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184. Chapter 182 Extraordinary martial arts, the second super sure kill!

 Chapter 182 Extraordinary martial arts, the second super sure kill!


A large amount of thick black-red liquid leaked out of Molybdenum Demon's body, and his whole body shrank rapidly as if it was about to melt.

These unknown liquids mixed with mechanical components, bone and flesh impurities quickly condensed after being discharged from the molybdenum demon's body.

Gradually, the Molybdenum Demon's entire body was wrapped, as if forming a large cocoon.

Lu Yuan watched quietly.

Then bring up your career panel.

[Fighter] There are two new skills on the panel.

lv1【Dragon Shape True Meaning】.

lv1【Must kill——Long Xingyun】.

This is the Dragon School martial arts inheritance that Lu Yuan was inspired by during his battle with the Molybdenum Demon and was unlocked by Fu Zhi's spiritual understanding.

It was when Lu Yuan unlocked the second true meaning that he couldn't help but think about a question.

——What is the true meaning?


There was the sound of something boiling in front of him, and Lu Yuan looked up.

It was discovered that the large cocoon around the molybdenum demon was almost completely formed.

A huge black-red oval cocoon.

The surface of the large cocoon undulated violently, as if something was growing inside.

"Da da da--"

Before, Lu Yuan fought with the Molybdenum Demon, and those combat machines stopped attacking.

Now after Lu Yuan stopped, they began to gather around again and continued to fire at the large cocoon on the ground.

The system probably determined that this large cocoon contained an extremely dangerous aura.

However, most of these combat machines are only C-level and B-level, and the thermal weapons equipped on them can hardly cause any damage to the cocoon.

Various artillery shells and energy beams bombarded the cocoon, except for a few sparks, without any substantial effect.


A long tentacle suddenly sprang out from the large cocoon and grabbed a nearby combat machine.

Then it quickly retracted, as if eating, and "swallowed" the entire mechanical body in a few swallows.

Then quickly discharge a large amount of broken black mucus, wrapping the entire cocoon more tightly.

"This is completely out of a science fiction horror movie."

I can’t help but sigh that the road is far away.

But he ignored it and continued to think about himself.


Lu Yuan released his spiritual power.

The aerosol-like mental power dispersed around him.

His eyes moved.

These aerosol-like mental powers immediately condensed and formed a huge white crane, suspended above his body.

"Sharp, penetrating, swift, ethereal"

Lu Yuan narrowed his eyes and took in the various blessings that Linghe's true meaning brought him.

[The true meaning of dragon shape]!

With the activation of another true intention, the huge white crane suddenly dispersed and turned into mist again.

Then in the mist, a vague dragon shadow swam out.

"Fierce, dynamic, majestic"

The feeling of blessing given to Lu Yuan by the two true meanings is very different, and the power exerted is also different.

"The dragon-shaped true meaning is obviously stronger than the spiritual crane true meaning, but the total amount of spiritual power that makes up these two true meanings is obviously the same!"

Lu Yuan was thoughtful, feeling like he had caught something.

He repeatedly activated his true intention, and the white crane and the dragon shadow switched back and forth on him.

The frequently stirred mental power formed a small invisible hurricane in the field, lifting Lu Yuan's long hair and dancing, and the surrounding gravel and dust were pushed away, forming an unusually clean and tidy vacuum zone.


The large cocoon composed of the molybdenum demon and the human bear continuously shoots out tentacles, dragging and swallowing the nearby combat machinery.

With a click, only a bunch of useless parts are left and excreted.

It's like some scary monster is eating.

A trace of inexplicable fluctuations escaped from the big cocoon, and became more and more intense.

The new blood who were watching, even though they were far away, couldn't help but feel their scalps tingling slightly, and a bad premonition running rampant in their hearts.

On the light screen, next to the large black and red cocoon screen, countless data slid past like a waterfall.

A line of clear small words is displayed on the right side - estimated combat effectiveness assessment.

