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Chapter 101 Bad mental state

 Li Sulan felt much better, Chu Xi was still a little cotton-padded jacket who cared about her.

"Do you want me to tell you the other two clues?" Li Sulan whispered in Chu Xi's ear.

Although Sang Ning didn't read the card out after reading it, she had memorized it because Sang Chuan and the others had been repeating the two clues over and over on the road.

"No need." Chu Xiyi sternly refused, "I have already said that I will abide by the rules of the show and will not do such unsavory things. Mom, don't worry and go with them. I already have an idea. I will do it right away.

You can find the mysterious guest."

"Then... okay." Li Sulan didn't insist, she believed in Chu Xi.

Sang Chuan was walking halfway when he realized that Li Sulan had fallen behind and was still whispering in Chu Xi's ear. He quickly shouted: "You old witch named Li, you haven't followed me yet. Are you ready to surrender?"

%@#¥A bunch of curse words popped up in Li Sulan's heart. If she hadn't been worried about saying these curse words, which would damage her identity and image, she would have scolded Sang Chuan like crazy.

[There is no other way to control Sanchuan’s mouth except to sew it shut.]

[I saw the word mmp on Li Sulan’s face. She probably had a bunch of curse words in her mind, but she was too embarrassed to say them out.]

[I saw Sang Ning sighing silently, and I probably felt that Sang Chuan, this younger brother, was hopeless.]

"Mom, go ahead." Chu Xi quickly pushed Li Sulan, "Lest they think I got a clue from you."

She doesn't care that she knows where the mysterious guest is based on just one clue.

And Sang Ning has two clues in her hand, and she can still find the wrong direction. Who is more powerful can be seen at a glance.

"Sang Chuan, you are a high school student after all. Please pay attention to your quality when speaking. My mother is an elder!" After Chu Xi urged Li Sulan, she did not forget to scold Sang Chuan.

Sang Chuan felt like hehe, his sister's ability to follow people's influence is really amazing.

How come she has never been seen defending Sang Youming and Hu Zhi in front of outsiders before?

A good man doesn't fight with women. For the sake of Chu Xi being his ex-sister, Sang Chuan didn't want to waste words with her. When he saw that Li Sulan had followed obediently, he turned around and continued climbing up the mountain.

But when I turned around, I couldn't help but whisper: "Damn, the two sisters each have their own quirks!"

Sang Ning heard what Sang Chuan was mumbling, but she didn't hear it completely. She glanced at him sideways and asked, "What are you mumbling about?"

As if facing a formidable enemy, Sang Chuan raised his head in fear and waved his hands desperately: "No...it's nothing..."

Forget it, this sister is even more terrifying. If he offends her, he won't be able to bear it if he adds ten more texts.

"Really?" Sang Ning obviously didn't believe it, but she didn't pursue what exactly Sang Chuan said.

Chu Xi stretched her neck and looked forward, waiting until she could no longer see Sang Ning and the others, and then she said to Dad Shen: "Uncle Shen, there should be more than one pond on the mountain. We didn't find the pond just now, so we will continue to the next one. If you search across the pond, you can always find the mysterious guest if you search a few more times."

"Okay." Dad Shen reluctantly responded, but there was always an uncomfortable feeling in his heart.

Why does he feel that this kid Chu Xi is very competitive, as if he is secretly competing with Sang Ning, hoping that he is just overthinking.


When he was still one-third of the way to the top of the mountain, Sanchuan suddenly stopped.

He rested with his buttocks on a big rock protruding from the mountain, groaning and panting. While panting, he complained: "Climb, climb, climb, climb all the way, are we going to be the same as the mountain today?" Can’t make it?”

Sang Ning thought it was okay. She didn't climb the first mountain seriously, and her physical strength was still strong.

But Li Sulan couldn't hold on any longer. She bent down and put her hands on her knees, her legs trembling constantly.

Hu Zhi was also choked. He grabbed the branch next to him with his right hand and used his left hand to support his knees, breathing heavily.

The other male compatriots were also sweating profusely from crawling. They no longer cared about any image, so they just found a place to lean on and began to huff and puff.

Only Shen Yi didn't look so embarrassed. He bent one foot and leaned against a tree by the roadside. He looked very careless, but the beads of sweat quietly sliding down his forehead and his crimson cheeks gave him away.

[Shen Yi is so good at pretending. Even though he is so tired, he still pays attention to his appearance. Whether he is tired or not, I am tired for him.]

[You should stop worrying about handsome guys. People have a strong sense of self-image management. Do you have to sit down and take off your shoes and socks like a big man who picks his feet? Then he slurps his tongue like a dog to stop pretending?]

[I hope that male celebrities in the entertainment industry will take Shen Yi as a benchmark, curl up, and pay more attention to their own image. They are all people who rely on their faces to make a living. It is too boring and the audience will be offended after watching it.]

"Okay, everyone is tired after climbing for so long. Let's rest where we are for a while. We're not far from the top of the mountain anyway."

Sang Ning finally figured it out. If she didn't shout stop, the people behind her would probably grit their teeth and follow her to the top of the mountain.

With Sang Ning's words, everyone's nerves finally relaxed.

Except for Shen Yi who still maintained his cool posture, the others no longer cared about their image and found a random place and sat down.

Sang Ning looked up and saw that the astronomical tower on the top of the mountain was close at hand. She would wait for everyone to rest for ten minutes before setting off.

Sang Ning pulled a palm-sized leaf from the roadside, leaned against a stone, and began to fan her face with the leaf.

I don’t feel tired at all, but the heat is real.

After Sang Ning fanned herself a few times, Song Shiye started making a fuss: "Oh my god, someone is going to jump off the cliff!"

Sang Ning:?

She turned around and saw that Song Shi was already running towards the edge of the mountain in panic. As he ran, he waved his hand: "Old man, calm down, calm down!"

Looking along the direction Song Shiye was running, there was a small, eye-catching raised mountain peak in the distance.

Sang Ning felt strange. She had seen this small mountain peak when she came up, but there was no one on it at that time.

At this moment, an old man appeared out of thin air. He was standing on a small mountain peak with her side facing her. He was wearing a dark blue gown, his hair and beard were messy, his left hand was behind his back, his right arm was straight and raised high, with his index finger and middle finger

Close together and point to the sky.

How should I put it? My mental state seems to be abnormal, as if I am cultivating immortality.

Sang Ning was speechless. Which eye in Song Shi also saw that someone was about to jump off the cliff?

The old man is obviously absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and breathing out the turbid energy in his body.

"Song Shiye, come back!" Sang Ning shouted in a low voice, trying to call Song Shiye back.

What should I do if he runs up to someone so suddenly and scares them and knocks them down?

This chapter has been completed!
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