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Chapter 259 Sword Spirit

There seemed to be swords hanging in the void, each sword pointing at Yang An.

This can no longer be described as the field of kendo, but a world of swords composed of thousands of kendo fields.

Every sword is a field of swordsmanship.

“Even if you don’t reach the top, it’s worth it!”

Yang An's eyes turned green...

I seem to see Miss Zhuan Sha, Guan Niang Xiao Qingzhu, maid Xiao Zhuan Sha and a certain girl...etc., an indescribable scene...

The heroic fighting spirit was instantly brought to the critical point of a volcanic eruption.


Only fighting can show Comrade Lao Yang's respect for this master of swordsmanship!

Only fighting can sharpen his swordsmanship the fastest!

Only fighting can help him improve his understanding of the realm of swordsmanship the fastest!

Only by fighting can he quickly understand the kendo that suits him best, his own kendo!


Yang An stepped forward with his sword, and was instantly submerged into the nearest sword.

One sword, one domain!

He knew very well that if he wanted to fully understand and control this level, it would probably take a long time, and he would not even be able to get out of the Ten Thousand Dao Tower until the end of time.

Too much kendo...

And it's exactly what he needs and desires most...

Compared with Wusheng Shenquan, his swordsmanship has always been a little less interesting. The main reason is that he has not yet understood, or in other words, has not yet decided on the swordsmanship that best suits him.

There is no doubt that the swordsmanship of this Taoist Yuanshen is tailor-made for him.

Of course, even if you don’t climb to the top, it’s worth it, but that doesn’t mean Yang An won’t climb to the top.

He is not a fool.

Wandao Pagoda belongs to him. He can play whatever he wants in the future, sleep here... he can do it. Now it's just that he's been teased to the point where he's having fun.

At this moment, Yang An has been promoted to second place!

The gap with Aurora, the young master of Shenting, has also narrowed to three levels, and Aurora has just entered the twenty-seventh level.

The other top geniuses are after the twenty-first level.

Judging from Yang An's trend, locking in the second place is already very stable. But the first place is a bit uncertain.

Three levels behind Aurora, although Yang An is close, he only has one-third of the time left. Although Aurora's forward speed is also slowing down, compared to others, the slowdown is not too severe.

According to the current trend of the two people, if both of them can reach the summit, the time difference between them should be very small, and the one with the Aurora is more likely to be first.

But reaching the top, in everyone's eyes, is absolutely impossible...

Even the Divine Master failed to reach the summit in ten years. Yang An and Ji Guang, even if they were more talented and outstanding than the Divine Master back then, were still very limited. How could they reach the summit in three years?

The most likely possibility is that the two of them will struggle in the next few floors.

At this moment, in the outside world, the voices of countless monks were almost completely covered by Jiguang and Yang An, especially Yang An's voice rose very quickly.

This is a big dark horse, a super dark horse, who comes from the secular world and comes in from all directions!

In the fourth round, he broke in and defeated Aurora, showing off his talent.

In the fifth round, which is also the final round, whether he was lagging behind at the beginning or now in second place, he was the most beautiful and eye-catching guy throughout the whole process.

"Ba Jian Dao? Come, fight!"

"The swordsmanship of Jiangshan? I am the only one in Jiangshan, and am I afraid of you?"

"Kuai Kendo? Compete faster? Then let's compete!"...

"This, this... this is Shenma Kendo? Could it be Sex Kendo? I'm so awesome... I have Miss Weisha to ward off evil spirits! Old man, you've evolved... No, holy shit, she must be a beauty.


Yang An entered the field of swordsmanship and was extremely excited. The battle was really hearty and he was out of control...

Completely forgotten the concept of time.

At this moment, after entering the realm of a sword, he unexpectedly saw the charming female sword fairy, and he was extremely flirtatious...

This is really a bit shocking.

Is he too ignorant?

Such swordsmanship is truly unheard of!

Once you are teased, is it a "romantic death"?

Moreover, the most important thing is that Yang An suddenly realized that the Dao Transformation Soul at this level is probably a woman...

After all, the evolution of any "Tao realm" is essentially inseparable from the source of the seven emotions and six desires. This cannot be brewed by acting. For example, Yang An, even if he wants to practice the sword, it is impossible for him to be a handsome man to seduce others.

Become a beautiful woman and seduce men.

"Beauty, look at my handsome sword!"



"The concentration is good. However, you have been with me for three months and you haven't found a way of swordsmanship that you like. Are you sure you want to continue?"

"Huh? Are you the Taoist Yuan Shen?"

"The master has transcended. I am the sword spirit and am in charge of this level. The God of War asked me to remind you that if you stay here any longer, you don't have to think about Ten Thousand Dao Tower..."

"Ahem...who is the God of War?"

"Meng Chong, the Taoist Yuan Shen on the first level of Wandao Tower, is the God of War. Leave quickly. Your talent in swordsmanship is very strong. You have the aura of my master back then. I also like you very much. If you are too late, you will lose.

I gave it to my extremely unethical son. I don’t like their cheating methods..."

"Well, what does cheating mean?"

Yang An looked confused.

Sword spirit? They are both inherited weapon spirits. Why is there such a big gap? The sword spirit in Fu Bo’s inherited sword...

After the initial exchange, Yang An forgot about it and really didn't want to have any more exchanges.

If only this sword spirit looked like...


Lao Yang's eyes wandered...

"Ji Wudao's son has been practicing and comprehending the Wandao Pagoda's techniques since he was a child. Although he is able to comprehend to this extent and his talent is indeed very good, it is cheating after all! It is impossible to surpass Ji Wudao in the future.

.At best, he is the next Ji Wu Dao. Does that make sense? My master saw no hope in Ji Wu Dao, so he transcended with one sword and left Wandao Tower, leaving me to guard... Okay, you look good.

, don’t use your handsome sword, it’s ineffective on me, I’m just a sword spirit born from the source of my master’s soul... Without your human desires, my master might kill you, she hates it the most.

A good-looking and lustful man..."


Yang An's face is a little dark.

Only the state officials are allowed to set fires and the people are not allowed to light lamps? You talk flirtatiously and are very fierce. You tease me all the time, every second, and you may cut Lao Yang and my dust roots with a sword at any time. I can't make you a point.

Do these kinds of emotions influence you?

But after hearing Sword Spirit's words, Yang An was sure of one thing. The Dao Transformation Soul at this level was indeed a woman...

At the same time, he seems to have found a kendo that suits him very well, but it can only deal with women, the kendo of beautiful men!

What a pervert...

Yang An couldn't help but want to try it on Miss Luan Sha or Guan Niang, whoever.

This is the real look at "Sword"!

"Okay, wait until I take control of Wandao Tower, and then try the sword!"

"You are indeed very confident. The God of War also asked me to tell you that the Ten Thousand Dao Tower should have the thirty-fourth floor. It is the condensed form of extremely unruly Dao. You should be careful. It's best to punch through it and don't be influenced by him.

.Otherwise, you won’t be able to get the Ten Thousand Dao Tower..."

"Understood! Thank me, brother. See you later."


Yang An slashed out with one sword.

This chapter has been completed!
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