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Chapter 542 The Myth of Shivers

As the rays of the rising sun appeared from the top of the mountain in the east, they shined through the clouds onto the land beneath Victor and the others, bathing the huge tree trunk in the sunlight.

As a result, the cracked gap in the giant tree that was about to fall healed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing that he was about to succeed, the skinny man quickly waved the ax unwillingly and kept urging Victor.

Victor stared at the gap in the tree trunk in shock. He was awakened by the other party's shout and quickly swung the ax with all his strength.

However, the ax he chopped got stuck in the gap and could not be pulled out, and was eventually squeezed out by the healing and growing giant tree.

Until then, the tree had returned to its original appearance, leaving no trace on the trunk.

"Damn it!!!"

The skinny man roared and threw away the wood-cutting ax, crouched on the ground with his head in his hands and moaned repeatedly.

"It was just a little bit close! It was just a little bit close. Why didn't you show up earlier?"

Victor gasped, and finally understood the reason why this man had not chopped down the tree until now - every time the sun rose, the tree would grow back intact, and his day's work would be in vain.

This reminded Victor of the myth of Sisyphus in his previous life.

The protagonist inside was punished for offending the gods and was trapped in a place. According to the requirements of the gods, he kept pushing a huge boulder up the mountain top.

And because the boulder was too heavy, it always rolled down the mountain before reaching the top of the mountain, causing the hero to lose all his previous efforts.

So he kept repeating it and doing it endlessly.

The gods believe that there is no more severe punishment than performing such ineffective and hopeless labor, in which the life of the hero is slowly consumed.

This skinny man is trapped here and keeps cutting down trees. As long as he cannot complete the work before dawn the next day, the wound on the tree will grow back. Isn't this the same...


Well, Shivers...

Even the names are so similar.

Victor is now more convinced that the thin man in front of him is Shivers, although the other party does not admit it.

However, at this moment, the thin man suddenly raised his head and looked at Victor.

He realized something and was immediately filled with joy.

"Yes! If you could help me chop down the tree earlier, wouldn't we have succeeded?" He picked up the ax again, "Now let's continue! If you cooperate with me at dawn, we will definitely be able to do it before the sun rises tomorrow.

Cut this tree down!"

What he said made sense, but Victor felt quite tired and wanted to take a rest.

As a result, the other party urged: "Rest is reserved for the dead. Help me get out of here, and I will tell you the ultimate secret of this world!"

"But... didn't you say I was dead?" Victor reluctantly picked up the ax and continued to cut down the trees.

"Oh, right!" The skinny man suddenly realized, but then he changed the subject, "How did you die?"

"Don't you know?" Victor shrugged and wiped the sweat from his forehead, "Maybe he was trampled to death by that monster..."

The skinny man raised his ax and struck hard, then continued to ask: "What kind of monster?"

Victor thought for a while: "A... weird man with a bull's head and a height of four to five meters. I heard others say his name is the Sloppy Duke... It seems that he is a freak born from human beings. It's really incredible..."

Unexpectedly, as soon as Victor finished speaking, the thin man lowered the ax he held high.

He was thoughtful, with a mysterious smile on his lips: "I see, before you came to me, you were trapped in a maze, right?"

"Maze?" Victor felt it sounded familiar, and suddenly remembered that Miria also said something about "Maze" when she dragged them into that desolate world.

"So this lost city? What exactly is it?"

The two men continued to cut down trees.

The skinny man gasped and replied: "That has nothing to do with me, it should be that guy Ninova's baby..."

"Ninova? Who is that?" Victor heard another unfamiliar name.

The skinny man said hehe: "I don't know how long it has been since you were outside. If the Kingdom of Olympia is still there, you should be able to check the history from their files. By then you will find that the name Ninova is actually

The name of a certain king of Olympia."

Victor was stunned.


The skinny man chopped the tree trunk more vigorously: "Yes, at that time we went to Mount Baptistin to inherit the throne, and my brother, the sloppy Duke you mentioned, tried to hinder us. So... my warrior

Guard - Ninova, he released his 'maze', trapping all enemies in front of him so that they would never appear again..."


Victor was stunned for the second time, staring blankly at the skinny man in front of him.

"Wait a minute...you mean...your warrior guard finally became the king of Olympia?"


"But why did you say that Minotaur is your brother?"

"Because in fact, he is my brother, is there a problem?"

"But the sloppy Duke is a freak born to the king..."

"That's true..."

"Are you also a child of the king?"

"That's right..."

"Then why aren't you the king?"

"Because I gave up my throne to my guards..."

The final answer left Victor speechless.

"You gave up the throne to your bodyguard? Why?" He couldn't understand the thoughts of the man in front of him at all. "Didn't you come back to this land to seize the throne?"

Thinking back to that sermon, Victor gradually understood everything that was said in it.

The Sloppy Duke sought help from the gods to gain strength in order to stop the returning Shivers, but he was defeated by the opposing warrior's guarding warriors.

In this way, Shivers should have ascended to the throne, but in the end, he gave up the throne to his guarding warriors.

Even if you have negotiated terms with the other party in the early stage, if the price is so heavy, what is the meaning of returning?

"Because there are things more meaningful than ruling the world!" The thin man stared at the tree trunk, and the ax in his hand became more and more powerful, even faintly surpassing Victor's chopping strength.

The two of them chatted sometimes, and sometimes accelerated their chops. They started chopping from the morning sun up until the evening, until the dawn of the third day approached.

The skinny man was sweating profusely and clenching his teeth as he stared at the tree trunk that was about to be chopped down.

Finally, the tree trunk made a roaring sound that could not resist gravity.

The sun was about to rise, and Victor, who was soaked in sweat, finally heard the sound of approaching victory.


As the traces of both sides intertwined, Victor and the skinny man quickly dodged, and the tree trunk finally fell...

And the moment it touched the ground, the morning sun rose just like yesterday, covering the earth in a warm ocean.

The skinny man did not revel in victory. Perhaps his mentality had changed after being imprisoned for too long. At the moment of real success, he just quietly opened his arms, threw away the ax, and let his dark skin bathe in the sun.


"Succeeded...I finally..."

His words stopped abruptly because the chains under his feet were not broken.

"I...I didn't succeed?"

In a daze, he suddenly raised his head and found that the strange blue flower that originally grew on the trunk and branches of the tree was still hanging in the air, with a light and fragrant fragrance...

This chapter has been completed!
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