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Chapter 75 Do you want to destroy me?

 "Okay, you want to find a lawyer, right?" Sang Ning said, walking towards Li Sulan step by step, exuding a strong aura.

Hu Zhi panicked and quickly stood in front of Sang Ning: "Xiao Ning, don't go. Mom can just go and apologize to her."

She was worried. She beat Li Sulan just for scratching her head. She was really afraid that Sang Ning would be careless and beat him until she was half dead.

My daughter has the worst temper in the family!

Even Sang Chuan, who likes to go on fire, is a little bit timid, but his sister can't be serious about it.

Song Shi was also the first to rush up and grab Sang Ning, pleading: "Sister Sang Sang, don't be angry, you have nothing to say to menopausal women."

[Song Shiye, it’s none of your business when people quarrel, don’t get involved, or Li Sulan will ban you too.]

[Li Sulan dares to think that capital is omnipotent and can she cover her mouth to the end? Our coconut army is not vegetarian!]

Sang Chuan also rushed up and grabbed Sang Ning's other hand. The cat whispered viciously in her ear: "My dear sister, calm down your anger! The camera is watching. What's wrong with you? I'll find some brothers after the show is over.

Do you think it’s okay to take this old witch home with a sack and beat her up for you?”

Li Sulan was frightened by the postures of Song Shiye and Sang Chuan and Sang Ning. She subconsciously stood behind Chu Xi and Chu Yun, only sticking her head out.

"Let go!" Sang Ning broke away from Song Shiye and Sang Chuan, feigning anger, "What kind of misunderstanding do you have about me? Is it possible that I don't know how to do anything but use force?"

Song Shiye and Sang Chuan had a tacit understanding, and they almost nodded crazily the moment Sang Ning finished speaking.

After a few seconds, I felt something was wrong, and then I shook my head crazily.

"Don't worry, I know what's going on."

Hearing Sang Ning's voice finally became a bit gentler, the three of them stopped stopping her and allowed her to move forward.

When she came to Li Sulan, Sang Ning looked at her directly, the cold light in her eyes seemed to pierce her.

"Li Sulan, is this really what you want?"

Although her eyes were extremely sharp, her voice was very soft, as if they had no weight, but they hit people's hearts directly.

Li Sulan met Sang Ning's eyes. Those beautiful fox eyes were extremely cold, and there seemed to be a glimmer of hope still flickering.

She didn't know why, but she suddenly felt that a certain part of her heart was being peeled away from the body, and she felt extremely uncomfortable.

Then I heard Sang Ning continue to ask: "Do you really want to destroy me?"

Sang Ning asked on behalf of the original owner, and this body also inherited the original owner's emotions.

Not only the original owner, but also she as an outsider cannot understand.

Why was twenty years of mother-daughter love completely wiped out overnight? She could understand Li Sulan's partiality for Chu Xi, but she couldn't understand her unfeeling love for herself.

Li Sulan was silent, and the scenes when Sang Ning was still in the Chu family flashed before her eyes like a movie screen.

When Sang Ning was three years old, Chutian's competitor went bankrupt and someone kidnapped her and Sang Ning.

Before the police came, in the dark and narrow room, Xiao Sangning, who had two round buns on her hair, had already cried into tears. When she held her, she could clearly feel that her little body was crying.


But she still patted her gently with her white and chubby hands, and coaxed her over and over again with a crying voice: "Mom, don't be afraid, I will protect you!"

Later, the police came.

After she came out, the first thing Xiao Sangying said to her was: "Mom, can you send me to learn martial arts, so that when I encounter danger again in the future, I can fight off the bad guys for you."

Later, the three-year-old little Sangning was really sent to learn martial arts. She has been studying martial arts for more than ten years without interruption.

But the promise to protect her was regarded as a childish joke by her. As the years went by, it was already buried in the long river of time.

But at this moment, this childish saying kept echoing in her mind, and even the serious little adult look that Xiao Sangying had when she spoke to her clearly emerged.

Li Sulan's heart tightened, and a soul torture jumped out instantly.

Does she really want to destroy Sang Ning?

Her throat seemed to be blocked, and she could not utter a single syllable. She could only stare blankly into Sang Ning's eyes, and then she saw the dim light in her eyes completely extinguished.

"Okay, in that case, if you want to sue, go ahead, but you insulted my mother first, and I also have the right to sue you for damaging her reputation."

As soon as Sang Ning's cold words came out, a certain part of her heart was completely stripped away, and Li Sulan felt an emptiness like never before.

No...that's not the case.

Paranoid pride finally defeated the condemnation of conscience.

Li Sulan screamed crazily in her heart, but she could never say a word of explanation.

Sang Ning left and walked back, putting her arms around Hu Zhi's shoulders. Looking from a distance, her eyes were so firm.

"I'll put it here today. If you let me hear you speaking rudely to my mother again next time, I won't even need my mother to beat you. I will take the initiative to punch you and bald you."

"Whoever dares to touch my mother, I will touch!"

Hu Zhi felt her back straighten instantly. She pushed her neck forward, raised her chin and looked at Li Sulan proudly.

Seeing Sang Ning protecting Hu Zhi, Li Sulan felt that her body suddenly softened, and the last bit of strength seemed to be sucked away.

Her feet fluttered, and she almost fell backwards. Chu Xi quickly supported her.

Li Sulan grabbed Chu Xi's arm and held it tightly.

Chu Xi felt a little unhappy in her heart. What was Li Sulan doing? It hurt her so much.

He frowned and looked at her, and saw that she seemed to have had her soul taken away from her. Her face was as white as snow, her lips were pursed, and she was mumbling and repeating over and over again: "Xixi, Hu Zhi has Sang Ning, and I have you, right?"
Chu Xi was a little annoyed by the question, so she suppressed her anger and responded calmly: "Mom, I'm here."

Li Sulan held her arm tighter and her voice gradually became softer: "Fortunately, I have you...Mom still has you...Mom only has you..."

[No, I was stunned. What is this? Could it be that Sang Ning launched a glare attack on Li Sulan when she spoke? Why did Li Sulan lose her mind after just saying a few words?]

[Not only you, I am also confused. I thought Sang Ning was going to take action, but now you show me this?]

Chu Yun saw that something was wrong, and quickly helped Chu Xi to take Li Sulan aside, leaving those who stayed behind to deal with the aftermath.

In the end, the vendors were compensated a total of 8,000 yuan, and the matter was finally over.

As for the money that Li Sulan was cheated out of, the guests saw that Li Sulan was like this, so they just didn’t want the money. It was bad luck.

After deducting the money spent on shopping and hailing a taxi back to the village, there is a total of ten thousand left.

In order to avoid the situation where Li Sulan was cheated by others when she used money alone, Qin Jiaxiang proposed to hand over the money to Grandma Song for safekeeping.

She is the oldest among the guests, so it is perfect for her to be the elder in charge of money.

This chapter has been completed!
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