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Chapter 7 Put the account on his head

Father Sang seemed to have informed the patient that he was critically ill. He poured whiskey down his throat carelessly, not caring about Victor's shocked gaze.

The latter sat quietly on the stool, thinking over and over what Father Sang said. The noisy drinkers around him could not disturb Victor's nervous mood at this time.

"What should I do? When will this damn thing burst out of my belly?"

Father Sang put down his wine glass and laughed sarcastically when he saw Victor staring at his belly.

"The secret creature is not a parasite on the material level. To describe it, it should be attached to your spirit. Do you think it is giving birth to a child? And it will run out of your belly?"


Victor touched his forehead, and Father Sang called the waiter over for another drink.

"Let's remember him!"

After transferring the bill to the wrongdoer, Father Sang continued: "If you want to get rid of that thing, you may have to become a seer...try to enter the secret place and find a way there..."

"Become a seer?" Victor raised his head and looked at the other party.

"Yes, but unfortunately, I don't have any secrets that I can share with you. Even if you are willing to convert to the 'Bright Realm' and accept the baptism of 'Glow', you still have to go back to the church to apply for those extra secrets.

Pass it on, but that thing will not be given to a newly baptized person casually, so you can only find a way by yourself..." Father Sang said.

"Why do you have to join your church in order to become a seer?" Victor wondered.

Father Sang hesitated and said impatiently: "This is the fastest way. You can also study the secret transmissions of those shady esoteric religions, but do you have them?"

Victor was suddenly speechless.

The other party gave him a very difficult method, and it was almost impossible to do it in the current situation.

"This is the only way?"


"How long can I live?"

"You can't tell. It depends on when the evil thing parasitizing you will come out."

"Father, please save me!"

Victor clung to life-saving straws and suffered miserably, but the old priest really had no other way to help him, and he was a little tired of it.

"Let me remind you, you'd better stay away from places where people live, such as towns. If you become a monster and start killing people one day, many innocent people may suffer."

These words were considered very disgusting, and Victor was immediately confused. He retorted: "Wait a minute... If I am really hopeless, then shouldn't you just kill me while I'm dreaming? Why are you still waiting?

I woke up?"

"By the way...you just said that I am a key informant and should be protected by you!"

As he said that, Victor looked at Henry and Mark next to him.

Before the two people had time to speak, Father Sang waved his hand hurriedly: "Come on! They both have the obligation to protect you, but I don't."

"Why?" Victor felt more and more strange, "Aren't you colleagues?"

"Father Sang belongs to the Anti-Suppression Department, the special operations department of the Inspection Bureau..." Henry shrugged helplessly.

"Did you hear that? You may not understand the relationship between us. To give you an analogy, I am a consultant to both of them. I have no obligation to perform the work of an investigator of the Police Intelligence Bureau..." Father Sang drank the whiskey in one gulp with pride and looked at him.

Unexpectedly, he saw a gorgeous girl dressed in a flashy dress. She was leaning on the bar and winking at him.

"The information just now was obtained by you paying for a treat. Even if most people treat me to a drink, I am not in the mood to pay attention to him..." Father Sang stood up as he spoke, straightened his clothes, and his wrinkled face was filled with rosy colors.

of drunkenness.

He burped and walked to the bar...

"Where are you going?" Henry asked curiously.

"This place is too dirty, the air is filled with turbidity. I need to let the people here be baptized, especially the beautiful ladies...wait for me for ten minutes."

The three people who were still sitting watched helplessly as Father Sang walked up to the beautiful girl, chatted and joked with her. The other party was moved by Father Sang's humor, and unconsciously, she gently traced Father Sang's chest with her hand.

Two times.

Father Sang hugged him very understandingly and kept looking at each other. Then, the two of them hugged each other and walked towards the guest room upstairs.

When the old man went up the stairs, he looked back at the three of them. Victor saw that his mouth moved. Judging from the shape of his mouth, he should have said - "Put the account on his head."

"I said... that woman just now was a prostitute in the tavern, right?" Henry turned his face and asked Victor, a local.

Victor's face was filled with anger.


A national curse that no one else understood was blurted out.

You immortal thing, I just want to buy you a drink, but whoring will be charged to my account?

Is this guy worthy of being a priest? Does your bishop know? Does your Pope know?

Victor wanted to slam the table and get up, but at this moment, the waiter came over and handed Victor the bill.

"Fifty cents, Master Damon."

The waiter obviously knew Victor and looked at him with disdain.

Victor took the bill angrily, touched his trouser pocket, and took out exactly two French banknotes...

Secred's currency is divided into two types: farka and farfen. The exchange amount is 1 farka equal to 100 farfen.

When Victor fell into a dream, he made an analogy between the purchasing power of Fakafafen and the RMB in his previous life, but the final conclusion was that there was no correspondence, because the environment, society, and resource reserves of the region caused a considerable deviation in the value of many goods from the previous life.

If you want to make an analogy, then 1 French cent is equivalent to 9-10 yuan.

Looking at it this way, the few glasses of whiskey cost Victor nearly 500 yuan. According to the price conversion, this wine with the same name is more expensive than the whiskey in his previous life. The money in his pocket instantly dropped by a quarter. Wait a minute, old guy.

After the pleasure is over, the prostitute will come to ask for how much money she has.

Victor paid for the drink, but in his heartache, he remembered something, so he got up anxiously and prepared to go out.

"Where are you going?" Mark, who had been silent, asked coldly.

"I have overlooked a very important thing, which has nothing to do with you. I have to go and do it now and I will be back later."

After saying that, Victor pushed open the butterfly spring door and walked out. He crossed the disorderly road and soon appeared diagonally opposite, at the entrance of the Walding Town Bank...

The very important thing he said was to inherit the deposits of the Dimon family in the bank.

Judging from the current situation, the family's house and plantation have been destroyed by fire, and there may still be some messy things in the warehouse and basement. As the only remaining heir of the family, Victor should have the right to inherit the money stored in the bank by the Dimon family.


Standing in front of the bank door, Victor calmed down, then opened the door and walked in.

He came to the counter and was greeted by a middle-aged man with an ugly face.

"Do you need me to do anything for you? I guarantee that the money you deposit in Walding Bank will be treated as its own money and will be strictly guarded by the bank."

"I am Victor Damon, the legal heir of the Damon family. I need you to open the safe that our family keeps here." Victor stated his purpose straightforwardly.

After hearing this, the middle-aged man seemed to recognize him, with a look of disdain on his face that said, "It's you, so it's you."

"Oh...it's you! Then wait and go upstairs to apply for Form 404..."

Victor frowned, but still obediently went upstairs to meet with another staff member.

"Do you want Form 404?" The second staff member looked at Victor in surprise, and recognized him the next second, "Ha...it turns out you are still alive. You are very lucky, but my luck is unlucky.


Another sarcastic remark made Victor's face twitch.

The staff member took out a brochure, flipped through it twice, then suddenly looked up and gave Victor an unexpected reply.

"Sorry, Mr. Victor Dimon, you have no right to open the Dimon family's safe. If you want to inherit the family's inheritance, you must obtain the permission of Mr. Thomas Cornish... He is your largest shareholder."

This chapter has been completed!
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