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Chapter 22 Evil Soul Master

 Late at night, the dark town is dim and the moon in the sky is covered by thick clouds at some point.

Ye Ming, who was meditating, felt a wave of heart palpitations and was awakened unconsciously

"What's going on? Why do I feel uneasy?"

Ye Ming, who was awakened, no longer had the intention to practice. He stood up and walked to the window. His eyes widened when he looked at the scene outside.

The town was unknowingly surrounded by a thin layer of red mist. The bloody red mist continued to become thicker and poured into the town.

"What the hell is this!"

Looking at the churning red mist, Ye Ming felt disgusted for no reason, and his instinct drove him to stay away from here as soon as possible

"Evil Soul Master!!"

At this moment, there was a sound of alarm and anger not far away, and the quiet town was also broken by this sound, followed by a burst of fighting sounds and an explosion of fire

"That's the direction of the caravan station!"

Ye Ming secretly said something bad, hurriedly packed up his belongings and immediately jumped out of the window and rushed out of the town.

The surroundings were filled with panic and screams, and the sounds of fighting were heard not far away. A group of men in black blocked the town at some point, judging from the one or two soul rings that flashed in front of them from time to time.

They are all soul masters, but the wisps of black smoke emerging from their bodies from time to time reveal their identities as evil soul masters.

Ye Ming, who was running away, observed the surrounding situation while looking for a suitable breakthrough. Due to his strong physical fitness, he was extremely fast and constantly surpassed the surrounding people who were fleeing like him.

The outskirts of the town are relatively open, and Ye Ming can clearly see a tall and thin man in black in front of him, constantly blocking people from escaping. He is a great soul master. Whenever someone reaches in front of him, he will use his dark weapon.

The claws tore apart the man's limbs. At this time, four or five unlucky people were lying in front of him.

The people who were running away gradually shrank back when they saw this scene, and they dared not move forward.

"Weird...monster! Who will save us?"

The great soul master seemed to be very satisfied with everyone's reaction and looked at everyone with crazy eyes

"Hahaha!...Run, why don't you run away!"

"Put down your resistance and accept the trial. When my lord's blood mist will completely cover this place, none of you will be able to escape!"

As he spoke, the man in black put his blood-covered hands on his tongue and licked it, looking intoxicated

"This is what it feels like to have power, this is the gift of our Lord!"

Good opportunity!

At this moment, Ye Ming, who was hiding in the crowd, rushed out. He took out a dagger in his hand and also used his spiritual power to attack the man in black

"The guy who doesn't know how to live or die"

The man in black looked at someone who dared to challenge him, with a cruel smile on his face. He wanted to cut this guy into pieces. Only in this way can he completely scare these lambs.


The man in black was about to activate his soul skill when his eyes suddenly became dull. He felt as if his brain had been stabbed, and the pain made his eyes black.

Ye Ming naturally would not miss the opportunity, and the dagger in his hand swiped across the neck of the man in black like silk.

"You..." The man in black covered his neck and his eyes widened in disbelief. As a large amount of blood spurted out from his neck, the man in black fell to the ground before he could finish his words. Ye Ming's figure did not stop quickly.

Disappeared in the woods outside the town.

Ye Ming's action lasted only a moment, and everyone was stunned when they saw the man in black who turned into a corpse in the blink of an eye

"This...is this dead?"

The worried residents picked up a stone and threw it at them tentatively. When they saw that the man in black did not respond, they cheered

"The devil is dead, everyone run away"

"Yes, run away quickly, we have to go to Zhenhun City to ask for asylum"

As everyone fled in excitement, no one paid attention to the corpse on the ground. As for who killed the demon?

Who cares?


Ye Ming's figure kept walking through the dark woods, and after a while he stopped panting. Ye Ming turned around and looked at the town behind him that had completely disappeared in the blood mist, with a look of joy on his face

"Fortunately, I run fast. If I really get caught in the blood mist, I feel like something bad will happen."

He only felt the aftermath of a disaster. When he ran away, he didn't care about the lives of the people around him. After all, this crisis was too dangerous and silent. After realizing that he was frightened, he only thought about running away, and didn't care about anything else. As for killing,

The evil soul master he killed was just a casual act. Speaking of which, this was the first time he killed someone with his own hands. At that time, he was so anxious to kill that he didn't even see what was special about the evil soul master.

Ye Ming briefly restored his soul power, then found a huge stone, hollowed out the bottom and laid it inside. He planned to hide here for a night. After all, who knows if those evil soul masters have any accomplices. If they go out and run around, they will encounter

It’s going to be troublesome.

On the contrary, it was less than two hours before dawn, so he only had to wait here for the rescue from Soul Town City. Those evil soul masters would definitely not stay here for long.

Ye Ming, who was lying under the boulder, suddenly heard the screams in the distance suddenly stop, but he still suppressed his curiosity and did not commit suicide. From the size of the blood mist, Ye Ming could conclude that there must be someone with high cultivation level inside.

The evil soul master, although he can't bear it, he won't do such a brainless act. After all, there are still people waiting for him, and he must not die here...

The night is slowly passing by, and dawn is coming soon

The blood mist has dissipated, and the town not far away has fallen into deathly silence. Ye Ming's ears no longer hear howls.

Under the boulder, Ye Ming was always concentrating. He stayed for another half an hour until it got dark, and then Ye Ming carefully pushed the boulder away and got out, walking towards the town.

Soldiers from the Soul-Suppressing City have arrived, and while they are counting the bodies, the atmosphere is a little dull. After they arrive, the evil soul master has long since disappeared, and they only see this dilapidated town.

Occasionally, a crow would fly over the empty town, but after looking at the corpses on the ground, it flew away in disappointment.

Mummies, mummies are everywhere! Even the thin blood on the ground reveals a strange black color.

Gradually, I heard faint cries around me, which were the occasional survivors collecting the bodies of their loved ones.

The scene in front of him was a bit heavy. Although Ye Ming kept telling himself that these were people who had nothing to do with him, it was the first time he saw such a tragic scene. He still felt inevitably sentimental.

After all, only a few people were able to escape last night. Most of the hundreds of people in this town suffered. Ye Ming moved towards the center of the town. There were more and more mummies around. He even found the two mercenaries Tiger Brother among the mummies.

and Er Shu, Er Shu’s thin body stood in front of Brother Hu, his withered corpse turned its head as if shouting something, but unfortunately both of them turned into corpses.

His perception was correct, those blood mist seemed to be able to suck people into mummies instantly.

Ye Ming walked in silence. He did not regret his escape last night, but the scene in front of him made him a little numb. There were only a few hundred people in the town who vividly displayed their humanity at the moment before they died.

Some husbands protect their wives and children behind them before they die, while others push their wives out in front of them.

Some couples hug each other before death, while some run away for their lives when disaster strikes.

Some mothers are holding their children in their arms, and some children are reaching out to reach their parents who are running for their lives.


Ye Ming finally stopped when he walked to a corpse. From the remaining clothes, he could identify that this was the leader of the caravan mercenary group. He was also the man who shouted evil soul master last night, but now he has changed.

Shattered corpses on the ground.

Ye Ming was a little confused. With his soul master cultivation, he should be able to escape if he wanted to, but now he is dead, and he died miserably...

This chapter has been completed!
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