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Chapter 93 The wealth is rolling in

 Arthur is a trustworthy partner. After he finalized the share with Victor, he arranged for people to go to the Daimon Manor in Walding Town to purchase goods as quickly as possible, saving Victor the transportation cost. It can be said that he was sleeping when he was sleepy.

I just handed him a pillow.

Moreover, Arthur knew all the secret trading places in Missouri. He could pass various small settlements along the way and sold most of the drinks.

Therefore, Victor's payment soon arrived with the second batch of cargo escort trucks.

He counted the bills in his hand, feeling filled with ecstasy.

Arthur sold the wine for 70 French cents a bottle, and the first batch of 300 bottles was sold out.

After deducting the profit of the first hundred bottles promised by Victor and deducting 30% of the dividend, Victor received 98 farka from this batch of goods.

The second batch of trucks will arrive even more, and it is estimated that they can carry more than 1,000 bottles of wine on the road at one time.

Arthur's companions are all armed with a gun to prevent their goods from being intercepted by gangsters on the road.

From this point of view, it will definitely not be a problem for Victor to come up with 500 farka on the delivery day.

"Arthur asked me to tell you that the goods are very good. You should hurry up and produce more. He is willing to cooperate for a long time." A certain escort informed Victor before leaving, and Victor of course agreed.

The profits of liquor are very high. As long as we can get Thomas, it doesn't matter how long we cooperate.

But after that, Victor was no longer prepared to deal with the Danrose fungus. The thick fog was too dangerous, so it was better not to step into it unless necessary.

"Now that you have the money, do you really want to hand it over to Thomas honestly?" Henry sat under the newly built scaffolding. This simple shack is the new home prepared by Victor.

"After that incident, of course I will not sit still and wait for death, but there are some things that I have to confirm first. As long as I can guess it, Thomas and I will be completely reversed. At that time, it will not be him who manipulates me, but

I've got him!" Victor leaned against the campfire and drank hot water.

"You haven't told me yet, what did you see in the quarry pit?" Henry was unconscious at the time, but when he came back, Victor kept silent to him about what happened.

Not only that, Downey seemed to have colluded with Victor and did not reveal the details at the time.

Henry could also guess that Victor was deliberately hiding it, so he was a little unhappy.

"Don't worry, my friend, wait a little longer. When I get rid of Thomas' control, I promise to tell you what happened that day right away."

Victor tried his best to persuade him. After saying that, he threw a dead branch into the fire and changed the subject: "Inspector, I need to catch Kino, that crook. Can you help me think of a way?"

In the Greybean Empire, the capital Velen, Abigail lay in bed unable to sleep for a long time.

Same world, different worries. For Abigail, the experience last night can be described as unbelievable.

Miss Moran's disappearance and the skeleton gentleman who appeared in the mysterious gray fog. Is there any connection between the two? Also, what should I do with her report about Secred? Just hand over the half-finished product, it will definitely

I was scolded by the person in charge of the newspaper because the existing stories were too boring.

She needs excitement, some real bloody cases, some cowboy myths with a strong sense of grudges and hatred.

Where to find it?

In Abigail's mind, she suddenly thought of the Wild Dart wearing a shabby cowboy hat and a long windbreaker in the mysterious thick fog of Misu.

"Mr. Gold Digger!"

Abigail sat up suddenly, reached under the bed, and took out some huge object wrapped in black cloth.

Opening the cloth, the sheep skull statue with strange tentacles inside was quietly revealed in front of her.

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen this thing properly, and Abigail clearly understands its mystery.

The strange ability she gained to see through other people's "emotions" should have been brought about by this statue. And the obscure spell on the piece of paper was also obtained from the mysterious cultist who kept the statue secretly. She recited the spell at that time, and touched

He picked up the statue, fell asleep, and then entered the rumored secret place...

Try again?

Abigail is not as vigilant as the gold digger, she just wants to see him again and get some writing materials from him.

So, just like last time, Abigail sat cross-legged in front of the statue and muttered the unknown transliterated spells on the paper.

As time passed, the pendulum against the wall was also hypnotizing the people in the room. Abigail's voice gradually turned into sleep talking, her forehead drooped forward, and her breathing became deeper and deeper.<


Went in...

Abigail opened her eyes, and the deep and boundless forest surrounded her, and beneath her feet were shallow dead leaves scattered all over the ground.

Entering the mysterious realm again, it was verified that Abigail's method was feasible. She was very excited now and wanted to share this joy with someone quickly.

But then, she was stunned to realize that the place she came in this time was not the same place as last time.

Although the surrounding grasslands and forests are still relatively flat, the shape of the terrain and tree crowns has obviously changed.

"Oops! What should I do? Am I going to get lost?"

Abigail took a deep breath, and she thought with some panic, she couldn't even find her direction now, how could she possibly know whether Mr. Gold Digger was in the secret hotel?

Since the last meeting, Abigail has not left any way to communicate with those two people. They are like passers-by who accidentally pass by in the vast sea of ​​people. The chances of each other returning to the Prime Minister and looking at each other are so high.


Although Misu has no walls, it is like a vast ocean. The waves stirred up by a stone are invisible to the naked eye.

Just when Abigail was at a loss, her heel suddenly stepped on something with moderate hardness, almost tripping her.

When the lady lowered her head and looked at it, she realized that it was a strange pole about 25 inches long.

It is said to be a pole, but it is not stiff enough and is a bit soft. However, compared with the surrounding grass forest, this thing looks out of place, as if it does not belong to this forest.

Abigail picked up the thing and looked at it carefully, and found that the lower part was a wooden stick, which was thinner, and the upper part...


Abigail was surprised to find that the top of the thing actually ignited on its own, and curls of green smoke emerged from the fire, drifting to an unknown place in the forest...


Secred, outside Walding, Miss.

Victor held a twig in his mouth and looked at the convoy of goods moving away with ease.

At this time, he was the only one left in the ruins of the manor. Just now, Henry went to the town to find Donnie, and he himself was responsible for seeing off the convoy.

He was originally going to have a good sleep, but the picture in front of him gradually appeared as a double image.

The long-lost feeling came back. In his eyes, the retreating convoy turned into various weird moving pieces of meat, and the ground under his feet also turned into sticky mud.

Reality and the chaotic spiritual world began to overlap and transform, which was a sign that the strange thing attached to him was about to cause trouble.

"When will that thing stop completely?"

Victor cursed secretly, clenched the key reluctantly, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

This chapter has been completed!
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