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Chapter 107 Come here, fight here (please vote!)

Chapter 108 Come and fight here (please give me your monthly vote!)

Lu Yuan didn’t wait long before Lin Zhiqin came back with a bag of things in his hand.

Behind him were three or four tall, strong young men.

I guess they were called from the martial arts hall at this moment. Two of them were still yawning tiredly.


 Lu Yuan unexpectedly saw a familiar face.

  This is the boy who was standing at the front desk chatting with the girl at the front desk when he entered.

This man’s face was covered in acne, so he had an impression.

The acne-faced man obviously recognized him. Lu Yuan nodded to him as a signal, but the other party turned his face away.

 “Let’s use this first.”

Lin Zhiqin turned the bag in his hand on the ground and poured out several black sticks more than two feet long.

It's the kind used for security, with solid steel bars hidden inside and wrapped in a thick layer of rubber on the outside.

 What is the specific lethality?

The road is far away and I don’t know it clearly.

But since it was brought by Lin Zhiqin, there should be no problem.

  "One stick for each person, take it yourself."

 Lin Zhiqin called a few young men, pointed at Lu Yuan and said to them: "I'll hit him with this later.

 But don’t hit the vital parts”

 “Coach Lin”

A young man with a straight face shook the stick in his hand in astonishment, "Are you kidding me?"

Lin Zhiqin glanced at him coldly, "I'll hit you if I ask you to. What nonsense!"

 Then he looked at Lu Yuan and said, "Are you ready?"


Lu Yuan moved his body a little, felt in good condition, and nodded.

 “Are you sure you don’t want to wear protective gear?”

"Need not."

 Lu Yuan glanced at a few young people.

These people are not very strong, they are all amateurs. If they really miss or intentionally hit his vitals, he is confident that he can easily dodge them.

 Anti-hit training is classified as anti-hit training.

 He is not dead.


Lin Zhiqin looked at several young men holding sticks and said, "Let's do it."

Although they had the double permission from Lu Yuan himself and Lin Zhiqin, several young people were still hesitant.

  After all, this is to hit someone who has nothing to do with you for no reason. No matter what the reason is, normal people will have some mental disorders.

 In the end, the acne-faced man was the first to stand up.

He walked up to Lu Yuan with the stick in hand, turned around and glanced at the surveillance camera on the top of the room, and said half-jokingly: "Brother, you asked us to fight this. Don't rely on us if something happens later. It was all captured by surveillance cameras.

It’s on.”


Lu Yuan nodded, spread his feet slightly, and waved to the acne-faced man, indicating that he could start at any time.


 The acne-faced man narrowed his eyes, suddenly raised his hand and hit Lu Yuan on the arm with a stick.

Lu Yuan snorted softly, waved his arms, and said calmly: "Continue."

 The acne-faced man frowned, followed by another stick.


The sound of the rubber stick hitting the flesh kept resounding, and the remaining young men were stunned for a while.

Finding that Lin Zhiqin had no reaction, he joined in one after another with sticks.

The whipping sounds in the room soon became intensive.


Lu Yuan was touched on the waist and abdomen, and felt a little bit of pain.

But after this week, I practiced Linghe Body every day and felt the pain of my skin being torn apart.

 This little pain is nothing to him.

The men called by Lin Zhiqin were not very strong, and each blow was only with a force of a hundred kilograms.

His fifteen-point physique, coupled with his success in skin training, doesn't matter at all.

While taking the blow from the stick, Lu Yuan opened his career panel.

 【Spirit Crane Body lv1(89/100)】

His Spiritual Crane Body has almost reached level 2, but the experience value has increased a little slowly in the past two days, so he was thinking about using some external pressure stimulation.

Lu Yuan stared at the experience bar of the spirit crane body on the panel.


 The experience value jumped, from the original 89 to 90.

 “It’s really useful?!”

Lu Yuan was so happy that he couldn't help but said in a low voice: "Guys, please be more aggressive."


 The shadow of a stick roared towards me, and the sound of breaking through the air became obviously louder.

Lu Yuan used his trapezius muscles to gently block it, feeling that the force was still within the tolerable range.

 Looking up, he saw the acne-faced man again.

At this time, his lips were pursed and his face was expressionless, completely different from the polite look he had before.

The pimple-faced man took the lead, and the strength and frequency of the strikes of the other three gradually increased.

Lu Yuan felt as if he was being "beaten". He forcibly restrained his desire to take action and watched with bright eyes as the Linghe body's experience on the panel increased bit by bit.

Pain and happiness.

 That’s probably what it feels like.


 The acne-faced man hit Lu Yuan in front of him with a stick.

Feeling the impact of the rubber stick after hitting the opponent's flesh, his eyes unconsciously reflected a bit of pleasure.

How cool!

   There are still people in this world who actively seek to be beaten. Isn’t this stupid!

 That’s not how martial arts is practiced, and Coach Lin’s mind is not very clear either.


who cares!

  Isn’t it better if someone begs you to beat him?

 Thinking about it, the acne-faced man hit him with the stick again.

