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Chapter 465 Keep it for yourself

Wearing a hood made Lu Yujing a little more bold. She followed him a few steps shamelessly. The elder brother was annoyed and turned back to point at her and yelled: "Are you a staff member of the amusement park? What's your job number?"

, I want to file a complaint against you for harassing tourists!”

The eldest brother didn't really want to complain. When he saw that the person was being frightened into not following him, he gave up, pulled off his clothes and left.

Lu Yujing couldn't help but cursed in a low voice after the man left: "I'm so poor that I can't even afford two hundred and eighty dollars, but I still have the nerve to wear a big gold chain. I guess the one I'm wearing is a fake!"

She would feel better if he was really wearing a fake. It would at least prove that this man had no spending power. However, with her sharp eyes trained in being exposed to luxury goods for a long time, she could tell at a glance that what was hanging around the man's neck was indeed genuine.


You all have the money to buy a big gold chain, but you don’t have the money to buy her a 280 yuan ice sculpture. It’s really annoying!

Except for Lu Yujing, others also took the initiative to promote the ice sculptures they made, but the situation was not satisfactory. When people heard the price, they had the same reaction as the big brother wearing the big gold chain, and they all felt that they were robbing money.

Song Shiye and Qin Feng were worried that they would not be able to sell, and even started a price war. They kept lowering the price from 280 yuan, and finally dropped it to 20 yuan. As a result, not only did no one buy it, but tourists also felt that they had bad intentions.

He is definitely not a good person, so stay as far away from them as you want.

Some tourists even complained to the amusement park management office, saying that someone in the amusement park was suspected of engaging in pyramid schemes.

The staff came to learn about the situation and found that a program was being recorded. They gave a verbal reminder that it was okay to record the program, but do not disrupt the order of the park.

After being warned, Song Shiye and Qin Feng restrained themselves a little and did not dare to be so aggressive anymore.

After a bad start, a group of people temporarily returned to the lounge to rest. After taking off their hoods, Jiang Xiaoti saw that Sang Ning's gift box had not been opened, so she asked: "Sang Ning, you have been standing still since just now, why don't you sell it?

What about promoting your own products?”

Lu Yujing teased half-jokingly: "Did you suddenly feel that what you made was unavailable and you didn't dare to sell it?"

Sang Ning responded sincerely: "Indeed, no matter how exquisitely carved it is, it is just a piece of ice, and it still sells for two hundred and eighty yuan. No normal person would pay for such a piece of ice."

Lu Yujing only thought that Sang Ning was saying some words of respect. She had not been successful in selling ice sculptures just now, and she wanted to see Sang Ning make a fool of herself, so she shouted: "I haven't even seen your ice sculptures. Can you?"

Can't you let me appreciate it and wash my eyes?"

Sang Ning replied: "That's it, it's just a piece of ice. There's no need to see it. Let's think about how to sell it."

Lu Yujing felt that she was being ridiculed again. Was Sang Ning laughing at her for her failure to sell ice sculptures just now?

Jiang Xiaoti followed Sang Ning's words and thought: "Just now, everyone basically regarded adults as target customers. How about we sell specifically to children in a while? It's best to make money for children. In case you meet someone who loves children and loves them."

For a very wealthy parent, it’s not a big deal to spend 280 yuan to buy a happy child.”

After experiencing several failures in sales, Qin Feng was no longer so confident. He was not optimistic about Jiang Xiaoti's proposal: "No matter how wealthy a parent is, he can pay so much for a piece of ice, right? Sister Jing's ice sculpture is the best among us."

It’s not good for you to get the most beautiful thing, only to have it fail to sell, and then be dismissed out of hand.”

Lu Yujing wanted to squeeze Qin Feng to death, so she just said, why are you taking her? Is she sick?

Li Haidong interjected: "That's not necessarily the case. If you meet a parent like me, as long as the child is happy, I will be happy to buy him a handful of soil at 280,000 yuan, let alone 280 yuan!"

"Look, I just said yes. If it doesn't, it means that the parents I met are not generous enough!" Someone supported her, and Jiang Xiaoti felt more confident. She was ready to do it soon.

The sales task was not completed yet. After a short break, a group of people put on their hoods again and continued to sell products in the garden.

Jiang Xiaoti was ready to act on her idea, but she was a little scared by herself, so she simply asked Sang Ning to join her.

The two of them stood on the roadside wearing balaclavas, observing the tourists coming and going from time to time, looking for the best target, looking a little sneaky.

Lu Yujing wanted to see what kind of noise the two of them could make, so she stood guard on the bench not far behind them.

A family of three walked in front of them. The host and hostess were both wearing martens that looked very noble and high-end. The little girl they were holding looked like she was about six or seven years old. She had a princess hairdo and a small crown on her head.

His skin is fair and he looks like a child from a wealthy family.

Jiang Xiaoti raised her elbow and poked Sang Ning, and asked: "Sang Ning, what do you think of this family of three? They look rich enough, and the little girl looks very innocent, so she should be easier to deceive, right?"

"If you don't give it a try, you'll have to wait for the next one if you miss this one." Sang Ning was just invited to stand with her. She had a hunch that the order wouldn't work, but she didn't want to ruin Jiang Xiaoti's interest.

Jiang Xiaoti thinks that this family seems to be quite qualified, and their daughter feels quite soft and sweet. She should not be rejected, and even if she is rejected, it will not be too embarrassing.

With this thought in mind, she walked up to the family of three. In order to facilitate communication with the little girl, she squatted down and said, "Hello, kid. My sister is selling handmade ice sculptures in the shape of a bear. They are very cute.

Do you want your parents to buy you one?"

The girl's mother picked up Jiang Xiaoti's ice sculpture and took a look at it. It was quite cute, but the carving quality was average. She casually asked about the price.

"Hello, beautiful lady, because it is handmade, the price may be a bit expensive, it costs two hundred and eighty yuan." After Jiang Xiaoti answered, she began to feel a little uneasy, fearing that she would be rejected in the next second.


As a result, the ice sculpture of the little bear was obtained by the male owner again: "It looks a bit ugly, but if the baby likes it, it's not impossible for two hundred and eighty."

Jiang Xiaoti's heart, which was about to hit rock bottom, suddenly came back to life. She had met a noble person!

"Sir, then you want to buy..."

"Dad, don't buy it! I don't like it!" Jiang Xiaoti had already started to persuade her to buy it, but was interrupted by the little girl, "Only a fool would spend so much money to buy a piece of ice, and this little bear ice sculpture is so ugly.

, I don’t like it!”

Jiang Xiaoti was about to cry. The little angel in her imagination turned into a little poisonous tongue.

Not to mention this, what the little girl said next made not only her, but also the other guests who were watching the situation feel cold.

"Dad, didn't you hear that when you entered the park just now? There is a free ice sculpture experience today. We can just make it ourselves. Don't spend money on this ugly thing."

The hostess knelt down and kissed the little girl: "Our baby is so amazing, we all know how to be diligent and thrifty."

After hearing this, the male host lost interest and handed the ice sculpture of the bear back to Jiang Xiaoti: "I almost got tricked. You can keep it for yourself."

This chapter has been completed!
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