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Chapter 551 Orphan

Perhaps because of the sudden close contact, the girl was so nervous that she was at a loss. Her mind was not on answering Victor's question, but she stretched her hand to the side, trying to touch something.

As a result, Victor took the lead and pointed his finger on the girl's chest.

The girl suddenly felt weak all over, and the rapid decrease in heart rate and breathing made her feel intensely sleepy.

When she gradually woke up, Victor had tied her hands and fixed her on a rickety broken chair, with a strange yellow paper taped to her chest.

"Don't move around, and don't try to use your invisible skills to transfer yourself."

Victor sat in front of her, his hands flat on his knees.

"You...what do you want to do?" The girl finally spoke, but the stubbornness in her eyes did not diminish at all.

"You have my hands and feet on you. If you try to move yourself, you will be blown up. Do you understand?" Victor threatened coldly.

The girl's face turned pale and she stopped struggling.

Victor did stick a talisman on her body, but he never thought about actually blowing her up, he was just trying to scare her.

After all, he needed to confirm some things first and extract information from the girl.

"Let me ask you again, what is your relationship with San Sain?"

"Who? Who is San Sain?" The girl looked nervous, with sweat on her forehead.

Don’t you know Father Sang?

Victor frowned, then took the photo frame over, pointed at the man standing on the right and said to her: "Who is this man? Is it your father?"

The girl stared at the man dressed as a postman, bit her lips and nodded.

Victor's eyes flickered and he sighed inwardly.

Unexpectedly, Father Sang’s daughter is actually her...

The old man did say that he had descendants, but he didn't say that his child actually lived like this... working as a thief in a slum with a group of orphans...

Oh no……

Maybe the old man doesn't know his daughter's current life at all.

"Do you know where your father is now?" Victor asked the girl.

There was a hint of sadness in the girl's nervous eyes.

"Mother said he was dead..."

"When did this happen?"

"Before my mother died."

Victor felt strange. It sounded like the old man had abandoned the mother and daughter very early. What made him so decisive?

Victor didn't know the ins and outs of the matter and who was right or wrong, but the girl in front of him was so lonely and misguided, all of this must be directly related to the old man.

"I heard those kids calling you Zoe, is that your name?"


"What's your last name?"

"I don't know, mother didn't tell me..."

"That's it..."

Victor shut up, and then he discovered that there was something fishy behind the picture frame. It seemed that he could open the piece and take out a piece of yellowed paper from inside.

Zoe saw Victor's move and let out a soft "Ah".

Victor looked at her: "Do you know there is a letter hidden behind this photo?"

Zoe stared and shook her head.

It turns out that after all these years, she didn't notice the strangeness of the photo frame.

Victor ignored her, unfolded the yellow paper and took a look, then fell silent for a moment.

It turns out that this letter was written by Father Sang to Zoe's mother. Victor read it and finally understood the secret hidden between them.

The old man was a postman when he was young. In the process of delivering letters, he met Zoe's mother, a prostitute who lived alone in the suburbs.

Father Sang knew the identity of the other party, but he was also a low-level person on the edge of food and clothing at the time. There was no class barrier between him and Zoe's mother, and Zoe's mother, besides having a disgraceful career, was also a gentle woman.


So, they fell in love in the cracks of the city.

Suddenly one day, Father Sang received the opportunity given by the church, allowing him to serve as a priest and even become a seer, but his faith and loyalty must be tested.

However, this kind of test could not tolerate his wife who had been a prostitute.

So, the old man did a very heartless thing. He abandoned the mother and daughter, gave them a sum of money and left alone...

This letter should have been sent to Zoe's mother after the old man left. It recalled their past and Father Sang's regret.

But no matter how much he apologized to Zoe's mother, he never chose to come over to see the mother and daughter. He just sent them a sum of money on time every year to support their living.


Victor knew that Father Sang was dead and no one would send them money from then on.

"Do you know why your father left you?" Victor asked.

Zoe said lightly: "He dislikes us for being disgraceful..."

Victor laughed dumbly: "So you must hate him very much."

"No..." Zoe's answer was unexpected, "Because he is right."

After reaching this conclusion, Victor's intention to comfort the other party was gone.

Facing the father who abandoned him, the child could still calmly say these words. This is simply numb and habitual.

Victor felt a sense of sadness from the girl's answer.

Father Sang expressed his regret in the letter, but he could not go back to see them due to professional reasons.

It was hard for Victor to comment on this kind of behavior, but if he really had to comment, the old man would be a big scumbag.

Shortly after the death of Father Sang, mother and daughter Zoe, who lost their financial resources, fell into embarrassment in life. However, their mother happened to be frail and sick, and she died soon after receiving no medical treatment.

This may be why Zoe became a thief...

Victor stood up and thought about what to do with her.

Zoe is obviously related to the theft of the President's plan. If the mastermind behind it can be caught through her, she will be a key witness.

Therefore, Victor decided to send her to the Inspection Bureau for interrogation first.

But just when he was about to take action, he suddenly felt that the Qi around him began to become disordered.

Before he could discover the reason, a gunshot sounded from the roof.

The bullet passed by Victor and hit Zoe, who was restrained.

The girl screamed loudly and was hit by a bullet in the left chest, and she immediately rolled back.

There was a bang, that was the sound of the golden curse being broken.

Victor turned around and looked behind him, his eyes narrowed instantly.

"Sure enough, we are here to silence you!"

It turned out that in order to prevent this situation when Zoe was unconscious, he secretly drew a golden spell on Zoe.

It's that strange yellow paper. Yes, that's not a fire spell.

It was originally a precautionary measure, but it turned out that Victor got it right.

The shooter was hiding on the roof of the dilapidated house, lying there, holding a rifle whose model could not be seen clearly.

After knocking Zoe over with one shot, he pulled the bolt, and then aimed at Victor again.

But who knew that Victor's figure disappeared on the spot, which surprised the assassin on the spot.

He hurriedly got up and moved his position, but suddenly found a flying card flying over from the front.

With a bang, an explosion in mid-air shook him away, and then he fell to the eaves with half of his body on fire, rolling on the ground in pain.

Victor's figure emerged and gradually approached him. As a result, the man endured the pain, climbed up from the ground, grabbed a child who had not had time to hide away, and held him hostage in front of him.

What he did next made Victor unexpected.

He pulled out a small knife and cut the child's skin. Under the other's cry, the burns on his body healed visibly.

This chapter has been completed!
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