At this time, the evaluation behind this column is constantly jumping between the two grades of A and B.

Song Cong kept staring at this value. Occasionally, S would flash across his face, which would make his eyelids twitch violently.

He turned to look at Su Zhaohui beside him.

Su Zhaohui changed his previous casual attitude, his expression was stern, and his eyes like an eagle were firmly locked on——

In the picture, there is a quiet and strong young man with long hair dancing.

Song Cong's expression moved slightly, as if he wanted to say something.

In the end, he still held back and looked coldly at the several light screens in front of him without speaking.


After devouring countless combat machines, the large black-red cocoon on the ground had now expanded to a diameter of five meters and a height of three meters.

The surface of the big cocoon is uneven, with many broken mechanical parts solidified, and some things mixed with flesh and metal.

One bulge after another bulges from the surface of the large cocoon.

"Dong dong - dong dong -"

Along with the beating of the heart like a drum, an indescribable aura of terror spread everywhere and gradually spread throughout the venue.

In just a few seconds, red lights lit up on the surrounding combat machines, and harsh warning sounds rang out across the open space, bringing an inexplicable and heavy sense of depression.

But Lu Yuan just raised his eyelids slightly.

Ignore it.

The super evolution of the Molybdenum Bearmon has entered a certain critical stage.

What a coincidence.

His "super evolution" is also brewing rapidly.

At this time, Lu Yuan's body had no true meaning manifested, and the mist-like mental power seemed to be boiling, forming an invisible vortex.

The terrifying aura of the big black and red cocoon filled the whole place, but the area around him centered on him

But it was as calm as the eye of a typhoon.

"True meaning is the product of a fighter's spiritual will tempered to a certain extent and combined with his own martial arts inheritance.

It is a wonderful spiritual power.

Blessing oneself can have a great amplifying effect on martial arts ultimate moves, like some extremely strong self-psychological suggestion?

If it falls on the opponent, it will distort the opponent's five senses, producing an effect similar to the viscosity of the air, the suspension of time, and the stagnation of thinking."

An inexplicable light bloomed in Lu Yuan's eyes.

"This kind of spiritual power is based on the martial arts inheritance that the fighter has practiced for many years, honing and honing, which naturally breeds a kind of self-confidence and perseverance.

So the strength of the true meaning depends on the fighter's perception of his own strength and his recognition of the corresponding martial arts inheritance?"

The invisible mental whirlpool seemed to be spinning faster.

Lu Yuan seemed to have figured out some issues all at once.

"The dragon-shaped true meaning and the spiritual crane true meaning are displayed in my hands. The reason why the former is more lethal than the latter.

It's entirely because I have subconsciously believed that the martial arts inheritance of the Dragon Sect is stronger than that of the Crane Sect!

Of course, this should be the case.

The martial arts inheritance of the Dragon School is obviously superior to that of the Crane School in terms of moves and intentions."

"In other words, if I can imagine an image that is more powerful than the dragon, maybe I can create a martial arts true meaning that is more powerful than the true meaning of the dragon shape?"

Lu Yuan's eyes lit up.

But it quickly dimmed the next second.

"No, this won't work."


At this time, a sound like something breaking came from the front.

The shattering sound lasted for a while, followed by a loud "boom".

The huge black and red cocoon that had expanded to the extreme suddenly burst and exploded!

An invisible aura of terror poured out like a tide, sweeping the entire place instantly.

Lu Yuan didn't even raise his eyelids this time, he was still thinking.

"There are no corresponding martial arts moves as a basis, evidence, or foundation.

Without the condensation of the wisdom, sweat and beliefs of dozens or even hundreds of generations, simply imagining an image to serve as the true meaning is simply a castle in the air and completely untenable.

Even if it is really conceived, it will definitely burst like a bubble."

"Besides, this is not what I want."

Lu Yuan suddenly abandoned this line of thinking at a certain moment.

