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Chapter 609: Extremely jealous

Revenge is always overrated. People naively think that it will miraculously erase grief, but this is often not the case.

On that day, although she witnessed the death of the performer with her own eyes, Abigail's mood was only relaxed for a moment. The hatred and grief in the past turned into tears and poured out. However, after the dust settled, she did not feel satisfied in her heart.


The enemy is dead, but the living are still suffering from the pain of life.

Needing a goal to persevere, Abigail knew that her revenge was not completely over. She had to personally subvert the empire that made her miserable, and even face the gods who abandoned her and kill them...

"Mr. Yi will be on my side..."

The only peace of mind is the terrifying power that the person truly showed, and fortunately, this power is on her side.

In the rest of her life, Abigail planned to use the fanatical ghost fire in the disaster area to raise a large amount of funds for their worshipers of the past, and based on this, she planned to overthrow the Greybean Empire.

However, things are unpredictable. Not long after, Sabrina noticed the attention of the Velen Inspection Bureau on Zealot Fire.

Those guys will definitely find an opportunity to come in and look for the birthplace of this anti-death item.

So, after consulting Abigail, the old priest gave a solution.

"We are not yet strong enough to be enemies of the empire's official institutions, so I propose that all those precious plants be moved out."

Sabrina obeyed silently, and she would hardly question Abigail's authority now.

It's a tough decision, and Abigail knows it all too well.

If all the Wild Fires were dug up, they would lose the "soil" that gave birth to this death-resistant plant.

In other words, it is possible that no new fanatical ghost fire will grow in that pool in the future.

But there is no way. If you don't do this, things will fall into the hands of the Greybean Empire sooner or later.

So, the worshipers of the past, led by Abigail, went to the pool.

But what is surprising is that the large number of fanatical ghost fires that originally grew here have all disappeared without a trace.

Just like the old believers who originally stayed here to guard the fanatical ghost fire...

Someone took the lead and poached all the Zealot Fire!

The old believers were deeply aware of this, and had the same idea as the police officers who arrived at the same time.

Yes, it was such a coincidence that the Inspection Bureau and the Old Believers arrived at the place of growth at the same time, but neither saw any trace of the Zealot Fire, and at the same time they suspected that they had been poached by the other party first.

As a result, the Old Believers began to attack these humans, and the team led by Dardaniel also fought back against the Old Believers.

They first fired with ordinary bullets, which had little effect on the deformed old believers. In an instant, two investigators had their necks strangled by the strange octopus tentacles.

This was the first time for Daniel to meet the worshipers of the past, and he had no idea about the details of this group of cultists.

But fortunately, investigators have been fully equipped with special bullets invented by the Inspection Bureau not long ago.

He called on his two remaining subordinates to change their bullets, and then opened fire on the worshipers of the past.

The bullet hit the deformed face of an old worshiper. Its head instantly froze, its body fell straight down, and its head was shattered...

This is the kind of frozen bullet used by the Renekton Police Bureau not long ago, specifically used to deal with the squirming protoplasm.

Unexpectedly, the Velen Police Bureau was also equipped with this new type of ammunition.

In an instant, the Inspection Bureau eliminated three old believers. When Dardaniel aimed his gun at the fourth cultist, suddenly, a strange voice seemed to ring from his ears.

"Ahororr'e n'ghft ng being member ot h'..."

Very strange words, whose meaning could not be understood, but they made Dardaniel feel dizzy, his mind and body were shaken, and there seemed to be terrible hallucinations in front of his eyes.

The subordinates around me also showed signs of madness, and the obscene language seemed to be destroying people's mental bodies.

Dardaniel understood that this must be an invisible technique, so it must be countered.

He hid behind the cover, avoiding the twisted limbs of the cultists, then took a deep breath and suddenly shouted: "Please answer the magician!"

This cry was inexplicable, but it carried another invisible power from Daniel himself.

Not long ago, he was the secret agent of the Judgment Path. However, because of his recent success in handling cases, he received a reward from the Velen Intelligence Bureau. A copy of the diverted secret agent was handed over to him, and he was successfully promoted to the secret agent.

The second secret of the trial path: the inquisitor.

Unlike Renekton's Suppression Division, Velen's Reconnaissance Bureau accepts non-sexual seers.

Therefore, it is legal for seers who study the secret transmission of the path to serve in the Velen Inspection Bureau.

The inquisitor's ability is to make all people whose mental bodies are inferior to his ask questions and answer them immediately.

Whatever you ask someone, you have to answer whether he is willing or not.

Therefore, Dardaniel used his invisible skills to make the mysterious man who was hiding in the dark and reciting obscene words appear.

In less than a second, he heard a cough and the sound of rubble and rolling stones, but no one answered.

But it didn't matter, the coughing sound had revealed the man's position, and Daniel leaned out from behind the bunker and fired a shot in that direction.

The bullet hit a pillar, causing it to instantly form into icicles, and the woman behind quickly dodged out of the way.

In an instant, the dirty words in Daniel's ears that were polluting people's hearts stopped.

"is her!"

He saw the woman with strange patterns painted on her face. The woman was affected by his invisible technique just now, and she just coughed and did not answer.

This shows that her mental body is superior to that of Dardaniel, which reflects that the other party's secret transmission level is higher than that of Dardaniel!

The brief surprise failed to make the experienced agent flinch. Instead, he quickly loaded his bullet and killed two cultists who were about to attack his subordinates.

The woman with a strange pattern on her face had a cold expression and only said coldly: "Dangerous weapons." Then the obscene language that made him feel extremely uncomfortable suddenly appeared in Daniel's mind.

This time it was quite violent, causing the two subordinates to bleed almost instantly, their minds and bodies shattered, and they turned into hysterical lunatics.

Daniel almost couldn't resist anymore and aimed at the woman with all his strength and shot.

The bullet hit, but only hit the woman's arm.

The woman screamed and hurriedly retreated, covering her arms.

She is a little different from those deformed cult members in that her body has not mutated.

Daniel continued to aim at the moment when the obscene words disappeared, but suddenly a strange tentacle appeared above his head and swept towards him.

In an instant, a feeling of extreme danger broke out, and his subconscious told Daniel that this tentacle was different from others, and he must not let it touch him, not even once!

So Daniel crouched down to avoid the tentacle attack.

Then he saw another woman's figure appearing on the roof beam in front of him.

The tentacles retracted into the woman's cuffs. Under the sunlight, the woman's skin appeared crystal clear, as delicate as white jade carving.

Shock suddenly surged into Daniel's heart, and he suddenly felt that the woman in front of him looked familiar!

This chapter has been completed!
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