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Chapter 165 Three consecutive slaps of love

 After the old man stood out from the crowd, a middle-aged man holding a suona also stood up.

The sharp sound just now was played by him on the suona, signaling the shaman's entry, and the whole place was silent.

Following closely behind the two men was a gong and drum team. After the suona sounded again, the gong and drum team also kept up with the rhythm and walked together with the wizard towards the tower.

After the great witch walked to the tower, he held the wooden sign and walked around the tower clockwise and counterclockwise several times, mumbling in a language that Sang Ning did not understand.

After reciting, the great witch handed the wooden sign to the man next to him, and then climbed up the ladder to the highest point of the wooden tower step by step.

Sang Ning looked up and saw that the great witch was standing on the tower, shaking his hands and head, making movements that she couldn't understand.

It felt a bit strange at first, but then Sang Ning held up her chin, looking bored.

Sang Ning was about to doze off, and then a fireball flashed in front of her and woke her up.

What's going on?

Looking intently again, he saw the great witch raised his hand and threw it high, and countless gorgeous fireballs burst out in the air, leaving no trace on the ground.

Sang Ning suddenly woke up. What kind of magical magic is this?

The fireball lasted for nearly two minutes in total. When the last fireball completely disappeared to the ground, the wizard held on to the edge of the tower and prepared to walk off the ground.

The groundbreaking ceremony seemed to have ended just like that. It should have been completed successfully, but when the wizard was halfway through, Sang Ning suddenly realized that something was wrong.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Sang Ning always felt that the tower was shifted to the right, giving her a vague feeling that it was about to fall apart.

Sang Ning still has confidence in the ancient woodworking technique of mortise and tenon structure. The wooden tower should not fall apart casually.

But to her surprise, when the Great Witch was only four meters above the ground, the tower began to shake visibly to the naked eye.

Before others noticed the abnormality, Sang Ning was the first to rush forward: "Be careful!"

Before Sang Ning opened her mouth, the great witch felt the strange movement in the tower.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah! Help!" The original majestic and unattainable image no longer existed. The great witch was shaking in mid-air in anxiety, and his voice was obviously trembling.

"Witch, please hold the tower quickly!" Sang Ning has already rushed over, holding the edge of the tower with both hands, trying to stabilize the tower.

Other onlookers finally reacted and quickly gathered around to support the tower.

They all looked up at the Great Witch on the tower. Their hearts dropped a little, but they still urged anxiously: "Great Witch, don't be afraid. We have stabilized the tower. Come down quickly!"

The master on the tower looked down, swallowed in shock, and kept muttering: "I'm scared to death of the old man, I'm scared to death of the old man!"

After chanting several times, he held the edge of the tower again and walked down step by step.

Only this time, his steps were more cautious than before, and he was very careful every time he landed on the stairs.

Even after going down several flights of stairs without any problem, the great witch finally felt completely relieved. There were so many people supporting him under the tower, so there shouldn't be any problems.

When he was only two meters above the ground, he looked down at the people below, smiled and waved his left hand to disperse the crowd: "Thank you everyone, you can go, there should be no——"

Before he could say the words "No problem", the great witch's face changed, and the support of his right foot disappeared instantly. In the panic, there was still an instinctive reaction left.

He raised his right foot to find a support, but the support of his left foot was gone!

The unlucky Sang Ning, who was standing under the great witch, was almost hit in the head by a piece of wood, but managed to avoid it with her super reflexes.

As a result, another wooden stick was thrown at her. After this wooden stick was avoided, the next one that hit her head turned out to be the slightly bloated body of the great witch.

Sang Ning: "..." I should read the almanac when I go out today.

Panicked voices sounded one after another, and everyone retreated around because the tower had begun to fall apart from bottom to top.

All this happened so fast, it only took one second in total.

Everyone backed away, but Sang Ning did not. If she had dodged, it would definitely be over if she looked at the big witch's old arms and legs.

"Well——" A muffled groan came from San Ning's mouth.

Everyone looked around and saw Sang Ning with a painful expression on her face, maintaining a lifting posture.

Very strangely, she caught the great wizard in a princess hug...

Damn! My hand is about to break!

Sang Ning's body is not iron-clad, Da Wu is fine, her hands are probably going to be crippled!

[I watched in complete silence. Sang Ning redefined contemporary heroes to save beauties. Why does this plot that should have happened in an idol drama look so weird now?]

[I'm sorry, I couldn't help it. I really want to laugh. The great wizard himself is probably confused.]

[Am I the only one who feels sorry for Sang Ning? Her arms look so slender, how can she bear the heavy objects falling from high altitude? Ah, she is a heavy person.]

The moment he raised his eyelids and met Sang Ning's eyes, the great witch panicked.

They could have been in peace, but he struggled hard and escaped from Sang Ning's support.

Sang Ning's hands were almost numb from the pressure now, and she no longer had any extra strength to rescue the great witch a second time.

I could only watch helplessly as he rolled half a circle in the air with his feet floating on his feet, and then the right side of his body completely hit the tower.

At this time, the tower that was originally only partially disintegrated was completely collapsed by the big witch's impact.

Sang Ning was so angry that she rolled her eyes to the sky. The person she finally saved had to seek death.

Before the wooden bar on the top fell completely, Dawu climbed out with one breath, and Sang Ning also hurried away from the center of the accident.

Circles of dust were thrown up on the ground. Before the dust had cleared, Hu Zhi and Sang Youming rushed up.

He didn't dare to touch Sang Ning's arm. He only dared to stand aside, as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, and asked: "Xiao Ning, is your hand okay? Is it injured?"

"Hand - my hand -" A voice with a painful cry sounded out, but it was not Sang Ning's.

The three members of the Sang family turned around to look at the same time, and saw the great witch sitting on the ground, covering his right hand with his left hand, his facial features twisted and shouting.

At this time, a young man squeezed out from the crowd, ran to the big witch, and squatted down.

"Dad, how are you? Are you injured?"

It was obviously a concerned question, but when the great witch saw the young man, he gritted his teeth, raised his left hand and gave the man a loud slap in the face.

One slap was not enough. When the man was still confused, the wizard slapped him twice in succession.


This chapter has been completed!
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