“In the final analysis, the true meaning of martial arts is still too fictitious and has little impact on reality.

For ordinary fighters, this kind of spiritual suggestion is already very powerful.

But not enough for me!”

"Because I am different from ordinary fighters.

My mental power has long been strong enough to actually affect reality!"

Lu Yuan's thoughts moved slightly, and the invisible spiritual vortex around him suddenly rolled up.

In an instant, all the gravel, dust and other things in the circle next to him started to float and roll.

It's as if there is an invisible hand in the air controlling everything.

"The true meaning of martial arts is a good way to exert my mental power after breaking through the limit.


It’s still far from being able to fully unleash the potential of my mental power after breaking through the limit once!”


A long breathing sound came from a distance.

Lu Yuan saw a huge body over three meters tall standing in front of him.

This figure's body was covered in knots of muscles, with silver molybdenum steel, black unknown metal, and dark red flesh all intertwined and connected together.

It formed this exaggerated, deformed and extremely strong terrifying body.

He still has a bald head, but looks like a human bear.

The human bear closed its eyes, and many mechanical bodies launched weapons, countless energy beams, and bullets poured on it, but they could only make "bang bang" and "ding clang" sounds.

It's almost impossible to break his skin.

The man-bear had a smile on his lips, as if he was still enjoying all this.


He opened his eyes.

A huge and terrifying aura suddenly unfolded, and the air seemed to expand violently.


The concrete ground around the human bear's feet all rolled up on its own, collapsed and flew out, and the mechanical body's offensive suddenly stalled.

Compared with the Molybdenum Demon in its previous heyday.

At this time, this strange combination of a human bear and a molybdenum demon was several times more powerful!

"Is this the power of S-class?"

The man-bear whispered to himself, the smile on his face getting bigger and bigger

Lu Yuan withdrew his gaze and continued to think about his own problems without any disturbance in his mind.

“My thinking was wrong from the beginning.

Why should I try to imitate the true meaning? I just need to make better use of my mental power."

"In an extraordinary form?!"

Lu Yuan instantly thought of his [Speak to the Dead (Extraordinary)] panel.

His most powerful method at the moment is the punch of [Super Kill - Death on the Path] on the [Sorrow to the Dead (Extraordinary)] panel.

But because this punch is combined with death energy, it cannot be used at will.

"What if I use spiritual power to replace death energy?"

Lu Yuan's eyes shined again, getting brighter and brighter.

"The crow dream is also a kind of extraordinary image, even more real than the true meaning of the crane or the true meaning of the dragon shape.

Because I have experienced it myself countless times!”

"I replace the true meaning with the crow's dream, replace the dead energy with spiritual power, and use strength as an assistant.

Can this line of thought be called - extraordinary martial arts?!"

At this moment, countless inspirations burst out in Lu Yuan's mind, and thousands of thoughts came and went.

His eyes were as bright as stars.

It was as if he could see an unprecedented road slowly unfolding before his eyes.

"You're not going to take action yet?!"

Song Cong looked at the light screen, which showed the big "S-" after the evaluation of the strength of the human-bear-molybdenum-demon combination.

He turned his head suddenly and stared at Su Zhaohui closely.

Su Zhaohui pursed his lips tightly and his eyes fluctuated violently.

His hands dropped to his sides, but he still refused to lift them up.

“Wait and wait and wait”

Song Cong took a deep breath, as if trying to calm down his turbulent mood.

Looking at Su Zhaohui again, he said in an incomprehensible tone: "I think you are crazy!"

The human bear's gaze fell on a long-haired boy not far away who lowered his head slightly and remained silent.

"Thank you."

he said softly.

This is the second time he has said these words of thanks to the other party.

"If it weren't for you, I don't think I would have discovered that I still have this ability."

The human bear walked towards the boy.

Walking and talking.

"It's impossible to enter S-class."

