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Chapter 436: More people can share the embarrassment

Li Haidong was so angry that he couldn't help shouting: "Did you limit the limit of my credit card?"

Li Juezhou asked in return: "Do you have any large expenses now?"

Although he didn't say it directly, it was equivalent to indirectly admitting it.

"What big expenses are there?" Li Haidong snorted coldly, his tone suddenly turned serious, "You almost killed Sang Ning, do you know?"

Li Juezhou's voice was tight: "Dad, what do you mean?"

Hearing Li Juezhou's obviously panicked voice, Li Haidong was secretly happy that he finally got back the game.

Li Haidong suppressed his laughter and his tone became more serious: "We were robbed by pirates as soon as we got off the plane last night. Sang Ning was shot several times in order to save people. Now her life or death is still uncertain. The medical expenses alone are astronomical. The result

I went to pay and found out that my card had been frozen. Do you think you almost killed your girlfriend?"

"Where are you? Give me your address." Li Juezhou's voice was obviously panicked.

Li Haidong was dumbfounded: "No way...are you coming here now?"


Li Haidong scratched his head and thought he was playing Dafa. He just wanted to deliberately make Li Juezhou uncomfortable and ask him to restore his credit card limit. He didn't really want to get anyone here.

Li Haidong didn't reply for a long time. He had already heard obvious movement on the other end of the phone. Li Juezhou seemed to be really packing up and getting ready to leave.

"Dad, I told you to give me your address!" Li Juezhou's tone was cold to the point of command, not like the tone a son should have towards his father.

Li Haidong was extremely anxious, thinking about how to cover up his lie.

I was already panicking, and the poisonous sunlight made my heart beat faster. At such an anxious moment, a call suddenly rang out, almost calling Li Haidong away.

"Uncle, haven't you made the call yet?"

When Sang Ning saw Li Haidong squatting on the ground suddenly, she thought he was suffering from heatstroke due to the heat, so she hurried over to take a look.

Sure enough, his complexion was not very good. It was obviously a hot day, but his complexion looked a bit pale from the cold.

Damn it!

Li Haidong cursed in his heart, why did Sang Ning come here at this time? What if he found out that he was Li Juezhou's father?

"I'm fine, I'm fine. Just give me a few more minutes and I'll be fine soon." Li Haidong ran away holding the phone, looking sneaky.

Sang Ning saw that Li Haidong was walking vigorously and that he was probably in good health, so he didn't follow him. After all, the content of the phone conversation was his privacy.

At this time, Li Haidong could no longer hide it. Li Juezhou had already heard Sang Ning's voice on the other end of the phone.

"Dad, what's going on? I don't want you to make fun of Sangsang's life and safety, never again!" Li Juezhou would not care about his identity if he really wanted to reprimand someone, even if he was his own father.

From Li Juezhou's reaction, Li Haidong also knew the bottom line of joking with him. He didn't want to kiss his son and his vest, so he simply told the truth: "Okay, Sang Ning is fine, but we did encounter a robbery last night..."

Li Haidong told Li Juezhou everything that happened in the past two days. The other party first held his breath, and then let out a long sigh of relief.

"I understand. I will restore the credit limit of your card to you. Sangsang, please take care of it with your mother. If she wants to eat or play, you should try your best to satisfy her."

"Also, after you finish the phone call with me, you immediately delete the call history. I don't want Sangsang to know that I have such a stupid father."

Li Juezhou explained a lot in one breath, and at the end, he asked him and Wei Lan to take care of themselves outside. Li Haidong's father's heart was ravaged over and over again, and he lost his life.

Okay, really good!

Li Haidong would have deleted the call records without Li Juezhou's explanation. He didn't want to admit that he had such a weak son.

After deleting the call history, Li Haidong walked back, returned the phone to Sang Ning, and thanked her angrily: "Thank you, my matter is settled."

Sang Ning put away her phone and took a deep look at Li Haidong.

What's wrong with him? He was kind enough to lend him his phone, but he still complained about it?

What does Li Haidong's bitter and resentful look mean?

Sang Ning didn't want to pry into other people's privacy. She just casually glanced at the call records. There was only an unfamiliar number, and the call duration was obviously shorter than Li Haidong's actual call time.

What a strange old man!

Not long after Sang Ning picked up her phone, she received a message from Li Juezhou: [Sang Sang, I miss you so much, has anything happened in the past two days? 】

She just left not long ago, why did Li Juezhou become so tired?

Sang Ning thought for a while, except for last night, nothing seemed to have happened to her, but last night was passed safely, so it was no big deal.

【It's okay, everything is safe, I still want to go see the sea today.】

Li Juezhou was helpless because Sang Ning reported good news but not bad news.

He thought for a moment, and since his parents were also together with Sang Ning, he would start with his parents. As long as his parents enjoyed it, Sang Ning's share would be indispensable.

Li Haidong was extremely embarrassed now. He came out with a group of juniors. He originally wanted to pack everyone's play equipment, but not only did he not pack it properly, but he also lost face.

Everyone looked listless and dejected. How could this be different from the journey they imagined?

It's not a problem for a group of people to stand under the sun. Sang Ning suggested: "We usually go to high-end shopping malls a lot, but you must have never visited the street stalls. How about we go to the street stalls? Isn't that what traveling is like? Go there.

To experience a different culture in a place we haven’t been to before, why don’t we also experience the street stall culture of Belize?”

Li Haidong, who had always been tough-talking, finally relented: "Just go, I want to see what this street stall is like."

Except for Lu Yujing, no one else had much objection to visiting street stalls.

Especially Jiang Xiaoti, she is now eager to go to a street stall to let herself go. She has finally figured out that the uncle who is traveling with her is a bully, so she should try not to humiliate herself by going to those high-end places.

It was difficult for Lu Yujing to say no to the group activities, and the group’s itinerary was finally finalized.

After Zhou Rui knew that they were going to visit street stalls, he quickly sent a photographer to follow them.

Going shopping in high-end shopping malls might give the audience the impression that the guests are showing off their wealth, which would easily attract hatred for the show. But you don’t have to worry about going to street stalls. It’s so friendly to the people.

The advantage of having more people is that we can share the embarrassment. Everyone chatted and laughed on the way, and soon the unpleasant experience of the morning was forgotten.

But inside Bayliss Plaza Shopping Center, a storm is quietly brewing.

"I declare that you are fired from today. Our store does not need employees like you who are above customers."

This chapter has been completed!
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