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Chapter 370 It’s others who are embarrassed

After returning to the dormitory, while Huang Chengzi and Sun Bangyu were washing up, Wei Lejun stopped Sang Ning and stuffed something into her hand.

"What?" Sang Ning raised her hand and saw a piece of chocolate lying in her hand. She glanced at Wei Lejun in surprise, "Isn't this contraband? How did you bring it in?"

"Just eat, there's so much talk." After Wei Lejun finished speaking, he glanced in the direction of the bathroom, raised his index finger and made a silent gesture, "Just do it quietly when you get the advantage. I don't have much in stock. I don't have enough.


"Thank you." Sang Ning accepted the chocolate, tore open the outer packaging in front of Wei Lejun and stuffed it into her mouth. She also gave the torn packaging bag to Wei Lejun, "I'm not as professional as you in hiding things, so please throw it away.


"What do I owe you?" Wei Lejun glanced at Sang Ning unhappily. Although he was reluctant, he didn't say much and took the packaging bag from Sang Ning's hand.

The next day, the personal image promotional video shooting scene.

All students were arranged to wait in the dance studio where the previous rehearsal was held, and today's filming location was also here.

Because the female students chose to co-produce, they were arranged to play last, while the male students took turns to play in the order of the draw.

The crew did not arrange seats for the students, so everyone sat on the floor with their knees in their arms.

The first one to come on stage was Hu Yirun, the muscular boy among boys. When the referee called him, he immediately stood up from the ground and took out a bottle of beer from his jacket like a magic trick.

The crew has made a promise to everyone that no matter what shooting props the students need, as long as it is not too difficult to obtain, the crew will try their best to satisfy them.

But no one expected that Hu Yirun would use beer as a prop. What he did almost shocked everyone's jaws.

Hu Yirun walked to the camera and stood still, giving the photographer an OK gesture.

As soon as the photographer started, Hu Yirun started his performance.

"Hello everyone, I am Hu Yirun from the crew of "The Grandmaster". You can call me Yiyi or Runrun."

As soon as he finished speaking, a crowd of people immediately fell down below, and everyone expressed that they couldn't stand it.

Hu Yirun looks more like a tough guy, but when he introduces himself, he insists on deliberately using a jingle to make people disgusted.

Facing everyone's disgusted looks, Hu Yirun remained calm and took off his jacket, revealing a slim-fitting black T-shirt, with his strong muscles looming.

"Next, I'm going to show you my special skill." As he said that, Hu Yirun turned around, licked his lips, and winked at the camera, "Abs open the bottle cap."

The cameraman was so frightened that his hands shook and he almost threw the camera away.

Hu Yirun arched his back and lifted up his T-shirt, showing off the strong muscles on his lower abdomen. Then he put the bottle mouth into his abdominal muscles. Before everyone could understand what he was doing, they heard a bang, and the bottle cap

It was pried open just like that, followed by the hissing sound of soda.

Foam and bubbles quickly filled the top of the bottle, and the beer exploded almost instantly. A long column of wine shot out from the mouth of the bottle. The students sitting in the first row were knocked out before they could even react.

The beer splattered all over his face.

The scene was a little out of control for a moment. Hu Yirun himself did not expect this situation. He blocked the mouth of the bottle with his fingers and screamed in panic.

"Aw~ Oh my God, Aw~ Oh my God~"

The beer that had exploded would not obey Hu Yirun's will. The more he blocked it, the more crazily the beer spilled out from the gap between his fingers and the mouth of the bottle. The huge impact of the soda finally popped Hu Yirun's fingers away.

There was really no other way, so Hu Yirun had no choice but to grab the bottle with both hands and stare at the overflowing beer until the bottle stopped spraying beer.

The camera lens was also smeared with beer, and the cameraman wailed to save his lens: "Oh my God, my God, what a sin, my camera!"

The beer bottle finally settled down, and Hu Yirun was turned into a drowned rat. The handsome hairstyle that was specially made to look good on camera also fell down and stuck tightly to his scalp, making Hu Yirun's head and face look bigger.

Although some students got wet, they still laughed at Hu Yirun mercilessly.

"Brother, you are really famous this time. It's the first time I've seen your abs open like this."

"If I'm going to call you Brother Abs from now on, I might as well call you Brother Bottle Cap."

"Why don't you call him Beer Brother? Hahahaha, I'm really happy."

Amid the ridicule, Hu Yirun took off his black T-shirt, wiped his face and wet hair, looked at the photographer, and asked sincerely: "Brother, I didn't perform well just now. When I go back to do a styling, can I still do it?"

Can we do it again?"

"Not today. There are so many people waiting to shoot behind. I'll ask you if I can make up the record when I get back." The cameraman ruthlessly rejected Hu Yirun.

Are you kidding? If he does it again, his camera will have to be destroyed.

Hu Yirun reluctantly walked back to the boys' team and sat down. Lian Qi patted the back of his head: "Brothers, are you stupid? That bottle of wine was already frozen, and you still poured it around in your coat.

Yes, who are you going to criticize if you don’t want to criticize me? This is not the way to be mysterious.”

"Grandson, did you see it? Why didn't you remind your father if you saw it?" Hu Yirun hugged Lian Qi's head and started fighting with him.

"Next, No. 2 Lian Qi!" the recorder shouted, temporarily resolving the dispute between the two.

Lian Qi pushed Hu Yirun away with all his strength. Hu Yirun also let go of his hand at this moment and lost his center of gravity. Lian Qi fell straight back towards where the female student was sitting.

Sang Ning moved back silently, and Lian Qi fell on top of Wei Lejun accurately.

As if being approached by a dirty bug, Wei Lejun pushed Lian Qi away with disgust.

Lian Qi fell to the ground in embarrassment, and the recorder was still urging: "No. 2 Lian Qi!"

"Wei Lejun, you are so good, just wait for me!" Lian Qi got up, said some harsh words to Wei Lejun, and then walked to the camera.

"Hello everyone, I'm Lian Qi, you can also call me handsome guy." Lian Qi is indeed a graduate of a professional college. When facing the camera, he instantly flashes a bright professional smile.

After introducing himself, Lian Qi turned around on the spot and patted his head for the last time, thinking he was handsome.

"My biggest characteristic is that I am very good at playing tricks. No one in the entire training camp can beat me. You can also call me handsome guy." Lian Qi's self-introduction was very embarrassing, but he himself was calm.

A calm look.

After watching it for so long, Sang Ning finally couldn't help complaining: "Don't these boys go out without any brains? Why do they act like an exchange meeting for mental patients?"

This chapter has been completed!
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