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Chapter 232 Almost Successfully Brainwashed

 Li Juezhou: "..."

This is more perfunctory than inviting you to dinner. Who wants to blow a kiss from the air?

But something is better than nothing, and the spiritual reward is also worth being happy about.

"Okay, I received it, I forgive you." Li Juezhou's heart softened due to Sang Ning's teasing, and his tone of voice was extremely gentle and doting.

The sound is like the deep and soothing sound of a cello, awakening Sang Ning's ear cells.

"Boyfriend, your voice is so nice, I enjoy it." Sang Ning praised sincerely.

The other end of the phone suddenly fell silent. Sang Ning wondered if Li Juezhou didn't like hearing rainbow farts?

The curve of the corners of Li Juezhou's lips never dropped. For the first time, he truly experienced what it means to be elated.

Sang Ning couldn't hear Li Juezhou's response. Just when she finally couldn't hold back and wanted to speak, the other person finally gave up.

"Thank you, I'm very happy."

Sang Ning almost subconsciously replied: "You're welcome."

"Keep in touch on WeChat at any time. I will pick you up after the party and take you home."

Sang Ning wanted to say no, but Li Juezhou's next words blocked all her thoughts of rejection.

"This is my obligation as an intern boyfriend, and it is also the substantive reward I hope to get from you today. I hope you will not reject me."

"Okay..." Sang Ning agreed, and it would be rude to refuse again.

Sang Ning hung up the phone and walked out of the changing room.

The recording location of the program is in the lobby on the first floor. After coming out of the fitting room, you have to go through a winding aisle to get to the front lobby.

Wang Qiuhong and Ximena are waiting for her in the lobby on the first floor.

Sang Ning turned left and right in the corridor. Before she could reach the hall, a figure suddenly appeared from the corner of the corridor.

He popped out without warning, as if he had been waiting for a long time to scare Sang Ning.

Sang Ning herself said she was not scared, but felt a bit bored.

"Chu Xi, are you sick?"

If you were in the comic book world now, Sang Ning's right forehead must have been covered with three black lines.

Chu Xi’s behavior can be described as childish.

She was like a primary school student, hiding in the corner, holding her little hands, anxious but inexplicably patiently waiting for Sang Ning's arrival.

The moment she heard the sound, she immediately jumped out, trying to catch Sang Ning off guard.

But the imaginary screams did not sound, only Sang Ning's expression of indifference.

"Why didn't you scream?" Sang Ning was not frightened, but Chu Xi felt very unfulfilled.

"Why should I scream?" Sang Ning just glanced at Chu Xi lightly, "Can you please stay out of my way? I'm in a hurry."

"Sang Ning, you were eliminated!" Chu Xi gloated.

Sang Ning didn't have too many mood swings: "I know, you don't need to inform me."

Chu Xi took another step forward and put her head next to Sang Ning's ear: "Sang Ning, I've advanced!"

This sound was almost a roar, and Sang Ning's eardrums were shaken very uncomfortable.

He raised his hand and grabbed Chu Xi's earlobe, pulled it out hard, put his mouth to Chu Xi's ear, and shouted: "I! Know! Know!"

Chu Xi was yelled at and subconsciously stepped back, but Sang Ning grabbed her ears and pulled her back, causing her to grimace in pain.

Sang Ning blew into Chu Xi's ear: "I hurt you when I pulled you, but it won't hurt anymore when I blow on you."

Chu Xi grabbed Sang Ning's hand tightly and gritted her teeth: "I really thank you, you are such a nice person!"

Chu Xi tried to break away from Sang Ning, but Sang Ning held her ears tightly to prevent her from getting away.

The two of them pulled each other in opposite directions. Finally, Sang Ning lost her patience and let go. Chu Xi fell back and almost hit the wall.

"Sang Ning, are you jealous of me?" Chu Xi rubbed her earlobes, frowning and glaring at Sang Ning.

"Jealous?" Sang Ning found it funny, "Why should I be jealous of you?"

"Because I advanced and you were eliminated!" Chu Xi finally felt proud.

Sang Ning really wanted to wake Chu Xi up, and she did so.

She pulled Chu Xi back again, grabbed her shoulders and shook her vigorously, trying to shake the water out of her head.

"Sang Ning, look, you are indeed jealous. You are so jealous that you go crazy. When you go crazy, I am happy!" Chu Xi fell into a crazy pleasure and yelled.

What Sang Ning moved was not her hands, but her damn jealousy.

Afraid that others would see her flirting with Chu Xila, Sang Ning didn't care about the room on her right.

He kicked open the door to the room and rushed into the room with Chu Xi in one hand.

Then there was a slamming on the door, and Chu Xi was thrown onto the sofa accurately.

"Ah!!!" Chu Xi pulled the hair on the side of her head, shook her head and screamed.

Sang Ning was almost amused by Chu Xi. What was she doing? Is the beauty crazy?

She wants to go crazy more than she does!

"If you scream again, I'll slap you!" Sang Ning threatened.

Chu Xi was still screaming.

"I'll slap you until your face is swollen like a pig's head, and you won't be able to record the third episode." Sang Ning added.

Chu Xi finally shut up and stopped screaming.

Sang Ning thinks it may be because of the butterfly effect caused by her passing through the book. Chu Xi, the heroine of the original book, should be a gentle and considerate character.

But what has turned out to be like now? She is a completely jealous maniac who cannot see others being better than her.

Sang Ning had just let it go after so many times of open and covert attacks.

But now Chu Xi's mental state is obviously a little crazy. Sang Ning feels that she can't continue like this and needs to have a good talk with Chu Xi.

"Chu Xi." Sang Ning said.

In the past, in order to disgust Chu Xi, Sang Ning would call her "Xi Xi" in a weird way.

But this time, she called her full name very seriously.

Chu Xi sat up straight, raised her head to receive Sang Ning's gaze, and refused to lower her proud head: "You tell me, I listen!"

Sang Ning pulled a sliding chair from the room, sat opposite Chu Xi, and began to talk to her one by one.

"When you fell down the stairs before, was it really me who pushed you down like what Li Sulan said?"

Chu Xi's eyes were erratic for a moment, but she still looked at Sang Ning with her neck stiffened and unwilling to admit defeat.

"Also, as soon as Xiangye finished recording, I was immediately posted on a Weibo hot search. Is there really no one behind this matter?"

The corners of Chu Xi's lips curled up with a hint of disdain. She was the one who manipulated it. What's wrong?

If she sees Sang Ning unhappy, can't she go back in revenge?

"So, what do you think I threaten you?" Sang Ning lowered her gaze and looked at Chu Xi, "Why do you have to step on me under your feet to make you happy?"

Sang Ning's tone of voice is very calm now, as if she is having a normal conversation with a friend.

These words confused Chu Xiwen.

Yes, what did Sang Ning threaten her? Why did she have to trample Sang Ning under her feet?

Chu Xi fell into a brief thought, but quickly reacted.

Damn, she was almost successfully brainwashed by Sang Ning!

This chapter has been completed!
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