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Chapter 529: Masquerade

"Have you caught all those cleaners?"

"That's true on the surface, but...do you think the real thief will be waiting for us to catch him?"

Hodney's eyes were unfocused when he spoke, giving him a funny "arrogant" feeling.

"Yes, everyone from that company was involved, but it was no use. We couldn't get exact clues. The person in charge of the other party claimed that he had nothing to do with the Progressive Party, but we found him in his home.

That congressman’s correspondence.”

During the conversation, voices came from outside the room, and then the door was pushed open, and Tony walked in with a smile on his face. Behind him was a red-haired young man, who turned out to be Li Anlong!

Upon seeing Hodney, Tony was stunned for a moment, then looked at Victor, as if waiting for his explanation.

Victor coughed and told him the identity and purpose of the other party.

While the two were talking, they did not notice Hodney's flash of excitement after seeing Ryan Long.

Similarly, Li Anlong also showed a fleeting smile.

"Stanford actually sent someone like you here..." Tony looked Hodney up and down, shocked by his physical condition, "Recorder of Ebony Tower, this is the first time I've heard of this position."

"We are a small number of internal staff and rarely appear in public, Mr. Branch Director." Hodney's eyes were still lifeless, but this did not prevent him from answering fluently, "This is a confidential mission that requires no one like me to pay much attention to it."


"But you are hunched over...it's difficult to move around. Stanford can definitely change to someone healthier..."

"I have said before, it is precisely because no one knows me that I can guide you to complete the task. You know very little about that congressman and you need me to take the lead."

After he finished speaking, Victor immediately asked, "Wait a minute, do you want to go to the other party's banquet with us?"


"But didn't you just say that those people clearly do not welcome the Liberal Party and White Crown personnel."

"This is the third time I've explained it in a short period of time. Because everyone doesn't know me, I can lead you to find evidence." Hodney was a little impatient, "I don't want to explain it a fourth time.


After saying that, he looked at Tony Carlos again: "Sir Tony, you can't come with us. You are too conspicuous. Everyone in the Progressive Party knows you and knows that your Inspection Bureau is serving the White Crown."

After the words fell, he turned to Li Anlong and said: "This young investigator can come with me. I guess you are an elite agent of the Anti-Suppression Department."

"Good taste." Li Anlong nodded politely.

Hodney's thoughts and vision were much more sinister than his appearance. It was even possible that his dull look was a deliberate act to fool outsiders.

No wonder Stanford arranged for him to come over...

Victor thought silently in his heart.

"Okay everyone, I know that the Inspection Bureau and the Defense and Suppression Department have some differences with us in the Ebony Tower, but these are all personal grievances of Mr. Stanford. I hope that everyone will put the overall situation first and give us their full assistance."

After Hodney finished speaking, he stared behind Victor. There was no one there at all, but he was actually communicating with Victor.

Victor crossed his hands and didn't answer, glancing at Anlong for a moment.

The latter also did not answer. Judging from his meaning, he seemed to be waiting for Victor's arrangement.

At this time, Tony got an email from the White Crown from his subordinate, which contained an encrypted telegram, and the cover of the email was stamped with the seal of the Ebony Tower.

The content had been translated by crackers. After Tony took a look at it, he confirmed Hodney's identity and the secret mission he said.

"Okay, let's accept this secret mission, so what should we do next? Do you have a plan?" Victor loosened his hands and exchanged glances with Tony.

So, during the rest of the day, Hodney began to answer everyone's follow-up action arrangements.

As for what he said, that Stanford arranged for him to come here, Victor actually didn't believe it.

The telegram from Ebony Tower did not indicate that it was written by Stanford. You must know that Ebony Tower is not only a senior manager.

In this regard, Victor is more inclined to believe that Hodney got orders from other senior officials and said that deliberately.

After all, in order for the Inspection Bureau and the Anti-Suppression Department to work, someone needs to come forward to appease them and wipe the ass of that Stanford guy.

The Progressive Party holds about 30% of the seats in the two parliaments in Serbia.

The guy who held the banquet was quite prestigious, and it was said that he invited many dignitaries to attend.

The venue was a very beautiful manor outside the city of Saffron, which was the congressman's residence. It was full of birdsong and flowers, and the air was fresh. Its scale was not even smaller than the Berkeley family's Stormhill Manor.

The apparent purpose of the banquet was mainly socializing, taking the form of a masquerade party, which also gave Victor and the others the opportunity to disguise themselves and sneak in.

They parked the car in the open space behind the manor and got dressed before getting out of the car.

Li Anlong's banquet costume was very gorgeous. He wore a slender crown on his head. His red hair was boldly exposed and his forehead was exposed, and it was tied back.

Victor asked him why he didn't hide his striking red hair. The latter said that it was a masked masquerade and many people even dyed their hair, so there was no need to hide it deliberately.

After saying that, he put on the mask that seemed to be made of gold. It was noble and full of majesty, like an elf king from ancient times.

Of course, the elves here are Victor's impressions of elves in his previous life, not the elves in this world after time travel.

As for Victor, he put on a yellow pagan-like robe, and his face was a mask with three question marks swirling around the eye holes.

Yes, this outfit is what Victor wore in the Clown Club. Not long ago, he received a mysterious package, which contained this outfit given to him by the Hat Master.

When Rianlong saw Victor dressed like this, he kept staring at him and kept silent, which made Victor feel uncomfortable.

"Is there any problem?" Victor asked.

"No." Li Anlong withdrew his gaze, "Your clothes remind me of a friend from the past."

"Really?" Victor suddenly became interested, "Is there anyone else who has the same taste as me? What kind of friend are they?"

"We have parted ways long ago, but I have to say that you are indeed very similar to him."

Rianlong did not continue the conversation because Hodney's reminder came from the driver's seat.

"Are you ready? Gentlemen, our waiter is here."

Hodney's identity tonight is the coachman and servant of two elite agents.

He also disguised himself, put on an eyepatch, and his clothes were deliberately tattered, and the dark color blended into the night, so that people would not pay attention to him.

While he was speaking, the manor's receptionist had already arrived at the back of the carriage. He knocked on the door three times and then opened the door of the carriage.

This chapter has been completed!
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