Turn off the lights
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Chapter 19 Rain Alley

  The rain started falling before I even got home.

 When one or two drops hit your face, you will know that you are going to suffer.

 Sure enough, within a few seconds, the rain became fierce.


Big raindrops fell from the sky, as if someone was pouring water down from the sky in the middle of the night.

Lu Yuan quickly ran under the eaves of the shops along the street, shook the water drops from his hair, and walked along the narrow shelter towards home.

 After the heavy rain, there were even fewer people on the street.

Occasionally, you can see one or two hard-working office workers who have worked overtime running wildly on the road holding a computer bag.

  The orange headlights of battery-powered cars and cars penetrated the rain curtains and sped past Lu Yuan from time to time.

 Suddenly a small van stopped at the entrance of an alley far ahead of the road.

 Walking along the road and looking at random things.

I saw the door of the van open, and four or five men in black short-sleeved clothes rushed out, two of them seemed to be carrying something in their hands.

 Wrapped in black oil paper and cloth, I don’t know what it is.

After a few people got off the car, two people quickly walked out of the alley to greet them.

As soon as the two groups met, they immediately walked into the alley, leaving only a young man in his twenties with yellow hair standing at the entrance of the alley smoking.

 The rain is too heavy.

Lu Yuan didn’t know why the young man chose to stand under the heavy rain and smoke.

 “Can this be lit?”

Lu Yuan thought silently in his heart.

When passing by the young man, the latter seemed to glare at him and uttered a few curse words.

Throwing the cigarette on the ground, he turned around and headed into the alley.

  The road went a few dozen meters further, when I was about to cross the road.

 Looking at the flashing red lights on the other side of the road, I unconsciously glanced at the alleyway I walked through before.




The red light turns green.

  walking a long way to the zebra crossing.

Even though he covered his head with his hands, raindrops still rolled down his hair quickly.

 He squinted his eyes and carefully avoided the puddles on the road.

 At the halfway point.

 The road stopped far away.

He stared at the fast-moving green man on the traffic light for a while. Somewhere in his heart was touched, and he suddenly turned around and ran back towards the original road.

 “I hope... I’m overthinking it.”

 Lulu ran to the entrance of the alley where the van was parked and took a look inside.

 The heavy rain blurred his vision, and the alley was dark.

 There is no light at all.

This is the oldest urban area. Many of the houses in it still look like unconverted rural areas, and almost no one lives there.

Took two steps further in from the road.

 Suddenly, he squatted down and reached out to pick up a pink hairpin on the water-filled ground.

The color of this hairpin looks very new, it is the kind of style that only high school girls would wear.

 Lu Yuan looks a bit familiar.

 Some broken scenes flashed through his mind as fast as a movie.

“...There have been many missing persons cases in our city recently, and the Municipal Public Security Bureau has set up a special investigation team..."

“...Lu Hui, female, 28 years old, wearing white upper body...If anyone knows anything about it, please call the following number, we will be grateful!”

“Lu Yuan, do you want to go back to class together? I want to find your answer to the math test you took yesterday afternoon.”

 “Look at you, little bitch! Get out!”


 The lightning flashing overhead suddenly illuminated everything in front of him.

Lu Yuan suddenly connected all the clues in his mind.

“Missing person case...kidnapping...Ling Yue?!”

He subconsciously was about to take out his cell phone, but there was a subtle sound in the air approaching quickly amid the heavy rain.


 The rusty steel pipes hammered hard on the cement floor.

Lu Yuan was half squatting on the ground. Due to the rolling, his clothes and pants were covered with mud and water, and he looked a little embarrassed.

 “Yo, you can still escape?”

The yellow-haired young man holding the steel pipe looked at Lu Yuan with a surprised expression. The silver earring in his left ear flashed in the residual light of lightning.

Lu Yuan quickly stood up from the ground, his legs tensed slightly, and he subconsciously wanted to rush towards Huang Mao.

 But in the next second, he stopped abruptly, turned around suddenly, and ran out of the alley.

 The soul belonging to an adult in this body told him.

 At this time, the most correct decision is to get out of danger as soon as possible and then call the police.

Before Lu Yuan could run out of the alley, the van parked at the entrance of the alley suddenly turned on two orange lights, turned its head suddenly, and rushed into the alley.

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 The car was extinguished, and its body blocked the narrow alley.