This time he deliberately aimed at the opponent's shoulder. The rubber rod was wrapped with a solid steel bar. If the blow was strong, he would have suffered a lot.


He was about to hit the target, but the opponent suddenly leaned forward, and the stick only hit the muscles behind his shoulder.

 It felt like hitting a thick piece of tire leather, which was far from the expected pleasure of the blow.

 The acne-faced man began to feel slightly unhappy.

  【Remember the domain name of this website s520.


“How dare you hide when I hit you?”

 Unconsciously, anger arises in my heart.

 “I told you to hide! I told you to hide again!”

 Long-term strenuous exercise causes blood flow to accelerate and blood gas to rise.

Perhaps even the acne-faced man didn't notice it. He was getting more and more cruel in his heart and using harder and harder force on his hands.

 There were even faint bloodshot eyes coming out.

 This anger triggered deeper resentment.

 The previous humiliation at the front desk came flooding back.

 “That face of yours, I can’t even chew it with my eyes closed!”

 “I’ll give you back the movie tickets, so you can give up.”

The acne-faced man caught a glimpse of Lin Zhiqin's figure in the training room and disappeared at some point.

 Looking back again, I saw Lu Yuan's face, which was slightly damp with sweat, had clear outlines, fair and handsome face.

The cold and contemptuous face of the girl at the front desk flashed in my mind, and every pimple on my face seemed to be aching.

 Suddenly, evil thoughts surged in my heart.

 The rubber stick in his hand also quietly changed its direction.

 “How about it? He looks handsome, doesn’t he?”


 Your mother is so handsome!

 Bitch woman!

I can hit ten of these pretty boys with one hand!!

Thinking about it, the acne-faced man's eyes were full of anger, and he hit the head with a stick, which was far away in front of him.


 【Your skill Spirit Crane Body is improved, experience value +1】

With a new prompt, Lu Yuan watched as the lv1 logo behind Linghe silently changed to lv2.

 In an instant.

Lu Yuan felt that the skin all over his body suddenly tightened.

 The pain of the blow on the body disappears instantly.


 The heart rate slows down, the voice becomes deeper, and it seems that one can feel thicker streams of blood pumping out of it than before.

 Have you finished training your skin?!



 Hit his chest and back with two sticks in succession.

Lu Yuan lowered his head and could only feel a vague pain, as if he had been accidentally hit by something insignificant.

“The pain has been reduced a lot, and my skin seems to have undergone some new changes.”

“How much the defense has been increased requires careful study to know.”

Lu Yuan thought about it and was about to ask a few sparring partners to stop.

But at this moment, a stick shadow suddenly roared towards his face.


 A strange voice sounded.

The dense and dull beating sounds in the room suddenly subsided.

 All the young sparring men stopped moving their hands and stared blankly at the scene in front of them.

 The handsome young man who asked them to cooperate in the anti-beating training was standing there with a calm face.

 A rubber stick was quietly fixed on his forehead.

 The one holding the end of the stick is a pimple-faced man with a cruel look on his face.

 “Liu Liu Xiangyu, you.”

The paused voice brought the acne-faced man back to reality from his immersion.

He woke up from a dream and suddenly became panicked.

 “I didn’t pay attention. I missed it!”

 The acne-faced man took two steps back suddenly, not daring to look into the eyes of others, and his eyes kept flickering.

“He himself told us to focus our attack. It’s so powerful that it’s hard to control. It’s normal for us to miss occasionally.”


A boy next to him shouted, "Isn't it because you have to hit hard to kill me? Didn't you hear what Coach Lin just said?

 Brother, are you okay? We'll take you to the hospital!"

 Speaking, he hurriedly went to check the wound on the forehead of the young man in front of him.

Unexpectedly, the young man shook his head to indicate that he was fine.

"He's right. You really acted lightly."


A few people were stunned, but the acne-faced man suddenly became energetic as if he heard something.

“Yeah, he said it himself, we started too lightly.

 I am listening to what he says, and it has nothing to do with me."

 The acne-faced man hasn’t finished speaking yet.

 I saw the young man in front of me suddenly glance in the direction of the training room door.

 Then take a deep breath.

next moment.


Accompanied by the crisp sound of bones, the muscles on the boy's body surged like waves, thick veins sprouted out, and his fair skin turned slightly red and black.

 Within a breath, the boy's whole body expanded in a circle, transforming into an exaggeratedly strong and majestic figure.


The young man's arms, as thick as a python, suddenly stretched out and reached the side of the acne-faced man's face.

Hands as big as leaf-leaf fans grasped the back of his neck and head, and pulled his whole body towards him.


Even his face was slightly distorted, from handsome to ferocious. The young man pointed at his forehead.

 Standing down, looking face to face into the eyes of the acne-faced man.

 One word at a time, he said calmly: "Use all your energy in breastfeeding.

 In an instant.

 The young people in the huge training room were as quiet as if they were dead.

 A few seconds later.


 It was the sound of a rubber stick falling to the ground.

 The typos were posted first and then corrected. There are still three updates today. Please vote for me!

 (End of this chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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