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Chapter 29 It’s cool to be able to catch pheasants

 [The little cotton-padded jacket is so heart-warming, I really want to have a sweet and sweet daughter like Chu Xi.]

[They are both mama’s girls. Look at Chu Xi and then look at Chu Wei. One is here to repay a favor and the other is here to take revenge. Chu Wei only talks and doesn’t do anything to help her mother.]

Li Sulan's heart felt so bitter. While her daughter didn't need to be so sensible, Sang Ning had never cooked before and couldn't even wash dishes.

What kind of misfortunes has her poor Xiao Xi suffered in the past twenty years in the Sang family?

She touched Chu Xi's head, and her throat was a little tight due to choking: "Don't worry, my mother will also let you be the happiest daughter in the world."

[I leave my warmth to you, and my tears to me, it’s so good to cry.]

[Chu Xi and her mother are simply the tearjerkers of the show. I really like the way their mother and daughter get along.]

[Although, I think Chu’s mother speaks a little strangely. It should be said that she always acts as if Chu Xi was not her daughter before.]

[You can get out of here, I'm crying, don't affect my mood.]

After the spicy chicken came out of the pot, Li Sulan brought a big bowl over to serve it. She didn't know how to cook, but she couldn't let Xiao Xi cook everything by herself.

Chu Xi picked up a piece of spicy chicken with chopsticks and fed it to Li Sulan. She was very satisfied when she saw the look of surprise in Li Sulan's eyes after tasting it.

Even a rich lady like Li Sulan, who is used to eating all kinds of delicacies from the mountains and seas, thinks it is delicious, which means it is really delicious. It seems that the lesson is not in vain.

When she was at Sang's house, Hu Zhi actually didn't let her cook. She said that a girl with good cooking skills would easily become her husband's free nanny in the future. Even if her cooking skills made the neighbors praise her, she would still refuse.

Teach her to cook.

The reason why she begged Hu Zhi to teach her how to cook was because of Shen Yi.

In an interview, the host asked Shen Yi which skill would be a plus for him if he had a girlfriend in the future, and he answered without hesitation that it would be cooking.

He himself is a person who loves cooking, and hopes that his partner is also a girl who can cook, so that they can cook together every day and feel the smoke of ordinary life and the long-lasting love among the firewood, rice, oil and salt.

She dreams of one day becoming the woman who can accompany him to experience the four seasons with him.

[Oh my god, I’m so greedy. I also want to have Chu Xi brand spicy chicken.]

[Chu Xi's cooking skills are so good, why didn't he participate in "Celebrity Master Chef" in the first place?]

[Why else could it be that he was replaced by the royal family?]

[Isn’t the royal family you are talking about Sang Ning? I still remember it fresh in my mind. She baked such cute cookies into the shape of a pile of shit. If you don’t have diamonds, don’t do the porcelain work. No.

People want to see her demonstrate how shit is made.]

[Sang Ning is probably cooking dinner too, wait until I go to her live broadcast room to see what dark dishes she is going to make this time.]

[Wait for me, let’s form a team to ridicule her.]

A large wave of viewers from Chu Xi’s live broadcast room entered Sang Ning’s live broadcast room.

The disappeared Sang Ning returns to the camera again.

She was carrying a native chicken in each hand, and around her waist was a rattan rope hanging two rattan frames. The two frames were filled with wild sweet potatoes and raspberries respectively.

She walked from a distance like the wind, looking like a female knight who lived in seclusion in the mountains and forests.

[Mom, I was struck by Sang Ningsa again. It turns out that she just went to hunt local chickens and pick wild fruits.]

[She looks like a foreign female master with unparalleled appearance and superb martial arts in martial arts novels. Is there a martial arts drama director who can give Sang Ning a script? Judging from her performance on the show today, she doesn’t need a substitute at all.]
When I followed the photoshoot and saw that Sang Ning had taken so many things, she was completely stunned at the moment.

"Teacher Sang, you came here empty-handed, so why are there two more frames out of thin air now?"

"I made it up myself." Sang Ning looked down at her waist and said casually.

It’s not that difficult, she made up this stuff a lot when she was in the temple in her previous life.

[Damn it! Sang Ning seems to never be squeezed dry and can always surprise people.]

[Director Sun, if you don’t care about Sang Ning anymore, she will turn the pastoral variety show into a wilderness survival variety show.]

The viewers who had just come from Chu Xi's live broadcast room didn't understand what was going on now, they just felt that Sang Ning was showing off.

[No, it’s dinner time now. If Sang Ning doesn’t cook well, why are you coming to the mountain?]

[What are the wild fruits on her waist and the native chicken in her hand? Don’t tell me that she got them all and weaved the rattan frame by herself. Why didn’t she say that she was the descendant of Master Lu Ban?]

[The program team must have gotten it for her. They also took great pains to make her look like a feminine and masculine person. The treatment of the royal family is indeed different.]

[Can Sang Ning learn from Chu Xi, work down-to-earth, and see how good they are at cooking, while she is acting cool here?]

[The scoundrels upstairs must be milkshakes, can they go and dance at your master’s place? This is Sang Ning’s live broadcast room.]

[I guess you didn’t see it when Sang Ning ran like lightning just now. If you open your mouth and shut up, you are royalty. No matter how emperor you are, how can you have Emperor Chu Xi?]

There was a lot of noise on the barrage, and Sang Ning, who had returned home with a full load, was walking down the mountain at a brisk pace.

Now, those mouths at home will never be hungry.

After walking for a while, she suddenly stopped and followed the camera to a halt.

I saw a native chicken flashing past the camera, followed closely by Sang Ning.

Cold sweat suddenly broke out on Follower's forehead. If he loses Sang Ning to Follower this time, his job will probably be lost.

As a result, a scene like this appeared in the dense mountain forest, with the native chicken running in front, Sang Ning flying behind, and chasing behind.

The milkshakes who were still mocking San Ning for showing off were dumbfounded. Is this the kind of speed a human being can have?

They were about to pick up the keyboard and put their hands down silently. Then they saw Sang Ning pick up a small stone with her toes and throw it into the air. She jumped into the air, turned around in a beautiful way and kicked the stone hard towards the ground.

Chicken, but the two frames of wild fruits around her waist were still firmly packed in the frames, without any spillage.

The native chicken was hit hard by a stone and instantly lost its ability to escape. Only the clear and loud crow of the chicken was heard in the lush woods.

I was stunned following the filming, and the netizens in the live broadcast room were also stunned.

Is this a famous chicken-catching scene that they can watch without paying any money?

Sang Ning put the two native chickens in her hands on the ground, and then took a slender rattan from the tree next to her, tied the newly shot chickens to the two before, and easily picked up the last two chickens.

, and continue on the road.

The passers-by who were quite surprised by Sang Ning instantly became stunned again.

[Where's the milkshake? Didn't you just say that Sang Ning was putting on a show? You should ask the real owner of your family to make one too!]

[What’s so great about being able to cook, but what’s cool is being able to catch chickens.]

The milkshakes were silent collectively. The style of painting in Sang Ning's live broadcast room was too strange. They should go back to Nugoose's live broadcast room and continue to experience the love between mother and daughter.

This chapter has been completed!
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