goods for himself.

It was impossible for him to have such funds, so he did not speak for a while and became depressed.

Victor felt that Will was too eager for quick success, but he had to say that he did make a lot of money for Victor.

"Your plan is feasible, but you have to do it step by step and don't be too impatient. There may be a chance to get a ship in the future, but now... you have to pay attention to other things for me."

It had been a long time since his boss had asked him to do something, and Will had almost forgotten the cautious mentality he had in the past.

He calmed down his excitement, nodded and said, "Please tell me."

"Help me keep an eye on whether anyone has Zealot Fire. If so, test whether the other party intends to sell it."

"Fanatical Fire?"

Will's eyes swayed, and he promised to go down and inquire. However, after coming out of the room, there was always a tangled thought in his mind, which made him feel stuck in his throat.

"Fanatical Fire? What is that? The name sounds like an ominous thing. Could it be related to witchcraft...invisible arts or seers?"

"The boss wants to buy that thing...is that why he has no money to support my plan?"

The more he thought about it, the more depressed he felt, and finally he could only leave home in silence to continue the "war" between him and those businessmen.

After ordering Will to go do some work, Victor himself went to the Alphabet Society's territory at night, preparing to ask them about the whereabouts of Fanatic Wisdom Fire.

However, when he arrived there, he found that the construction site had been demolished...

Perhaps because the builder was short of funds and unable to proceed, the land was auctioned off to others.

The new management had completely demolished the unfinished building. Judging from the sign hanging outside, it was probably to be renovated into a theater...

"The capital is Wandaoyuan..."

Victor was slightly surprised.

But there is no point in being surprised, because the letter will have disappeared.

Without Mr. Doubt from the Alphabet Club, Victor would really not know who to turn to to inquire about the whereabouts of Zealot Wisp.

Should I ask Minister William?

Then the other party will definitely ask Victor if he has obtained Die's secret transmission, so how should he answer?

Was it converted from the meat secreted from Elrod's spine?

Killing him was originally done by Victor behind the Anti-Suppression Department, otherwise William would probably choose to capture Elold alive as he was a spy.

Moreover, who knows whether William will ask Victor to hand over his secret personal information?

After all, as a previous reward, he directly passed on the priest's secret flesh to Elold regardless of Victor's life and death.

In short, Victor cannot completely trust the minister.

He thought about it and finally thought of someone.

"Sichen Berkeley!"

The other party was almost obsessed with it at first, but now he is still alive and well, often making headlines in major newspapers, and he is still one of the richest people in Secred.

What does this mean?

This means that Siqin must have obtained the catalyst to overcome the lethality. He has resources and ways. Victor can use him to find the person who sells the fanatical ghost fire.

So, he set off early the next morning and rushed to Storm Villa.

It's still the same large manor. Without the haze hanging over the bloodline of the Berkeley family, the park is now more lively than in the past.

Regardless of the world's judgment and criticism, Xiqin finally married the woman he loved most, even though the woman had forgotten everything and was now as intelligent as a six or seven-year-old child.

The maid was pushing a wheelchair for a walk in the back garden, and Mrs. Shasa happily raised her hands, trying to catch the flying colorful butterflies.

Victor put his hands behind his back and looked at each other quietly. At this time, a servant came over and told Victor that Mr. Sitchin was working in the center of Recton and would only come back in the evening.

"You are our honored guest. My master has told me that no matter when you come to visit the villa, we will serve you with all our heart."

What he meant was that if Victor was not busy, he could wait in the villa for a while, with all food and drinks included.

Of course Victor expressed his willingness, so he enjoyed the most luxurious treatment at the home of the richest man in Renekton.

It was not until the sun set in the evening that Xiqin's carriage returned to his residence.

The two met in Da Qi's reception room. Xiqin came over after taking a bath, wearing a white bathrobe.

He asked the servant to bring fruits and champagne, and walked around casually on the carpet with bare feet.

"Do you have any suggestions about my problem?" Victor opened up the topic and stated his purpose.

Siqin was chewing a piece of something he didn't know what it was, and it exuded a refreshing fragrance. After spitting it out, he poured a sip of champagne down his throat, and then said: "I do have a way to find a seller for you, but the key is, the price


"How much did you spend before?" Victor asked eagerly.

Xiqin sat down, picked up the wine glass and said: "At the beginning, there was too little time left for me, but fortunately I inherited everything from the family, so I was able to offer rewards through various channels, and spent a total of one hundred thousand faraka."

This chapter has been completed!
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