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Chapter 89 Black Gold Town

 The buyer has an idea, and the news was brought by Downey.

According to him, there is a well-known local merchant named Arthur Delevingne in the Black Gold Town southwest of Valding. He may be interested in the new product brewed by Victor.

It's just that Downey hasn't seen him in person. I heard that the guy has a weird personality and doesn't like contact with strange dealers. I'm afraid he will have to spend some time to get over this time.

"Black Gold Town..."

Victor looked at the map of Missouri hanging on the wall and found that it was quite far from Walding, and the journey was no shorter than going to Dandelion.

"Let's bring a bucket of samples over first. Can Sheriff Downey help us lead the way?" Victor turned to the small-eyed Sheriff.

"I'm willing to serve you." Donnie raised his eyebrows and nodded.

Henry put down the cup and turned sideways to look at Victor: "Have you found out who the people who planted the explosives are?"

Victor shrugged, indicating that he had no clue.

"Don't you doubt that Thomas sent you?"

"No, on the contrary, I think it is most likely Thomas's person." Victor expressed his conjecture.

"Then you are still thinking about the loan contract. If I were you, I would definitely throw away this mess and leave Missouri." Henry said in a persuasive tone.

Victor leaned against the counter, pursed his lips and smiled, looking like he was thinking about it.

"I am working for myself, friend... I have to confirm what price this new product can be sold for. As for Thomas... he definitely wants me to pack up and get out, and then swallow everything in the Damon family.

There is a saying in my hometown that courtesy reciprocates. Of course I can give up all this and fly away, but now is not the time."

As he spoke, he gently pushed the counter behind him, stood upright, and straightened the folds of his shirt.

"No matter what, I have to make him spit out what he has eaten!"


One day later, a convoy of vehicles drove into another famous cowboy town on the golden land under the bright sun.

Its area is even larger than Walding, and its population is three times larger than Walding. If there is another industrial town in Missouri, then Black Gold Town must be ranked first.

The crowds coming and going included immigrants of all skin colors. Vendors set up stalls on both sides of the road, and there was a rush of people in front of them. Cowboys were swaggering through the market driving strong yaks, and there were also a group of shirtless boxers who were surrounded by a large group of people.

Let's have a fist fight at a crossroads.

Victor sat behind the caravan. Just like last time, they contacted a group of escorts to take them here.

Downey knew the local sheriff, so he went over to say hello first. After Victor and Henry got off the car, they sat on the resting platform next to them and waited for him.

On the top of the platform is a simple canvas, which is held up by slender wooden poles to block the dazzling sunlight. Many townspeople are also sitting on the benches below, enjoying the coolness here.

Some people were smoking cigars and chatting, and some looked at the two outsiders, Victor and Henry, with malicious eyes. Victor's attention was attracted by an old man reading a newspaper.

In such a remote town, there are very few people who like to read newspapers. Most of them go to the government office to subscribe for mailing and arrange for the postman to deliver it.

What caught Victor's attention was not the old man, but the old man's newspaper. He happened to flip to the back, where today's headlines were published.

Just by looking at the title, Victor understood the content of the entire news.

"The Conor Gang is finished..." Victor said to Henry sitting next to him.

Henry also glanced at the old man's newspaper: "It's unbelievable, the chief inspector did it..."

"Haha... how can it be so easy to die?" The old man covered the newspaper and pointed to a line of text on it, "Did you see it? The leader of the gang of villains escaped, and his remains or corpses were not found at the scene. It's really true.

It's a pity that such a devil should die under artillery fire."

Sure enough, the scourge has lasted for thousands of years. If Augusta was really so easy to kill, Thomas would not have entrusted the police to the police.

Seeing that Donnie hadn't come back yet, Victor saw that the old man was more talkative, so he asked him about Black Gold Town.

"I am a businessman from Walding. I have a batch of goods that I haven't found a buyer for yet. Do you know anyone who needs it?"

When the old man heard this, he was stunned and asked: "What kind of goods? Is it in the convoy next to it?"

"No, I only brought a bucket of samples."

"It's really interesting. There are so many stupid young people coming to Black Gold Town to do business recently." The old man thought that Victor was a hot-blooded, dull-headed brat. "A few days ago, there was a guy who spent a lot of money to buy a lot of cotton. He seemed to be Val.

The dealer over there. But I have to remind you, young man, that you have to bear risks when making deals, and your partners will not be more reliable than robbers."

Victor nodded gratefully for the kind reminder, and the old man continued to ask: "So what do you want to sell?"

"Some kind of drink..." Victor didn't explicitly say drink, but the old man quickly figured it out on his own, with a playful smile on his face.

The business of bootlegging is tacitly understood in Missouri. After all, unlike those developed cities in the west, which are always monitored by the Prohibition Bureau, if bootlegging is completely cut off, many people here will go crazy because they can't drink.


"Oh, I don't know about that. Maybe you should ask the grocery store or the pub. I just like to drink it and don't care where it comes from..."

The old man smiled and avoided discussing who would buy the illegal liquor.

Victor thought for a moment and then asked: "Do you know Arthur? It is said that he is a famous local dealer."

Hearing the name, the old man was slightly startled, then looked at Victor and said, "Do you know Arthur?"

"Someone introduced us to come here to find him." Henry interrupted.

"Who introduced it?"

"Is this important?" Victor frowned, clearly feeling the change in the old man's expression after the name was spoken.

The old man put away the newspaper, sighed, said that he was not familiar with that person, and asked Victor to ask someone else.

Then, he stood up and left the bench, walking towards the crowd on the other side of the road.

Victor and Henry looked at each other and continued to wait for Donnie to return.

However, only a few minutes passed. Downey did not come over. Instead, four or five fierce-looking cowboys walked towards the stage.

They were dressed casually, and the size of their clothes did not match their body shapes. The sweat on their faces stuck to their skin, making them look particularly greasy and lacking of care.

However, the eyes of several people were full of doubts, and there was a feeling of suppressed anger being suppressed.

They walked slowly onto the platform, deliberately opened their coats to expose the pistols on their waists, and kept winking at other townspeople sitting on the benches, scaring them into getting up and leaving.

Soon, only Victor and Henry were left on the stage.

The group of people stood in front of them with their hands on their hips, and the nearest guy said: "I heard that you are looking for Arthur..."

Seeing this, Victor put his hands behind his back to perform fortune-telling, and got an auspicious divination. He felt a little more at ease and did not show too hasty reaction.

He calmed down, stared at the other person and replied: "Are you Arthur?"

This chapter has been completed!
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