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Chapter 489 It’s really over this time

When Li Juezhou and Sang Ning arrived, Song Shi was also in very bad condition. He was stuck in quicksand and was struggling hard, but the more he struggled, the deeper he sank.

Sang Ning quickly got out of the car and took a rope from the trunk. She tied a knot at the top and threw it into the quicksand. She shouted to Song Shiye: "Xiaoye, grab the rope and lie back. Don't struggle. You keep struggling."

Will be swallowed by quicksand!"

Song Shi also used all his remaining strength to escape from the quicksand. He was already prepared to die in despair, but the moment he heard the familiar voice, his eyes lit up again. He turned around and saw that it was indeed

Sang Ning came to save him, and tears burst out: "Sister Sang Sang, you finally came to save me!"

With the spiritual support, Song Shi felt less panicked, and his reason regained the high ground. He reached out to grab the rope, and leaned back according to Sang Ning's instructions. Miraculously, his body actually stopped sinking and floated instead.

On the surface of quicksand.

Sang Ning and Li Juezhou worked together to pull him out of the quicksand.

When he landed smoothly, I thought Sang Ning would comfort his injured little heart, but unexpectedly, she slapped him on the head several times: "You are a senior in high school after all, and you are the pinnacle of knowing astronomy from above and geography from below."

Period, don’t you know that you can’t struggle desperately when encountering quicksand?”

Song Shi also felt hot in the face and hung his head in shame: "The situation was urgent and I forgot about it for the moment."

Li Juezhou raised his eyes and looked forward, feeling that something was coming quietly from the place connected to the sky. He pulled Sang Ning up and glanced at Song Shiye: "Get in the car quickly, I feel like there will be a sandstorm soon."

He almost died from quicksand. When Song Shi heard that there would be a sandstorm, his face turned pale with fright and he quickly got into the car with him.

The moment the car door closed, Song Shi was also sitting in the back seat. He threw himself forward and grabbed the front seat. He said with lingering fear: "Sister Sang Sang, let me tell you, that woman Lu Yujing is too evil!"

Sang Ning was about to ask Song Shiye what happened and why Lu Yujing was not there and he was left alone in the desert. Song Shi took the initiative to explain everything that had just happened.

When she heard Song Shiye say that he seemed to have lost control of his brain at some point and was obeying Lu Yujing's words, Sang Ning suddenly realized where the strong feeling of separation she had felt from Lu Yujing came from. It turned out that she had been

Disguise, why she has the ability to confuse people is currently unknown.

"Let's get out of here first, and then we'll talk after we get out." Sang Ning knew that now was not the time for small talk, so she urged Li Juezhou to drive away.

But I don’t know if it was due to the fluctuation of the magnetic field in the uninhabited area. The screen of the car flickered a few times and then turned black. However, the off-road vehicle could still drive normally, but it had lost its direction.

There are no road signs to guide you. Everywhere you look in the desert is the same scene. Even relying on the position of the sun in the sky to determine the direction is useless.

The car suddenly fell into a state of tension and anxiety. Li Juezhou began not to rely on external objects to determine the direction, but relied on his brain to drive in the same direction with all his strength.

Song Shi also held his head in frustration and said angrily: "Sister Sangsang, I'm sorry, it's all my uselessness that has caused trouble to you. If you hadn't come to save me, you wouldn't have encountered such a bad thing."

Sang Ning's tone was as gentle as possible, and she comforted him nicely: "Xiaoye, this is none of your business. If I have to say that I am implicating you, then I am implicating you. Lu Yujing obviously wants to use you to lure me in, even if

Without you, she would have thought of other damaging tricks, so it’s me who should apologize to you.”

"No, no, no." Song Shi also shook his head and retorted, "Sister Sangsang, I'm already very happy if you risk your life to save me. It's now this time, so don't say anything about not being involved. If today

If we can successfully escape from the desert, we will become close friends who have had a life-long friendship."

Sang Ning smiled happily and nodded to Song Shi. Suddenly she saw the yellow sand rolling up in the distance through the rear window, chasing them raging. Her heart skipped a beat and she hurriedly reminded Li Juezhou: "There's a sandstorm coming.

Okay, this sandstorm is much scarier than the one we encountered at the beginning, can you drive a little faster?"

Li Juezhou did not dare to tell Sang Ning that the off-road vehicle had reached its maximum speed. He frowned, but pretended to be calm and responded to Sang Ning: "You all sit down, I will speed up now."

Song Shi also turned around and lay on the windshield of the rear window, looking at the yellow sand roaring behind him like a tiger, and he instantly felt panicked and helpless that the end was coming. He was so frightened that his eyes widened, his mouth opened wide, and he couldn't say anything for a long time.

In one sentence.

After finally coming back to his senses, a strange idea suddenly came to his mind. He straightened his body, grabbed the edge of Sang Ning's seat, and asked confusedly: "Sister Sang Sang, what does that sentence about the end of reincarnation mean?"

It won’t be the end until we die, right?”

After Song Shi finished speaking, he realized something and slapped himself hard: "Sister Sang Sang, don't take it to heart what I said."

Li Juezhou was also dissatisfied with Song Shiye's nonsense. He turned his head and gave him a sharp look: "If you talk nonsense again, I will throw you out!"

Song Shiye's eyes flashed slightly, like a child who had made a mistake, he lowered his head with a guilty conscience and sat back obediently.

But there was a storm in Sang Ning's heart. She remembered the message received by the laboratory. After deciphering it, it reminded her that death is the key to ending reincarnation. Is it possible that she really has to die once before the matter can be settled?

Seeing that she was distracted, Li Juezhou interrupted: "Sang Sang, don't listen to this brat. If you die, you will have nothing."

After saying that, he became uneasy inside. Why did he subconsciously feel that Sang Ning had to die to end everything?

He was shocked by this terrible thought, slapped the steering wheel hard, and cursed in a low voice.

"What's wrong?" Sang Ning didn't know why and thought it was a problem with the off-road vehicle.

But Li Juezhou glanced at her with red eyes, and the emotion in his eyes was dark and unclear: "Sang Sang, I will not let you die!"

"Bah." Sang Ning spat at him softly, "What's wrong with you, you just say such unlucky words!"

Song Shi was not as optimistic as Sang Ning. Seeing the blockade approaching the car, he held his head and closed his eyes in despair, mumbling: "It's over, it's over, I'm really dead this time!"

Li Juezhou clearly felt a strong force lifting the car body. His hand holding the steering wheel was almost out of control. He gritted his teeth and held the steering wheel tightly to ensure the balance of the car body, but he still couldn't resist the powerful impact and felt out of control.

flooded my mind.

He was worried that Sang Ning would be frightened when facing the apocalyptic yellow sand in front of her, so he called Sang Ning in a desolate voice: "Sang Sang, close your eyes!"

This chapter has been completed!
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