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Chapter 560: Mythical Characteristics

Pan's skin? The material from which the Declaration of Liberty was written?

So what if you know this? Why can you understand the purpose of the thief?

Victor spread his hands to show that he still didn't understand.

Stanford replied expressionlessly: "How about you go back and ask your minister?"

Putting down his hands, Victor sneered: "To be honest, I'm more interested in why you want to talk to me alone."

Stanford, who was originally expressionless, frowned.

Victor continued: "Your attitude towards me today is very strange, and it is completely inconsistent with your past behavior, so what is it for? Are you pretending to hate the Anti-Suppression Department very much?"

"I'm not pretending..." Stanford looked sideways at the paintings on the wall, "I'm just being cautious."

At the end of the conversation between the two, Stanford warned Victor that because of the theft of the "Declaration of Freedom", he would adopt the highest level of defense and force all unnecessary internal affairs work in the White Crown to be stopped except for the Platinum Tower, and all areas would be handed over to security.

The Security Department is responsible for management.

At that time, no outside personnel will be allowed to enter the White Crown, including the Anti-Suppression Department and the Inspection Bureau, and no one will be allowed to enter even if they make an appointment in advance.

Victor was a little confused about what Stanford was planning to do, but in order to find out the role of Pan's Skin, he planned to send a telegram to William.

Not a day after this telegram was sent out, a clue was sent back from Renekton. After getting the translation from the telegraph operator inside the Police Bureau, Victor got a brief message - someone was planning to become a master!

This information comes from the answer given by the Minister of Defense and Suppression to Victor, which is also William's answer. However, he did not explain in detail, he just said that someone is going to become a knower...

He stood in front of the window sill of Tony's office, pondering over the meaning of this passage.

"Pan's Skin...the demi-god race, knows..."

From the time he came to this world until now, Victor has witnessed two seers at close range trying to achieve understanding, one succeeding and the other failing.

The one who succeeded was William Marshall, and the one who failed was Latomond Davis.

He remembered that Rathomund had made many preparations in order to become the Knower.

First of all, because he is a path secret transmission, there is no corresponding path to understanding. To become an understander, you must seize the understanding qualification of the connected seer.

Secondly, he captured a purple-robed priest and made him go through the ritual of enlightenment so that he could find the location of the door after stepping into the thick fog.

In the end, he also prepared a copy of the Secret Secret of Meat, as the key to open the door, and planned to snatch the purple-robed priest's qualification at the last moment.

Such deliberate accumulation here ended in failure.

Looking back now, Victor gradually figured out the problem.

"What should Rathomond have overlooked that caused the plan to fail...could it be that he was missing something similar to Pan's Skin?"

He felt that the key to understanding was probably this, but now that the Minister had no time to explain in detail, Victor had to find another knowledgeable person to confirm.

The first person who came to mind was Rianlong. Victor went to the public university in Sanfran to look for him, but found out from his college tutor that Rianlong seemed to be sick and had not been at the college for several days.

Victor gave up, and when he left the public university, he suddenly thought of another person.

"Hat Master?"

He remembered the other party's true identity, a member of the Alphabet Society. What if that organization had traded something similar to Pan's Skin in the past?

They must know the value of that thing.

So, Victor followed his memory back to the building and tried to enter the club through the exit door.

Then he discovered that the club had actually moved. The place where the stage was originally set up was already empty, and the floor was littered with junk.

Broken tables and chairs with missing arms and legs were piled up in the center of the stage. The thick curtains that blocked the external light were torn down, and the sunlight from the window shone in, converging on the stage.

The puppet controlled by the Hat Master was abandoned in a pile of debris, staring blankly at the empty space with wide eyes.

Victor walked around the field, shaking his head and sighing.

Although he was very depressed, he also clearly understood the reason for the club's relocation.

Just when Victor was about to leave, suddenly, the puppet doll sleeping in the debris tilted its neck and looked at Victor as if its eyes were filled with souls.

The two halves of wood made a snapping sound with their mouths, and the voice of the Hat Master himself came from inside.

"I've finally waited for you, Mr. Detective. I was originally thinking about taking my precious toys back."

Facing the puppet that suddenly spoke, Victor was not frightened. He was just stunned for a moment, and then started talking naturally.

"What's wrong? Did you leave this doll on purpose to inform me of the club's new address?"

Faced with Victor's teasing, the Hat Master gave an unexpected answer.

"But the reality is that the club will never open again, and I kept the puppets for other things."

"Oh?" Victor was slightly surprised, but instead of following the conversation, he went straight to the point and stated his purpose first.

"Don't talk about your things first, let's talk about mine."

After he finished speaking, the hat master began to guess his purpose: "You are here to discuss business, right?"

"Half of a guess is correct, but I don't know the use of that thing yet, so... I still need information." Victor lied and said that he was here for a transaction to deceive the other party.

The Hat Master's puppet was silent for a moment, and opened and closed its mouth again: "Okay, let's talk about your business first. What do you want?"

"Pan's skin!" Victor narrowed his eyes and stared at the doll.

The puppet was stunned, and then the Hat Master laughed: "You don't know the use of Pan's skin, but you want to buy it? Don't think of me as a fool, Mr. Inspector, you are so insincere."

"Then just treat it like I'm spending money to buy information, how about that?" Victor didn't apologize and changed his words according to the prevailing situation.

The Hat Master continued to smile: "What you want is just information, but you lied to me. If it were in the past, I would definitely reject you, but it is different now. I am willing to tell you what it is."

After speaking, under Victor's solemn expression, the Hat Master told him everything he wanted to know.

"Pan is a sub-god. If someone peels off their skin but not to make it into a relic, it will only have one use - mythological properties."

"Mythological characteristics?" Victor frowned.

The puppet continued: "That is a necessary condition for becoming a knower. In addition to knowing the ritual and the four secret transmissions, the nature seer also needs a mythical characteristic as a key... Yes, the four secret transmissions do not open the path to understanding.

The key is the mythical characteristics, and the mythical characteristics only exist in the demi-gods."

After hearing this, Victor suddenly realized a problem.

"Wait a minute, if becoming a knower requires parts of the demigod's body, would it be easy for those demigods themselves to become a knower?"

The puppet let out a cackle of laughter: "Hehehehe... Now you understand, in fact, this world was not created for humans from the beginning."

This chapter has been completed!
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