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Chapter 573 The weight of votes

"I can exchange things I can lift with items I can see within sight. The difference in weight and volume between the two cannot be too large, and... the distance cannot be too far."

Zoe was wearing a thin prison uniform, her hair was loose and her right shoulder was exposed, she looked lazy and sleepy.

She was yawning when she answered these words, and her tone was impatient, because the Inspection Bureau had already interrogated her on this question several times.

"Distance... you always say the distance shouldn't be too far. Is there a specific number?" Victor asked next.

Zoe touched her cheek and recalled, and after a long time she said uncertainly: "About...one hundred meters?"

After coming out of the cell, Victor ran into Tony Carlos, who was explaining things to a subordinate. When he saw Victor, he immediately asked him: "What did the child say? Have you decided how to deal with her?"

Victor raised his eyebrows and said something to Tony, who's eyes widened immediately after hearing this.

"What? You want to..."

"Yes, I need her help." Victor insisted back before Tony could refute.

Tony's face was extremely ugly: "Do you know the risks of doing this? Let me tell you, although I can't restrain you, if something goes wrong, you have to take responsibility yourself!"

This kind of blame-shifting words did not scare Victor, he still insisted on his idea until Tony agreed.

"Okay, but if neither of you dies, you still have to send her back until the final judgment."

Victor agreed, then left here and went to the place where the telegram was sent, entrusting the staff there to send a telegram to Mike in Renekton.

He needs to convey some information to Mike about how to solve the disappearance of Will Evans.

First of all, now is the critical moment and it is impossible for him to leave Sanfran, so it is suggested that Mike go to Incense Mansion and find the "groomman" in the backyard there.

Victor told Mike that the "groomman" would assist him.

But if the other party is not happy, Victor's trick for Mike is to use the reason that the other party owes rent as a reason to force him to submit.

After sending the telegram message, Victor found a deserted place and entered the secret cabin, preparing to make the final arrangements to the Taoist audience...

Victory or defeat depends on this...

Back to Renekton, a serious incident occurred before, that is, an office of the National Security Council in Renekton disappeared without any reason.

And coincidentally, that office was Varun Galilean's office.

In other words, someone used some means to attack the chairman of the Security Committee.

Fortunately, he did not have any accidents and reported the bad incident to President George Floyd.

"I guess the rebels are trying to get rid of me first and then attack you, Mr. President."

Listening to Warren's report, President George put his legs on the table in front of him and was still chewing candy in his mouth.

"Yeah... you're still alive anyway, just be careful."

He spoke carelessly, as if he didn't care at all about the life of the Chairman of the Safety Committee.

However, Varun Galilean was obviously very concerned about the safety of President George, so he said: "My last suggestion is to cancel the speech at Independence Square. There is no need to risk your life."

President George chewed the candy in his mouth and made a crisp sound.

"No, carry on as usual. If you don't dare to go on stage, your opponent will do it. Then you will lose a lot of public opinion. Even if the essence of running for president...has nothing to do with popular votes, you have to convince the public no matter what.

Are you right?"

Warren's eyelids twitched after hearing this, but he didn't refute again.

George continued to issue orders: "Before the start, clear out all the idle personnel and arrange favorable positions for the newspaper reporters. All security forces will be handed over to you. The Renekton Police Department and the Police Department are not allowed to enter the speech area.

, let them be responsible for security on the periphery.”

In other words, the guards near the podium are all White Crown's own people, and are arranged and responsible by Valen.

This seemed to be exactly what he expected.

"By the way, I remember that you have a capable man named...Spencer? Why didn't you see him again in the second half of the trip?"

Faced with the president's inquiry, Wallen simply replied: "I arranged for him to perform other tasks."

"Oh?" President George smiled playfully, his eyes seeming to see through the heart of the man in front of him.

The latter remained calm and his expression did not change at all, but when he walked out of the room, his teeth bit his lip fiercely.

A guard noticed the blood on the corner of Warren's mouth and reminded him kindly, but he glared back.

"No need to worry about me... maybe you should worry more about yourselves..."

Throwing out an incomprehensible remark that left the guards confused, Varun Galilan walked out of the house.

A few days later, the Renekton canvassing event that had been planned for a long time officially started!

The Liberal Party, dominated by the White Crown, has built a large podium in Independence Square. Only the most famous newspapers have the opportunity to seize the front position. Those reporters surrounded the podium. A little further away is the National Security Council.

Security guards kept the rioting citizens of Renekton away from the podium.

This event was announced in advance and made public, so all the monsters in the city knew about it two or three days ago.

In order to regain ground, the Progressives also occupied territory on the other side of Independence Square, allowing George Floyd's opponents to set up a slightly smaller podium there.

Although the White Crown is powerful in the north and Sanfran, most of the politicians in Renekton are members of the Progressive Party.

As a result, the Progressive Party's agitators mingled among the citizens, constantly exerting pressure on the presidential camp, shouting from time to time, and pretending to break through the cordon outside the podium.

Before the president even took the stage, the previous Liberal official to speak was under intense pressure.

However, at this critical moment, Varun Galilan was absent...

"Your Excellency, the Chairman of the Security Committee is not in his room, and we have no idea of ​​his whereabouts." A person from the Platinum Tower ran over to report to George.

As he was about to give a speech on stage, the president was hiding behind him with his legs crossed, eating chocolate.

He didn't seem to be too surprised by Wallen's absence, and he didn't even care about the troubles caused by the instigators. He still ordered all relevant personnel to stick to their posts and continue their activities.

Fortunately, White Crown's own guards were well-trained and much more reliable than ordinary police. They built a human wall and, with their tough bodies and tough attitudes, did not let any irrelevant personnel cross the line of defense.

Now inside the cordon, apart from the security force of the National Security Council, there are only a few important officials with white crowns around the president and the reporters in the VIP seats in front of the podium.

Journalists have been strictly vetted and cannot have Progressive Party backgrounds or any other issues.

As a result, the speech activity was carried out effectively according to the procedures. Officials with white crowns took the stage to give speeches one after another. The voices of support and opposition below coexisted, and they were evenly matched.

Although the Progressive Party's agitators shouted happily, they did not really attack the defense line.

If someone has strong insight, he will definitely find that some guys mixed in the crowd are making eyes at the guards...

This chapter has been completed!
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