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Chapter 37 The Truth Master (Part 2)

 Yu Zhesen recalled what he said to Ke Ziqian in his mind.

After making a promise not to deceive him, they came to this community.

Ke Ziqian volunteered to deliver the last express delivery, and he explained a few words about the signing process. So far, there were no problems.

The lie started when they met again in the second unit of Apartment Building No. 14.

In order to help Yiguang track down the hacker who invaded the security bureau's system, Yu Zhesen made up his first lie - the team leader asked him to find customers to do a questionnaire survey.

Then, in order to fend off Ke Ziqian, who was eager to help, he made up a second lie - he seemed to have forgotten to lock the door when he got out of the car.

The time stagnation ended here, and the environment and scenery returned to color, which helped him gain valuable time to sort out his memories.

"Actually, you only told one lie, and the second sentence used 'as if'." Shi Xin reminded.

"But my motive is to get him away, which is essentially a kind of deception, right?"

Shi Xin shook his head: "No, the 'Truth Master's' judgment only depends on the result. You did 'forget' to lock the door when you got off the car, although this was subjectively forgotten on purpose."

Yu Zhesen was stunned for a moment: "I subjectively forgot on purpose?"

"Actually, at that time, you already subconsciously had a backup plan to distract Ke Ziqian so that you could track down the hacker if you encountered him."

"When you say that, I feel so powerful."

"You are already very powerful." Shi Xin gave a thumbs up, "With me, we can do anything."

Ah, this is what is called seven in and seven out with Zhao Yun, right?

Yu Zhesen wanted to laugh but couldn't. He had already driven the truck out of the gate of the community and drove onto Shishi East Road where the car accident occurred in the death prediction.

"You can't take back the lies you tell." Shi Xin said.

"So I can't escape death?"

"No, I just said that the 'Truth Master' only looks at the results. If what you said is not a lie, it will automatically become invalid."

"Then I need to turn that lie into the truth - I have to let that hacker kid do the questionnaire!" Yu Zhesen shouted loudly.

Shi Xin praised: "The idea of ​​solving the problem is completely correct. My guidance task is completed. The rest is up to you."

After that, her figure disappeared from the windshield.

Yu Zhesen took a deep breath: "Yi Guang!"

"Commissioner a0717, is there anything Yi Guang can help you with?" Yi Guang's sweet voice came from the mobile phone in her pocket, and she has not been offline.

"Download a user questionnaire from Lightning Husky Express to Luyou's computer! No matter what method you use, let him fill it out within a minute!"

"This seems a bit forced. Yi Guang doesn't think it can be done within one minute."

"Instead of saying such desperate words to me, why not try it right away!"

"Commissioner a0717, you seem to be very upset. If you don't mind, Yiguang can sing a song to comfort you, okay?"

"Thank God, please can you be more pragmatic."

Yu Zhesen understood that the anthropomorphic AI of this security bureau system can only communicate normally at noon - because sooner or later something will happen!

He vowed that if there was a suitable opportunity in the future, he would beat up the programmer who designed the human-computer interaction logic for Yi Guang.

"Actually, Yi Guang wants to tell you that Chief Claire has contacted the Transportation Bureau and asked them to coordinate urgently to stop the tanker truck transporting liquid nu2."

Compared to the personification of the Security Bureau system, this girl is more like a virtual idol...

But now she finally said something that made Yu Zhesen feel relieved.

If the tanker truck was stopped, then the time of the accident should move backward, which means he may have time to erase the lie!

"By the way, the latest news about the progress is that Lu You has already sat in front of the computer and started filling out the questionnaire. Yi Guang is encouraging him to complete it as soon as possible."

"Well done Yiguang!"

Yu Zhesen decided to take back his previous complaints and asked again: "Then where is Ke Ziqian now?"

"Yi Guang doesn't know this. Although Yi Guang has obtained the control authority of the computer camera, he can't see the living room because of the angle."

Yu Zhesen felt a little regretful, and then asked her: "Dial Claire's number for me, and play it at the highest volume."

Ten seconds later, Claire's voice sounded in the cab: "Xiao Yu, how are you doing now?"

"The Adventist sect used a young hacker named Lu You to attack your system. His home address is..."

"I already know all this through Yi Guang, tell me about your own situation!"

"I haven't been liberated from the control of the 'Truth Master' yet, but it should be soon. Ke Ziqian originally planned to let me drive and collide with the nu2 transport truck."

"I will do everything I can to clear the way for you in the tactical command center, so just relax!" Claire said firmly.

Yu Zhesen felt a warmth in his heart and quickly gave Claire a reassuring answer: "The death prediction in my mind stopped about half a minute ago. The instructor does not need to worry about my safety. Please send someone to Luyou as soon as possible.

I don’t know what Ke Ziqian’s movements are, and I’m worried that he will be detrimental to the road trip.”

"Fifteen minutes ago, Yiguang had dispatched a specialist to rush for emergency assistance. He has just arrived downstairs in Apartment No. 14."

"Great. Ke Ziqian's fighting ability is very poor. The only thing you need to be careful about is his superpower..."

"I have already reminded the commissioner."

Yu Zhesen breathed a sigh of relief, now there was nothing to worry about.

There was an intersection ahead of him that he had seen in the death prediction screen. The roads on the left and right sides had been blocked by the Security Bureau. There was a long queue of large and small vehicles behind the yellow electronic barrier wall with eye-catching exclamation mark signs and "No Passage" slogans.


The opposite lane and the road where Yu Zhesen is located were also cleared as much as possible, and the Transportation Bureau participated in coordinating the early road closure and interception at the intersection a few kilometers away.

Police officers riding motorcycles and wearing exoskeleton armor guided vehicles that had entered the blocked road to pull over.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading!

Under the gaze of hundreds of pairs of eyes behind the yellow electronic traffic wall, the truck of Lightning Husky Express rushed across the intersection at lightning speed.

After passing the intersection and driving for about 1.5 kilometers, Yu Zhesen finally felt that he had regained control of his hands and feet.

Slowing down, braking, he parked the express truck on the side of the road.

Two mounted policemen who had been accompanying him all the way immediately approached and stopped Yu Zhesen as soon as he got out of the car.

Yu Zhesen glanced at the orange armor on these two people and thought to himself, these two are mounted policemen from the Traffic Bureau.

One of them used the scanning device on the armor to scan the bracelet on Yu Zhesen's left wrist.

"Citizen Yu Zhesen, you are suspected of speeding and dangerous driving, obstructing public transportation safety, and arrest procedures are now being carried out on you."

"Well...I want to explain..."

"If you have anything to say, please come back and talk to us." Another female mounted policeman from the Traffic Bureau took out the thumb cuffs and motioned to Yu Zhesen to put the backs of his thumbs together.

Yu Zhesen sighed, turned around, put his hands behind his back, and put his thumbs together back to back: "Sister Officer, please loosen the cuffs, I won't run away."

"Hey, how many times have you been in a situation before you become so skilled?" The female mounted policeman made a joking voice from under her visor.

Yu Zhesen didn't want to explain, but a gust of wind happened to blow at this time, and he smelled the smell of smoke mixed in the wind.

It is the unique smoky smell of YSL women's cigarettes. 70% of the second-hand smoke he has smoked in his life comes from this brand.

"Of course he is very skilled, because he once learned how to use this thing. Three years ago, at the Security Bureau rookie training camp in Starzhou City."

Hearing the sound, two mounted police officers from the Traffic Bureau suspended the arrest of Yu Zhesen, turned around and saluted the woman wearing a black trench coat with a cigarette in her mouth who was walking on the solid line in the center of the road.

This chapter has been completed!
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