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Chapter 45 Wild Hunt

The gods seem to be silent...

The "people of Nippur" living in the city of Akkad felt the distance from the great race for the first time.

The "sun" hanging on the top of the giant tower seemed to become dim, and the statue of the Hero King in front of the temple seemed unable to hear their prayers.

What's more, the wailing sounds and miserable moans that come from the temple every once in a while impact the pious heart of every believer.

The spirit was truly silent, refusing to convey His will and respond to the prayers of believers amid the agony of the high priest.

The root of all problems is that the high priest can no longer serve as a bridge between believers and gods. Some kind of transformation has occurred in him, so that he has been in extreme pain from yesterday to now.

"Herbs! Artifacts! Holy water!"

He kept ordering his subordinates to find various items to treat injuries and illnesses, but the breath of death continued to swallow up the power of faith he had gathered.

The golden statue of the King of Heroes located inside the temple is an "idol" specially built by the high priest, a container used to gather the power of faith among the people in the city.

This is the invisible art of secret transmission that he has studied, which can guide people to believe in a certain existence, and then borrow an object to preserve people's beliefs.

The more people listen to the songs he compiled, the more they will fall into a false religious atmosphere. The high priest also has another invisible technique that can use the collected power of faith for his own use and forcibly elevate his own self-esteem.


Not only can he draw vitality and lifespan from faith and evenly distribute the consumption to all believers, but the more people believe, the stronger this power becomes. When it reaches its peak, it can even manifest the object of belief, creating a kind of

Similar to the effect of apparition.

With this ability, the high priest turned his hands into clouds and rain in the city of Akkad, and became the true emperor of the country in the name of the King of Heroes.

But all these beautiful days were ruthlessly terminated after the disgusting Bain man broke in.

"What on earth did he do to me... what did he do..."

The high priest took off all the heavy gold ornaments on his body, kept looking for a potion that could heal himself, and poured it into his throat one by one.

But no matter what, the breath of death still kept eroding him, and he could only rely on the power of faith collected from the statue to neutralize it. If he didn't do this, the high priest would feel like he couldn't even walk out of the temple door.

Have to die.

"Find him! Must find him..."

He roared hysterically and angrily ordered the guards around him.

But suddenly, a strange celestial phenomenon appeared outside the temple, extinguishing his anger.

Four slaves carried the golden statue and followed the high priest out of the temple.

The latter endured the misfortune that pervaded his whole body and looked intently in a certain direction outside the city of Akkad. There was a dense cedar forest there, spreading among the mountains. A black mist followed the morning light from among the treetops.

Soar up.



The residents of Akkad put down their weapons and tools, knelt on the ground, and shouted that terrible name toward the cedar forest.

Sweat was already forming on the high priest's forehead. He gritted his teeth, and the hatred for Victor in his heart increased a hundredfold.

At this moment, in the dark forest, the invisible spirit was floating among them. Victor used this mysterious power to observe what appeared.

No one knew what he saw. Even Klein, who dared not move, would not risk sticking his head out to see the rumored Humbaba devil.

However, the state of Victor's physical body made Klein aware of it.

He observed Victor's posture and saw that he had his eyes closed and was concentrating, sitting upright and silent, with no breathing at all, as if he was dead.

Klein's pupils shrank and his heart was shocked, but he did not dare to touch Victor's body.

Then, a strange cry came from the hills, and the irritating sound waves seemed to pierce Klein's eardrums, forcing him to block his ears with force.

The vibrating sound waves even affected Victor's Yin Shen, showing an unstable state that could disperse at any time.

However, Victor was still observing the things on the hill, because he could not see the whole picture of the other party.

It was like there was a black hole there, absorbing the originally weak morning light and showing only a blurry outline.

Victor could tell that what was stepping on the hill was a pair of sheep's hooves, not horse legs, and the upper body of the sheep's hooves did look a bit like a human being. It was also wearing half-armor, with a pair of backward-barbed horns sticking out of its head, and a pair of radiating

The red eyes were also smoking.

Is this the devil that the people of Nippur are afraid of? He seems to be the devil that people imagine.

Will the appearance of demons be unified among peoples with such huge cultural differences?

Just as Victor was feeling strange, Klein suddenly let out a scream from below.

His voice made Victor immediately alert, and he quickly returned his consciousness to his body.

After opening his eyes, he saw that his body was entangled in the surrounding shrubs, and the vines seemed to come alive.

Klein ran to the side, his eyes filled with shock.

The originally calm noble was frightened by the abnormality that appeared at this moment.

Victor stared at the bush that entangled him, and saw a terrifying human face between the branches, grinning ferociously, growing on the main trunk of the bush, opening its tongue and spitting out vines one after another.

Victor drew a fire spell on the branches, which instantly burned away the shackles of the vines.

He broke free and ran towards Klein, and the black shadow on the hill also turned his attention, staring at the two of them with red eyes.

At this time, they finally noticed that the black mist that appeared around the black shadow had spread, and all the objects it touched had strange changes.

When a cedar tree is infected by a black shadow, the trunk will split, and a ferocious demon wrapped in bark will crawl out from inside and surround the black shadow.

When low shrubs come into contact with the black mist, the branches will come alive and grow sharp thorns. The underground rhizomes will break through the soil and turn into a writhing devil, with the crown of blossoming branches also gathering.

Around the black shadow.

The scattered rocks will combine to form a heavy giant beast, and a ferocious demonic face will appear on the moss-covered side, roaring and gathering around the black shadow.

Birds fall from the sky, leaving corpses when they fall to the ground. The corpses will split open, and new beak demons will emerge from the flesh and blood. They will open their beaks full of fangs and roar towards the sky, flapping their wings and hovering above the black shadow.

in the air.

More and more things around are exposed to the black mist. Whether they are dead or living things, they will all turn into terrifying demons and monsters, and they will gather around the black shadow as if they are being lured.

This sight made Victor and Klein stunned. They soon fell into a sea of ​​demons, and everything around them twisted ferociously and crawled out of the ground.

But the strange thing is that there are no more mutated demons attacking them, but they all twist around the black shadow, as if the thing standing on the hill is their king, the king of the alien world who needs all the demons to follow.


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