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Chapter 228 The swollen Director Qin

 The second group of performers is a group of actors who have evolved in their careers. They all play the roles of Wei Guangzheng.

Although their acting skills are all top-notch, the perverted roles they played before are so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people that when everyone sees their appearance, they subconsciously feel that someone is about to die soon.

This scene did not meet the initial expectations of the instructors. The original intention was to see whether these actors could use their roles as Wei Guangzheng to wash away the audience's inherent impressions of their previous roles.

But the final result was unsatisfactory, and the four people who advanced were only the taller ones among the short ones.

Sang Ning only dared to express some superficial opinions in her heart, perhaps because the acting skills of these six people were not superb enough.

It’s not like she has never seen the kind of actor who can make the audience hate him when he plays a bad guy, and can make the audience feel heartbroken when he plays a good guy.

It is difficult to break the inherent impression, but if your acting skills are as good as the gods to a certain extent, you may still be able to achieve the drama's face.

The third group to perform was the Chu Xi group, and the theme of their group’s performance was Gong Dou.

Originally, the queen played by Chu Xi was supposed to look dignified and dignified on the outside, but was actually dark and jealous inside.

But Chu Xi’s innocent first love face has nothing to do with being dignified. If she insists on playing a dignified character, it will seem very inconsistent.

But Chu Xi found another way and took the initiative to change her character into a little queen who seemed ignorant and ignorant of the world, but was actually vicious in her heart.

Sang Ning feels that Chu Xi will definitely succeed in this scene because she is exactly playing herself in real life.

After the performance, a mentor questioned Chu Xi as to why she didn’t play the role of the queen as written in the script.

Chu Xi directly used the age in the script to refute the instructor. According to the character written in the script, the character of the Queen is only 21 years old.

In modern society, that is the normal age of a freshly graduated college student.

The eyes of girls of this age are full of clear stupidity, how can they have a dignified and majestic temperament?

Screenwriter Xu Qiqi originally wanted to refute Chu Xi, could the living environment of ancient people be the same as that of modern people?

Women get married at the age of thirteen or fourteen, and their minds are more mature than modern people. In ancient times, 21-year-old was already considered an old girl, so how could there be any clear stupidity?

But before he could speak, Ma Liheng took the lead and praised Chu Xi for having the necessary qualities of an excellent actor, not sticking to the script, and having her own unique insights.

Xu Qiqi secretly glanced at Ma Liheng. He didn't bother to say what he originally wanted to say, but secretly cursed Ma Liheng in his heart: What a bastard!

After the first three groups finished their performances, it was finally time for the Sang Ning group to perform on stage.

Sang Ning will play the role of a young general who is prone to impulsiveness. To be honest, this kind of character is not very likable, especially compared with a three-dimensional character like Nine Thousand Years Old.

Nine Thousand Years Old is cruel and ruthless, killing without mercy and indifferent to life. He only gives all his preference to his sweetheart Qiuqiu.

This kind of crazy criticism of killing everyone in the world but only living up to you is a perversion that everyone avoids in real life, but in movies, TV series and novels, it is the object of love and affection from the audience.

Especially if the actor who plays the role of Crazy Batch has a little more facial expressions, the audience will easily follow their facial features and show their unique affection for the character.

And a reckless general like Sang Ning, who has no brains and can kill a nine thousand year old with one arrow, can easily attract abuse from the audience.

Sang Ning is still very worried. Her acting skills are not very good to begin with. If she behaves a little less, she and this character will probably face a new round of online violence after the second episode of the show is officially launched.<


Therefore, in order to play such a nasty character successfully, she had to start with the details so that the audience could empathize with her.

The first detail is to kill someone with your face.

Sang Ning admitted that she was very shameful, but since her face made Li Juezhou fall in love at first sight, it must have struck a chord with most viewers.

When she was on stage, she stood very tall and straight, fully displaying the high-spirited attitude of the young general.

In one of the scenes, Jiu Qiansui kidnapped the prince and escaped, and she, the general, had to immediately follow and rescue the prince.

The performance stage is not very big, and the journey from departure to catching up with Jiu Qian Sui only takes a few steps.

In order to make the pursuit process more urgent, Ma Liheng asked them to circle the stage at least twice when instructing them to perform.

In the process of turning twice, Sang Ning shamefully used the second detail - her good skills.

Since he is a young general, it’s not too much to know how to do some kung fu, right? It’s not too much to show off his light kung fu when chasing someone, right?

So when Sang Ning performed front flips continuously on the stage, the instructor and the students on the viewing platform were all attracted by her skills, so that Qingyue, who had been acting hard, was ignored by everyone.

Qingyue was speechless. He originally thought that the whole scene should be his highlight moment, and everyone's eyes should be on him, but in the end, Sang Ning stole the limelight.

Damn it! Sang Ning obviously didn’t use this trick during rehearsal!

This person is so shameful!

After the performance, the other instructors praised Qingyue crazily during the review session.

The members of Qingyue's group knew very well that although Qingyue's performance in this scene was pretty good, it was far from being as impeccable as the instructors praised him.

Everyone is not praising Qingyue, they are flattering the capital behind Qingyue.

Only Qin Jiaxiang and Wenjiu are two different species.

Qin Jiaxiang doesn't want to offend the capital behind Qingyue, but he can't brag about Qingyue's rainbow fart without conscience.

He simply looked past Qingyue Bujue, looked straight at Sang Ning, and invited with tears in his eyes: "Sang Ning, the protagonist of my new movie is really tailor-made for you, you really don't want to consider joining me anymore.

The crew?"

Qingyue's face turned dark. Qin Jiaxiang's coquettish behavior was simply an insult to him.

Who doesn’t know that the focus of this scene is the character of Jiu Qiansui, and Qin Jiaxiang’s public invitation to Sang Ning to star in the new movie is a slap in the face to him.

This is not the first time Qin Jiaxiang invited Sang Ning, but her attitude was very firm before.

She was afraid that if she messed up, it would damage Qin Jiaxiang's reputation, but after rehearsing during this period, she also became somewhat interested in acting.

Maybe she really can?

"Director Qin, thank you for your kindness. Famous directors have to be worthy of their acting skills. I don't dare to touch your film until my acting skills are up to par." Sang Ning's answer this time left more room than her previous decisive refusal.
Qin Jiaxiang knew that the matter was settled, and he patted his chest confidently: "There are no actors who can't be trained by Qin Jiaxiang, so just feel free to join the cast."

This chapter has been completed!
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