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Chapter 112 His crush target

 Sang Ning was really mad, Li Juezhou was so passive and careless, and those who didn’t know it thought he was the one who owed money.

After the message was sent, Li Juezhou still didn't click on the payment button, and Sang Ning sent another message: [Please accept it quickly, okay? (smile)]

Li Juezhou originally didn't want to accept the four thousand yuan, but Sang Ning pressed hard and was forced to accept the money.

Then the other party sent another message: [Okay, now we are clear.]

After sending the message, Sang Ning logged out of WeChat, turned off her phone, and put it back in her pocket.

She didn't like owing favors to others, especially people she didn't know well. After paying back Li Juezhou's money, she finally had one less thing to worry about in her heart.

After seeing the news from Sang Ning, Li Juezhou wanted to reply to Sang Ning: "I don't really want to make things clear with you."

But reason suppressed this impulse. If he really acted like this, Sang Ning would probably block him immediately.

He and Sang Ning relied on this meager debt to get in touch. Now that the money has been received, he seems to have no legitimate reason to chat with her.

Today, he accidentally saw a post and learned an Internet word from it - crush.

He has always been rational, but he became irrational when he saw Sang Ning for the first time. This irrationality finally had a reasonable explanation.

He was crushed by Sang Ning!

The most popular content of the original post also left a deep impression on him - whether there is a story between you and Crush all depends on whether you are willing to take the initiative.

Li Juezhou decided that he would take the initiative.

So I shamelessly sent a message: [I did you a favor anyway, isn’t it worth it for you to treat me to a meal?]

The phone in her pocket vibrated, and Sang Ning took it out again. The moment she saw the message, she instantly became like an old man on the subway looking at his phone.

That’s why she doesn’t like to owe others favors!

Favors often have to be repaid with favors. Even though she paid off Li Juezhou's money, the favors she owed Li Juezhou were not repaid.

In the middle of the night, he helped send Hu Zhi to the hospital for a check-up, and stayed with her until the end, and then sent them back.

Invisibly, she already owed Li Juezhou a favor, and it was reasonable for him to ask her to treat him to dinner.

Sang Ning felt that dealing with favors was a very troublesome matter. She really wanted to reply to Li Juezhou, "Do you just owe me this meal?"

But basic courtesy made her give up the idea and sent a serious message.

[Okay, then after recording the program, you can choose the time and location.]

Li Juezhou held the phone tightly and stared at the screen without blinking. He was extremely nervous and afraid of being rejected.

The moment he saw the news, his hanging heart finally dropped, and he immediately replied "Okay".

After replying the message, his heart began to pound again, and he was so happy that it felt like it was about to jump out of his chest.

He raised his hand and placed it on his left chest, feeling his violently beating heart and burst into laughter.

It turns out that when faced with a crush, my breathing and heartbeat will unconsciously change the rhythm.


After Sang Ning returned to her residence, the others had already taken a lunch break, and Sang Chuan and Song Shi had also prepared corresponding materials according to today's study tasks.

The mountain-view room where Sang Ning and Li Sulan live has a very large courtyard at the door. There is a small pavilion for leisure and cooling in the courtyard. There is a set of beautifully carved stone tables and chairs. Sang Ning plans to start teaching here.<


After Director Sun knew that Sang Ning was going to tutor Sang Chuan and Song Shiye, he specially called Xiao Zhao over and started the full live broadcast.

Netizens are really enthusiastic about learning from Sang Ning. Even if there is no serious live broadcast this afternoon, Sang Ning’s tutoring for Sang Chuan and Song Shiye cannot be missed.

[Wow, the program team is really considerate, Miss Sang’s class started on time again.]

[Follow Sister Sang, Tsinghua University and Peking University will not get lost.]

[This scumbag is here to call Sister Sang again, Sister Sang 6666.]

Not long after they sat down, Sang Chuan and Song Shi yawned a dozen times in succession.

Yawning is contagious, so Sang Ning put her fist against her mouth, and while Sang Chuan and Song Shi were not paying attention, she also yawned quickly, and then recovered as before.

He coldly said to the two of them: "Don't you have a lunch break? Why are you as sleepy as two two hundred and fifty?"

Song Shi also opened his mouth wide and was about to yawn again. A lot of tears flowed from the corners of his eyes. When he heard Sang Ning's words, his movements froze and he closed his wide open mouth abruptly.

Then he pointed at Sang Chuan and complained to Sang Ning: "Sister Sang Sang, it's all because Sang Chuan didn't sleep."

Sang Ning suddenly raised her eyes and said in surprise: "When did your relationship become so good? Is it possible that you have to let Sang Chuan coax you to fall asleep?"

[I was shocked. What happened during the time when there was no live broadcast just now? The relationship between Sang Chuan and Song Shiye seems to have made rapid progress. Is there a gay relationship?]

[After subduing you guys who look down on human nature, two high school boys, you can also take it?]

[Please do not tie me up by force, the fans silently took our little girl away.]

Sang Chuan also quickly raised his head and glared at Song Shiye: "It's none of your business if your employer doesn't sleep!"

"Ahem—" Sang Ning coughed a few times in a very serious tone, and at the same time, she raised her fingers and tapped the stone table a few times to remind Sang Chuan.

Sang Chuan glanced at Sang Ning, then he felt guilty and quickly changed his words: "If I don't sleep, what does it have to do with you?"

[Laughing to death, with one look from Sister Sang, Sang Chuan immediately changed from a rough guy to a cultural person.]

[Sure enough, a handsome guy should be polite and talk well, and his temperament will change instantly.]

"You have been memorizing the text all the time, how dare I sleep? Can't I memorize it with you?" Song Shiye looked at Sang Chuan with resentment in his eyes.

Sang Chuan twisted his lips and frowned, looking extremely speechless: "This is a task assigned to me by my sister. What does it have to do with you if I memorize my texts? I have to recite 40 texts today, do you want to follow me?

Memorize 40 articles together?"

Song Shi also pursed his lips, hesitated for a while, and then said slowly: "That's not necessary."

[Hahaha, it turns out that the reason Song Shi didn’t take a nap was because he wanted to roll with Sang Chuan.]

[It turned out that the opponent's roll was too abnormal, so I had to give up.]

"Okay." Sang Ning pointed to the flowing water rockery next to the pavilion, "You go and wash your face with cold water first, and wake up for five minutes before starting."

Sang Chuan and Song Shi also listened, and obediently walked over, reached into the rockery waterfall, and poured a few handfuls of water on their faces.

Sang Ning felt very relieved that her hard work was not in vain. Sang Chuan also learned to study independently without her supervision, which was a good sign.

There is plenty of time today, and Sang Ning has arranged three subjects for the two of them to study.

Others were also very tired today and slept until it was almost dark before waking up one after another.

The stamina for climbing the mountain was great. After everyone woke up, they looked listless and exhausted, with no energy to prepare dinner.

Sang Ning and Director Sun discussed it and deducted money from their living funds and bought fast food from the program crew at 20 yuan per serving to fill their stomachs.

Director Sun's original intention was to let the guests cook dinner by themselves, but seeing that the guests were dying, he didn't dare to mess with them, so he readily agreed to Sang Ning's request.

After taking a break after dinner, Sang Ning continued to tutor Sang Chuan and Song Shiye. By the time the tutoring ended, it was already eleven o'clock in the evening.

Sang Ning thought that Li Sulan had already fallen asleep at this point, but she didn't expect that as soon as she entered the living room, the lights came on.

Li Sulan stood next to the switch, folding her arms and looking at her leisurely: "Let's talk?"

This chapter has been completed!
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