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Chapter 811 The figure emerges from the three realms

How much improvement will Yang An, who has obtained the strongest inheritance of the ruins, gain from the original basis?

Furthermore, Yang An's promotion to the fourth-level True Immortal was achieved through the transformation of the spirit spirit. The most important thing is that he was promoted to the third-level true immortal at the top of the Tianjiao Tomb. What does it mean to reach the spirit energy transformation in such a short time?

This means that whether Yang An has hidden his heaven-defying background, exposed the situation bit by bit, or achieved the spiritual transformation of his essence through cultivation in a short period of time, he is so abnormal that it is beyond their knowledge.

The most important thing is that Yang An, who has been promoted to the fourth-level true immortal in the form of spirit spirit, will definitely be able to break through to the peak of the late fourth-level true immortal realm as soon as he is promoted. In other words, Yang An should still have the ability to break through to the fifth-level true immortal realm at any time.

The ability of a true immortal.

As a fourth-level true immortal, Yang An is already strong enough to defeat the core undefeated myth. After he obtains the strongest inheritance, how terrifying will it be if he is promoted to a fifth-level true immortal?

These are all things Ming Quan has taken into consideration.

I have to say that Ming Quan has considered everything very comprehensively.

Therefore, even though Ming Quan was unwilling, he still chose to cooperate with his strongest competitor, eldest brother Jiang Chen, at the first opportunity.

The news channel Jiang Chen established to connect the two realms is very fast. Of course, the unification of the three realms is imminent, so they cannot afford to waste time.

Soon Jiang Chen received a reply from Ming Quan and reached cooperation.


Until this moment, Jiang Chen stared at Yang An, who looked like a god in the void and was shrouded in starlight, and he breathed a long sigh of relief in his heart.

Cooperating with his fourth brother Ming Quan was also due to the great pressure that Yang An brought to him. Although his arrangements were already in place, he was afraid of anything but the worst. Yang An repeatedly created miracles, exceeding everyone's expectations.

The situation was such that he couldn't help but worry.

But now, having reached a cooperation with Ming Quan, and the strength shown by Ming Quan, Jiang Chen finally felt that everything was safe.

Because the cooperation between the two of them is basically equivalent to the alliance of the Eight Young Masters of the direct lineage of the Pluto Emperor.

The most important thing is that they are all of the same bloodline of the Hades Emperor. They fight side by side. It is not just a matter of 1 1 = 2, but far greater than 2.

As time goes by, the atmosphere becomes more and more solemn and weird.

The top geniuses of the Alliance and the Divine Court, headed by Lin Xuan, have formed battle formations and are secretly communicating with each other. With Yang An as the core and focus, they have locked onto a group of mysterious geniuses headed by Jiang Chen and are ready to fight.

They knew very well that at the moment when the three realms merged into one, Jiang Chen and others would definitely be the first focus of the attack.

There is no need to say more about who Jiang Chen's target is.

Yang An is the key to whether the alliance and Shenting can win. Although Yang An has no alliance with top geniuses such as Lin Xuan, Lin Xuan can become the temporary leader because behind him is Lin Yan. And Lin Xuan can become the temporary leader.

Yan has long shown an attitude of supporting Yang An. Then Yang An defeated the undefeated myth and triggered the fusion of the three realms. He has already become the recognized spiritual leader of all the geniuses in the alliance and the Divine Court.

Therefore, the strategic policy discussed by Lin Xuan and other top geniuses is to adhere to a basic core point, which is to take Yang An as the core and fight around Yang An!

With the power of Jiang Chen and the mysterious prodigy around Jiang Chen, if he takes advantage of the moment when the three realms unite to attack and kill Yang An who is still accepting the inheritance, who can stop him? How long can he stop him? No one knows.

But it is absolutely necessary to let Jiang Chen and other underworld geniuses take advantage of Yang An to cause fatal damage to him when he is unable to resist.

Otherwise, the situation of the Alliance and the Divine Court will be worrying.

Because everyone knows that the upcoming unification of the three realms will definitely be a fierce battle!

And Jiang Chen and others are just the tip of the iceberg of the underworld. How strong will the real army of the underworld be? Not to mention that there is still no news of the ghost world until now?

There is absolutely no confidence that the final victory can be won.

The result of the failure was very clear, that is, a huge number of casualties.

This is a loss that both the Alliance and the Divine Court cannot afford. Since the appearance of the Tower Monument Ranking in the outside world, the geniuses in the ruins have been in constant contact with the outside world. Of course, they all use the burning of their original bloodline to control those who step into the ruins.

It costs a lot to communicate with the direct disciples inside, so we only communicate once every once in a while, but it is enough for the supreme bosses outside to roughly control the situation in the ruins.

The order given to Lin Xuan and other top geniuses is to fight!

When we meet on a narrow road, the brave wins!

This is related to the honor and destiny of the world of the underworld. You cannot give in, you cannot give in, you can only fight to the end!

Moreover, Yang An is not only the spiritual leader of the alliance and the geniuses of the Divine Court, but also the supreme bosses from the outside world believe that Yang An is the key to victory or defeat.

Therefore, everything is centered on Yang An, and adjusting the battle formation around Yang An is the most basic strategy.

The atmosphere at the top of the Tomb of the Prodigy of the Three Realms, as time passes, the aura of the laws of time and space blooming in the void becomes clearer, stronger, and more solemn.

Many geniuses were even more nervous, sweating and trembling like ordinary people.

No way, the three realms are united into one, and they are about to face the geniuses from the other two realms. This is the first time for most geniuses, even the top geniuses.

Everything is unknown!

Half an hour, an hour, two hours...

The three realms have long turned into a black night sky. As the top of the Tianjiao Tombs rise and light up the stars, they become more beautiful.

Especially in the Yang Realm, Yang An was shrouded in starlight, and the entire top of Tianjiao Tomb was dazzling and dreamy.

What is even more astonishing is that as the time and space of the three realms gradually merge, the top of the tomb of the genius in the underworld and the ghost world begins to faintly resemble the scene of the top of the tomb of the genius in the underworld.

The dots of stars and Yang An's figure gradually became clearer and fainter.



That is to say, when Yang An's figure appeared in the sight of the geniuses of the ghost world and the underworld, several terrifying attacks came one after another, killing Yang An's figure with incomparable violence.

But it is a pity that no matter how powerful the attack is, no matter what laws of time and space it contains, it all fails and cannot be used at all.

Yang An's figure has indeed appeared in the sight of the geniuses of the two worlds, but his true body is still transcendent from the underworld and the ghost world, and naturally cannot be attacked. To be precise, it is a state that transcends the three realms!

Even in the Yang Realm, if someone attacks at this moment, they will find that no one can attack Yang An at this moment. Unless their understanding of the laws of time and space has surpassed that of Jiutian Ancestor, the condenser of the ruins, otherwise it will be impossible.

After all, this is the strongest inheritance of the ruins!

How could it be possible that the guardian function was interrupted by the genius in the ruins?

This chapter has been completed!
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