 Hunting for direct headlights, you have to turn your face slightly to give way.

 Then he saw the door of the van open, and a middle-aged man of medium build and ordinary appearance walked out of the car with an expressionless face.

 “Damn it!”

 Only after a long journey did I know.

 It turned out that there were people in the car all along.

His hesitation just now, his departure and return, and everything he did in the alley were all clearly seen by the person in the car.


 Lu Yuan heard someone laugh, and then the sound of a stick breaking through the air was heard behind his head again.

He tried his best to dodge to the side, turned around, and caught the silhouette of the figure behind him with his peripheral vision... He turned around and kicked hard towards the yellow-haired young man holding the steel pipe.


This kick is strong enough.

The yellow-haired young man was kicked three or four meters away by Lu Yuan, staggered against the wall, and sat down paralyzed.

 The steel pipe in his hand also fell to the ground.

 “This guy has practiced martial arts!”

Huang Mao covered his chest and shouted.

 The middle-aged man blocking the alleyway changed his face slightly and took the initiative to rush towards Luyuan.

Lu Yuan pinched the hairpin tightly with his left hand, his cheeks were hot, and all the blood in his body seemed to be boiling at this moment.

 Two lifetimes.

 This can be regarded as his first serious fight.

 Basic boxing, basic kicking, basic footwork, and basic grappling.

 Jab, left swing, right whip, forward slide...

The fighting techniques he had practiced so hard every day were running through his mind in confusion, but Lu Yuan could not grasp anything at once.

You can only follow your instinct, lower your body slightly, and then punch the man straight in the face.

His fist pierced the heavy rain curtain, but before he could do anything, he was suddenly deflected by a middle-aged man's palm.

 The latter took advantage of the situation and also raised a punch to hit him.

 Aiming at Lu Yuan’s neck.

Lu Yuan could only turn sideways, but was forced to get hit on the shoulder...

 The two of them fought each other quickly, their fists and feet colliding with each other in the heavy rain, making a "pop-pop" sound.

 It feels completely different to practice sparring with Cheng Peng.

 He was not wearing any protective gear, and his fists were hitting his body hard.

But now that his adrenaline is surging, and coupled with the blessing of ten points of physical fitness, he can hardly feel any pain.

 The middle-aged man has obviously also practiced, and his speed and strength are much stronger than Lu Yuan.

 In terms of actual combat experience, it is far from it.

   Almost as soon as they met, they were at a disadvantage and fell into a passive situation of being beaten.

 The only way to hold on until now is to fight hard with the opponent with a surge of blood.


At this time, there was suddenly a sound of footsteps wading in the water from behind.

Lu Yuan punched away the middle-aged man's attack, quickly pressed his body against the wall, and then turned his head to look behind him.

I saw five or six figures wearing raincoats walking towards this direction.

They all had tools in their hands, including sticks and shiny watermelon knives.

The yellow-haired young man who was kicked away by him before also stood up now.

He followed these people closer together, his eyes as sinister as those of wild dogs fighting for food on the roadside.

 “Brother Hei!”

 Someone shouted.

The middle-aged man who had been blocking the alley and fighting with Lu Yuan for a long time smiled and replied a few words in a dialect.

While speaking, his eyes glanced far away from the road from time to time, showing a trace of teasing and amusement.

Lu Yuan watched the two groups of people getting closer and closer, about to meet up.

  Under the heavy rain, the high cement courtyard walls in the lanes of the urban villages seemed to be integrated with the black sky.

 An inexplicable fear and despair arose from the bottom of his heart.

Lu Yuan began to feel panicked.

He seemed to be able to hear his heart beating loudly in his chest.

 The raindrops falling on the face bring a slight cold feeling to the body.


 His breathing became heavier and heavier.

 At the moment when a certain critical point is about to be reached...


 Lu Yuan punched the wall behind him hard, and like a wild animal, he lunged towards the middle-aged man nearby.

 Under the heavy rain, the young man running wildly gritted his teeth, his handsome face looking a little ferocious due to the exertion.

 His eyes lit up with little bits of crazy fire.

 That no one saw.

 The light blue virtual light screen quickly condensed.

 On the light screen.

 The two available free attribute points disappeared instantly, and what changed at the same time was the attribute in the strength column.

 From the original 9.......

  quietly changed to....11!

This chapter has been completed!
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