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Chapter 612: The Colonels Anger

"Not over here."

Ethan whispered a reminder in Adolf's ear, then led him deeper inside, and found a group of strange people in a hidden room.


Adolf's eyes swept across the room, which was covered with colorful carpets and various woven fabrics. Three men and two women were each lying lazily on their own cushions, shirtless, smoking some kind of strong


Their appearance is different from the Bain people or the Valentan people. Both men and women have wavy hair, full of exotic style.

Adolf certainly recognized this people, but was very curious as to why they were here.

In the black market of slave trade, a room was specially opened for this group of Sepgi people to rest and do business. This is too abnormal.

You know, this nation is not popular around the world. People always think that the Saipuji are thieves and liars.

"This is it, let me do it..." Ethan stabilized Adolf's mood, and then looked at Kino coldly.

The latter didn't want to participate in their actions. He immediately looked up at the sky and saw nothing.

Therefore, the Sarcens communicated with this group of Sepgis in their language.

Then, a male Sepgi with eyeshadow on his eyes stretched out his hand, grabbed certain herbs from several woven baskets, wrapped them in a piece of brown paper and handed them to Ethan.

Ethan just reached out to take it, but the man squeezed it tightly, and then muttered, seeming to be discussing the price.

Ethan turned to look at Adolf and said: "A total of 100 farka is needed."

100 farka is not a big number for a character like Victor, but for Adolf and others wandering in the wilderness, it is a bit difficult.

This is an income that many low-level workers cannot achieve in a year.

"We can't afford so much money at the moment, just a few herbs. Are these Sepgi people blackmailing us?" Adolf responded coldly.

Ethan's face was gloomy and he replied: "They are not ordinary Sepgi. They are familiar with many magic potion formulas. They know very well that the few plant medicinal materials we got are intended to prepare Orange Dream."

"So that's it..." Adolf narrowed his eyes and seemed to be making some kind of plan.

Ethan guessed it and quickly reminded: "Don't take action. It will not be beneficial to us to deal with them. It will be difficult for you to find similar businessmen in this land."

Adolf turned to look at him: "So...where does the money come from?"

"Maybe we can discuss and get them a discount?" Chino's interruption proved that he was actually paying attention to this matter throughout the process.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, a commotion broke out outside.

There were gunshots, and people were scurrying around like headless flies in the black market.

Heavy leather boots stepped tightly on the ground, and the slaves who were on display were killed one after another by the bullets of the intruders.

The leader in military uniform stepped into the center of the field and stepped on the chest of a dead slave. The blood on the latter's body was soon stained with the shiny leather boots.

A soldier handed a white handkerchief to his commander. The latter took it, bent down and quickly wiped his leather boots, and then stood up, proud.

Some soldiers fired into the air and shouted loudly, trying to control the frightened buyers.

"Standing in front of you is the Army Colonel of the United States of Cyclades - His Excellency Azod Naboos. He is in charge of all military fortresses and troops in the two lands of Missouri and Valentana...

The "Abolition of Slavery Act" of the United States of Sekerik is now implemented, and our army will investigate and deal with this underground trading area in accordance with the law!"

The army colonel with a cigar in his mouth threw away the white handkerchief and waved his hand. A group of soldiers swarmed in with guns on their shoulders. They ordered everyone to turn their backs and stand against the wall, and then kicked them away one by one.

He closed the door of the room tightly and arrested all the people inside.

Finally, they found the Sepgi's room...

He was just about to make a deal and almost got the goods, but he encountered this unexpected situation. When Ethan saw that the Sepujians were forcibly escorted out of the room by the army, he couldn't help but want to take action.

However, Adolf stopped him, and asked Kino to control his form so as not to reveal his true identity as a ghoul, and asked them to wait patiently.

Sure enough, this brutal behavior of the army aroused dissatisfaction among several manor owners who purchased slaves.

They refused to obey the order and turned back to the wall. Instead, they stood in front and faced the army colonel without fear of death.

"Mighty Colonel Azod Nabbs, your reputation has spread far and wide. After taking over the eastern military, it has spread throughout the streets. Even the cows on my farm will be scared to death when they hear your name.

The babies are stuffed back into the cow's womb! Do you know why? Because you will take away all the value of production."

The slave owner's words seemed to wake up the guests around him, and some of them turned around and looked at the soldiers in front of them angrily.

Taking off his cigar, Azold rudely blew the smoke into the faces of the guys who were mocking him.

"Your Excellency the President has been re-elected, and the White Crown's decree must be supported."

"Fart! You just dislike the little money we give you!" A chubby slave owner pointed at Azold's nose and cursed.

As a result, more and more people followed suit.

"You have almost killed all the Valentine people now. Why do we still have to pay the so-called 'protection fee to prevent barbarians from plundering'?"

"When Cornwall was here, you didn't even dare to challenge Thomas."

"The benefits offered by Minx Energy are much better than those of your military! You should go find Lucches Herbert and compare the differences between you and that gentleman!"

"Butcher and industrialist? Haha..."

"Sooner or later, the east belongs to Minks Energy. Your army should have withdrawn from the stage of history long ago. I advise you to try your best to cooperate with Mr. Gunter Herbert before you lose power."

The contradictions between certain interest groups were exposed in front of Adolf. He raised his hands in the air and pretended to surrender, but he had been analyzing and eavesdropping on the conversations between the manor owners and the colonel.

Soon, Adolf learned some clues.

This army colonel should be the senior official in charge of the eastern military. In the past, he had been collecting "protection fees" from these eastern manor owners on the grounds of resisting the intrusion of the Valentine natives.

But this should have been his responsibility, and the so-called "protection money" ultimately went into his personal pocket.

The slave owners had long been dissatisfied with this behavior, and because the Valentines were so oppressed and rarely appeared in the colonial areas, they united, refused to pay protection fees, and fought against Colonel Azold.

In the past, the largest company in the east was Cornwall Energy. Thomas had always been on good terms with Azold, but now that it was taken over by Minx Energy, the latter signed an agreement with these manor owners and planned to use their land to purchase

The rewards for various advanced industries are generous acquisition fees or dividend profits, and mercenaries are also sent to protect these cooperative assets.

In this way, the army and the military, which can only "wield swords and guns", appear useless, and the farmers' resistance becomes stronger.

Therefore, this so-called implementation of the presidential decree is false. Azood's actions today are obviously to establish power for these guys!

This chapter has been completed!
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