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Chapter 604 The Deep Minister

Upon hearing this, the new lady immediately took out a stack of paper from under the counter, then dipped a retro quill pen in some ink and handed it to Zoe.

Victor noticed the difference. The papers recording Zoe's personal information did not seem to be the ones Sharti had taken out.

He remembered that the paper Sharti took out for him to fill in the information was from a relic called the "Roll of Heroic Spirits."

Once written, the text will disappear and can only be seen by the minister using a special method.

Maybe this lady had just arrived and Minister William didn't trust her that much, so he didn't give her that kind of paper.

After some guessing, Victor didn't think much and immediately urged Zoe to fill in her information.

"You have to note that if you are afraid of exposing your abilities and identity, you can refuse to tell other people in the Anti-Suppression Department this information and only call yourself by your code name..."

Victor told Zoe the rules he had heard from Sharti, and then confirmed with the lady at the front desk whether the filled-in contents would be properly kept.

After hearing this, Zoe thought of a code name for herself: "I want to be...number 100, is that okay?"

What a coincidence, the number Zoe chose happened to be one higher than Victor, she seemed to have done it on purpose.

After looking at the girl's expression, triumph was written all over her face, Victor sighed and did not argue with her, and then asked the lady at the front desk if she could arrange a place for Zoe to stay.

However, at this moment, Victor heard a call in his mind.

That is a long-lost feeling, from William Marshall.

Until now, Victor still hasn't figured out why William can directly transmit the voice into his mind.

He had never communicated with William in his mind, as if the transmission of messages into the secret was one-way and did not require Victor to answer.

He asked Zoe to stay near the counter, while he walked to the aisle and looked at William's office.

The door there was ajar, and the light from inside was projected, proving that there was someone in the office.

Since the last meeting was canceled, Victor has not had a face-to-face chat with William. He originally thought that the other person was still staying in Sanfran, but he did not expect that the minister came back before Victor.

Zoe was curiously asking the lady at the front desk about the situation of the Anti-Suppression Department. The two had a very interesting conversation and laughed again and again.

Victor came back to his senses, walked towards the door of William's office, and pushed it open.

As expected, Mr. Minister was sitting inside, with his back to the door, looking out at the city outside the window.

For some reason, Victor felt that his aura had changed, becoming gloomy, elusive, and a little dangerous.

In the past, he always dozed off because of the oneness of sex taught in the Tamitra, but for some reason he was in good spirits now.

"Back?" William asked Victor coldly.

Victor thought of what the President reminded him, but did not reveal his scruples. He nodded naturally and moved the chair in front of his desk to sit down.

William then turned around and saw Victor already sitting down, so he frowned.

"You seem to have forgotten your identity, Mr. Victor. This is not the way to answer your boss's questions."

It was the first time that Victor saw William demanding himself so strictly. Victor was a little surprised, but he still didn't get up.

William didn't say anything more. After sitting down, he took out a cigar from the drawer and lit it.

"I need you to report to me. What did you do during your time in Sanfran?"

Victor knew that he would definitely be questioned by William, so he told the other party in an orderly manner the words he had already thought of.

He told William that the actor showed up and thought he had deceived Victor, so he was later plotted and killed by Victor.

What Victor didn't say was that he got the original copy of the "Declaration of Liberty", as well as the Shivers Lectures and the Secret Transmission of Nocturnal Aspects III.

William thought for a moment and asked Victor if he had recovered the performer's secret biography.

"No, the battle was fierce at that time. I used fire to burn the opponent to ashes. The secret message has been annihilated."

After receiving this answer, William was only slightly disappointed.

"That's it... then forget it."

He paused for a moment, and then a sharp look suddenly flashed in his eyes.

"The other party's target is what's in the crystal tower?"


"Did he succeed?"

"I don't know, but even if he got anything, I burned it all."

After some exchanges, William's eyes gradually narrowed into slits.

Victor knew that the other party did not believe him, so he was thinking about how to make excuses in his mind.

However, William suddenly asked about that thing.

"Did you find a sermon on the scene."

"Sermon?" Victor's face was confused, but his heart skipped a beat.

Could it be that... Mr. Minister knows about Shivers's lecture notes?

Victor remained calm, denying his knowledge anyway, and looked at William with doubtful eyes, and asked him: "What is that?"

William stared at Victor's eyes for a long time. He would definitely suspect Victor of lying, but there was no evidence.

After a long time, he looked away from Victor's face, and then rubbed his eyes, as if he was very tired.

Victor didn't complain, but waited quietly.

"According to rumors, that set of sermons hides the most essential secrets of the world and is the most dangerous taboo. There may be a copy hidden in the crystal tower of the White Crown...Sealing it is a consensus reached by the Hand of God Council and cannot be circulated.

In the world, so if you accidentally pick it up, I hope you will hand it over and send it to the core area of ​​​​the Anti-Suppression Department for safekeeping." After William rubbed his eyes, he immediately explained to Victor.

At first glance, these words sounded like William was just fulfilling his duty to safeguard national security as the Minister of Defense and Suppression.

But Victor had serious distrust of this minister today.

Since the sermon is stored in the crystal tower, it belongs to the White Crown. Even if it is sent back, it should be given to the White Crown or the President, but William wants Victor to give it to him...

The most important thing is the sixth chapter!

Chapter Six!

Victor suddenly felt that William must know about Chapter 6 of Shivers' Lectures, and he wanted to use this opportunity to quietly take that sermon as his own!

Therefore, Victor must not show that he has read the sermon. On the contrary, he is also playing tricks on himself, trying to get the secret of Shivers's lectures from William.

"One copy? Are there many copies of that sermon?" Victor asked.

William frowned, as if he was thinking about whether to answer, but in the end he answered: "It is said that there are thirty-six articles in total."

"There are so many...why should it be listed as a banned book? Have you read the contents of one of them?" Victor continued.

However, William never answered any more questions about Shivers' lecture notes.

When Victor saw this, he was about to say goodbye and leave. At this moment, William suddenly took out a letter from the drawer and handed it to Victor.

"This is the letter Miss Charlotte left for you before she resigned."

This chapter has been completed!
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