The human bear raised one of his hands and looked at it with an expression of great satisfaction, as if he was admiring a piece of ingenious and perfect work of art.

He suddenly stamped his foot.

The terrifying force spreads into the ground and quickly extends along the ground.


As the concrete floor cracked rapidly, at the end of the crack, several combat machines exploded into several clusters of sparks.

This power is much stronger than the previous Molybdenum Demon.

The invisible power emanating from every gesture affects all onlookers like a magnetic field.

Even though they were very far away, all the onlookers felt difficulty breathing and their scalps were numb.

It's so scary!

“This feeling is really wonderful”

The human bear withdrew his gaze and focused on the young man in front of him again.

He twitched the corners of his mouth fiercely, and his expression quickly turned ferocious.

It looked like he was smiling, but his smile was full of cruelty.

"To express my sincere gratitude to you, I decided to make you the first person I kill after being promoted to S-class.

Feel honored, boy."

After saying that, Renxiong raised his hand and made a fist.

All the deformed bones and muscles of his body began to squirm, waves of terrifying power were transmitted upwards, and the atmosphere in the venue instantly became oppressive.

It was as if even the atmospheric pressure had dropped a lot in an instant, making it so heavy that people couldn't breathe.

"Why don't you do it?!"

In the shuttle, Song Cong shouted this sentence almost coldly!

The corner of Su Zhaohui's mouth twitched violently.

The light in his eyes dissipated helplessly.

He didn't speak, and stretched out his hand to press the paused activation button of the "Sword of Judgment".

But just when his finger was about to land on the start button.


He paused again.

Song Cong also paused.

Both men saw it clearly.

In the light screen, there is a long-haired boy who has been keeping his head down and motionless since the beginning.

At this time, he finally raised his head.


The man-bear laughed ferociously, raised his fist and was about to hit the boy in front of him who was half a body shorter than him.

The hearts of all those watching the new blood in the field were in their throats for a moment, and their hands were clenched subconsciously.

However, at this moment

Lu Yuan finally looked up.

The waist-length black hair behind him moved automatically without any wind.

A pair of eyes are dazzling.

An inexplicable wave spread rapidly from his body and spread throughout the entire place in an instant.

The next moment, everyone in the venue, including Man Xiong.

His consciousness was in a trance for a moment.

In their eyes, the sky in front of them seemed to have entered the dark night in an instant.

A huge bright full moon hung in the sky.

Under the full moon, the black River Styx flows quietly.

Soon, the Styx was boiling.

Thousands of crows flew out from it, covering the entire sky in the blink of an eye.

In the real world.

The air within tens of meters around Lu Yuan was all distorted at this time.

Then all these distortions rushed towards Luyuan.

His whole person seemed to be "bright with light" and even became dazzling.

Invisible twisting power enveloped his whole body.

He took a step forward and suddenly appeared above the man-bear in the air.

The long hair is raised high back, completely revealing the bloody lotus eye pattern on the back.

His expression was peaceful and condescending, and the bright yellow energy on his arms jumped like fire.

Finally, he lightly punched the bear on the forehead.

Finished with one punch.

Lu Yuan's figure disappeared, and when he reappeared, he had already fallen to the ground.

behind him.

The three-meter-tall human bear had a dull expression and made a strange "gurgling" sound in its throat.


There was a "boom" and it exploded into pieces of blood and flesh all over the sky.

The aftermath of the explosion ruffled Lu Yuan's long black hair.

He never looked back from the beginning to the end, but looked intently at the palm he had just punched with a strange light in his eyes.

[Congratulations on successfully learning a new skill!]

On the [Fighter] panel, a newly unlocked skill point shines brightly.

The position of this skill is higher than the ultimate skill and the true meaning.

It is almost flush with the position of [Report Death on the Underworld] on the [Reveal to the Dead (Extraordinary)] panel.

The name of this new skill is——

[Super sure kill——Thousand Crows Ode to the Moon]!


This chapter has been completed!
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