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Chapter 284 Equivalent Exchange Conditions

 Duan Wenhui turned his head and looked at Qingyue expressionlessly, urging him to resolve this matter with Sang Ning with his eyes.

Looking at Duan Wenhui's cold eyes, Qingyue felt his heart trembling. What if Duan Wenhui really abandoned him after this incident?

He has not yet established himself in the entertainment industry.

Fear has devoured his heart. Qingyue cannot think calmly now. He is only worried about the negative impact of the photos. The most important thing right now is to get Sang Ning to honestly explain the source of the negatives.

"I can't find the film." As soon as Qingyue finished speaking, two cold and stern eyes were cast on him, heavy as if carrying the weight of a thousand catties.

He quickly explained: "What I mean is, these photos of Shen Yi are all synthesized by AI. Where can I find negatives for you?"

Hearing Qingyue say this, Sang Ning instantly breathed a sigh of relief, as expected.

She said that Shen Yi was also the male protagonist of the original book after all, how could he be so mixed up and let people take advantage of him?

Afraid that Sang Ning wouldn't believe it, Qingyue even took out his mobile phone and showed Sang Ning the photos before and after synthesis.

Sang Ning compared it carefully and found that the physical features of the two photos were the same, but their faces were different. What Qingyue said was still credible.

After Sang Ning saw the photos, Qingyue deleted all the photos in front of her.

"I deleted all the photos. Is that sincerity enough? Now it's your turn, right?" Qingyue's tone was a bit pleading. He was really afraid that Sang Ning would go crazy and accidentally shake the photos. Out.

"Wait, I have another question to ask you." Sang Ning raised her eyes and looked at Qingyue very cautiously, "What kind of bad reason do you want to use to ask me out? Why do you have to use such a bad excuse? Could it be that you still have other handles on Shen Yi?"

Sang Ning couldn't figure out why Qingyue chose the incomprehensible thing of synthesizing nude photos out of so many reasons to deceive her. Could it be that something bad had happened to Shen Yi before? Could it be involved? What are the hidden rules in the entertainment industry?

"No, I can swear to God!" Qingyue said and really swore to God with three fingers, his eyes were extremely firm and there was no dodge.

If there is a handle, it is a handle shared by him and Shen Yi. What's more, it has been so long since the incident, and all the video evidence seems to have been completely eliminated.

It can be said that there is nothing substantial that can threaten Shen Yi now.

Sang Ning stared at Qingyue's eyes, turning her head left and right, carefully observing Qingyue's reaction.

She feels that Qingyue is not a person with strong psychological quality, and his emotions are basically displayed on his face, so let’s just assume that everything he says is true.

"Since you have been honest with me, then I should also be honest with you. I took the photos, and as for the negatives, they are all here with me." Sang Ning said slowly.

She said that on purpose. She hasn't told the whole truth yet. Qingyue tried so hard to call her out, so he must be holding back something bad.

The best thing now is to get rid of their sense of being threatened and show their truest side in front of her.

Sure enough, as soon as she said these words, Duan Wenhui's face changed obviously, and the panic in his eyes was no longer there, but with a hint of chill, as if he was looking at a dead person.

But Duan Wenhui still controlled herself and did not show hostility towards Sang Ning immediately: "Since Qingyue has deleted all the photos, as a courtesy, please ask Miss Sang Ning to fulfill her promise."

"No problem, Mr. Duan is right, reciprocity is what I should do." Sang Ning said perfunctory polite words while starting to delete photos in batches in front of Duan Wenhui.

But Duan Wenhui still couldn't let go. When Sang Ning deleted the photos, she asked again: "I have another question for Miss Sang Ning. You said you took these photos. Where did you take them?

If Sang Ning is the only one who does this, Duan Wenhui is not afraid, but she is worried that there are other people conspiring together. Then besides Sang Ning, isn't there a second person who knows about this?

"Isn't it obvious? Of course it was taken on the top floor opposite Qingyue's house." Sang Ning said casually. Although Wan Shaohu was not a good person, she would not betray him casually.

"Miss Sang Ning, you like to joke very much." Duan Wenhui obviously didn't believe what Sang Ning said. If she didn't have an accomplice who squatted for her every day, how could she have obtained the photos so easily?

Hearing this, Sang Ning stopped deleting photos, raised her head and glanced at Duan Wenhui, with sincere eyes and said: "Mr. Duan, if you have watched my previous variety shows, you know that I am quite interested in astronomy. Qingyue Family

The top floor opposite is an excellent place to watch the stars. I have been squatting there for a while, but I didn’t expect to see something even more exciting than the stars."

"...So, you took these photos with an astronomical telescope?" Duan Wenhui said incredulously.

She doesn't know much about astronomical telescopes and professional cameras, but she also knows that astronomical telescopes can see such distant starry skies, so it should be more than enough to take photos at a distance as close as Qingyue's house.

"You lied. My community has access control. How could you come in at will and go to the top floor to watch the stars? Do you think we are fools?" Qingyue said angrily.

The top floor of his community does have rooms open to residents on each floor. It is reasonable for Sang Ning to go to the top floor, but the premise is that she has to enter the community. She is not a resident there, so how can she enter the gate?


"Okay, I'm going to show off my cards." Sang Ning turned her palms up and waved her hands outwards, "If you don't tell secrets, you've been giving me trouble lately. If you make me unhappy, I have to let you go.

If you are unhappy, I am determined to collect dirt on you. As for the access control issue, as long as I have the intention, do you think an access control can stop me? Besides, your community is not high-end enough to prevent everything.

In this matter, Sang Ning has come clean and everything has been done, so everyone doesn't have to pretend to be confused and she is not afraid to tell Qingyue that she is going for him.

"Very good, very good..." Duan Wenhui suddenly spoke, her voice mixed with a gloomy smile.

"Miss Sang Ning, you are indeed a very straightforward person, and I admire you very much." Duan Wenhui's compliment did not sound like a compliment.

Sang Ning also responded to her unkind words: "Mr. Duan, thank you."

The corners of Duan Wenhui's eyes slightly raised, with a ruthless look flashing in his eyes, then he raised his hands, patted them a few times, and let out crisp applause: "Waiter, you can start serving the dishes."

This chapter has been completed!
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