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233. Chapter 231 Catalog of the God of War

Chapter 231 Martial God Catalog

Jiaoyan City.

The light of the late autumn sunset does not have any warmth, but has a slight chill.

Lu Yuan stood under the blue-grey humanoid rock sculpture in the center of a small square, scrolling through his mobile phone.

There were some golden ginkgo leaves scattered under his feet, and behind him was a building with a signboard of "Jiaoyan City Museum".

"The surgery to regenerate a severed limb is not complicated, but considering that the surgeon is relatively old and is a top fighter, if you want to achieve the best surgical effect, you may need to use some more precious auxiliary drugs."

"My family's situation is relatively simple. Ordinary mid-level cell repair solution can have a good body maintenance effect. If you want to have a big improvement in appearance, you may need surgery."

"The person who was born with an evil martial physique sent by your Excellency was taken away by a project team as soon as he came in. The project level is very high, and I can't find any information."

A long message appears in the phone's dialog box.

Lu Yuan scanned it word by word and sentence by sentence.

In this Southern Hundred Cities Martial Arts League, Lao Liu made a huge "sacrifice" for himself.

Although he had "get rid of" Pei Ye and solved the knot that Lao Liu had felt for fifteen years, he still wanted to make up for it.

When Lao Liu was besieged, he broke through and was only one step away from the master level. The main problem was that his body was incomplete and his true intention could not be integrated with his body.

Therefore, Lu Yuan thought of completing Lao Liu's body through Huang Xiong's channel.

"Rebirth of a severed limb was a technique in science fiction and fantasy novels fifteen years ago.

But five years ago, there suddenly were major breakthroughs and results, and the technology was quite mature.

Nowadays, within the Yellow Bear, missing arms and legs is nothing at all. Even ordinary people living in Chabon can have the opportunity to undergo this kind of surgery as long as they have money."

Lu Yuan checked some relevant information and once again felt incredible about the progress of technological development in this world.

For many important scientific and technological means, there is almost no accumulation process before the results appear.

Obviously, the research progress in this field last month was still 0, and the next month it suddenly exploded, making various major breakthroughs one after another, and then quickly reached a very high level.

This phenomenon is not just one or two, it is true in many fields and many projects.

“It’s as if there is a mysterious force deliberately guiding human technology to develop rapidly in several directions.

Is it possible that we really received aliens, a legacy or a gift from a higher civilization?"

Lu Yuan thought that the decline of ancient martial arts seemed to have occurred in this short period of fifteen to twenty years.

The new martial arts transformation route suddenly emerged, and the ancient martial arts quickly fell from the altar.

"The division between the New World and the Old City Circle was almost formed during this time period."

Lu Yuan was thinking about it, and was about to ask the Huang Xiong research team members on the other end of the phone about the situation of Lin Zhiqin and Lin Mo.

At this time, he saw several figures walking arm in arm from the museum entrance in the distance.

They are all girls in their twenties. Their clothes are not trendy, but they carry a unique aura between maturity and youth.

A few people were chatting and laughing, talking about where to eat and relax after get off work.

Lu Jing was obviously among them.

Lu Yuan's eyes flashed slightly, he lowered his head and sent Lu Jing a message.

Half a minute later, a girl broke away from the team and trotted towards Lu Yuan to meet him.

"When did you come back?!"

Lu Jing ran to Lu Yuan, panting, her face flushed, full of surprise and surprise.

"Just this afternoon."

Lu Yuan smiled at Lu Jing, and then asked, "Why do you want to come here to work?"

Lu Jing let out a breath and sighed softly: "It's so boring to be in the martial arts gym. There is nothing to do except practicing martial arts every day.

I was so busy all day long that I thought about finding something to do. It’s hard to find a job for someone with an archaeological background.

Apart from museums, there are not many big auction houses in Jiaoyan.”

Lu Yuan nodded, and while beckoning Lu Jing to move forward, he said to her: "The matter with the archaeological team has been resolved. You don't have to worry about any curses in the future."


Lu Jing was suddenly pleasantly surprised. At this moment, she was really relieved from the bottom of her heart, and said to herself: "No wonder I haven't had nightmares recently. Oh, by the way."

Lu Jing couldn't help but ask: "Where is Professor Xia? Is Professor Xia back?"

Lu Yuan knew that she was talking about Xia Weimin, shook his head and said: "Xia Weimin died in the hands of someone from a cultural relics theft company. Those people robbed him and secretly took a batch of cultural relics from Xisu.

However, the authorities have already intervened, and it is estimated that there will be results soon."

Lu Yuan made up a specious "truth" to completely dispel Lu Jing's doubts.

After hearing this, a burst of sadness appeared on Lu Jing's face, her mood became depressed, and she murmured:

"Professor Xia, Professor Xia is quite nice.

He usually takes good care of us interns, and among the professors, he is the most attentive to the project."

Lu Yuan didn't know how to comfort Lu Jing, so he could only reach out and pat her back gently.

Lu Jing's mood seemed very low until she got home, and she kept scrolling on her phone with her head down.

It wasn't until dinner, when the family sat at the table after a long absence, that she gradually came out of the sadness of Xia Weimin's death.

During dinner, my mother kept asking Lu Yuan about the Mathematical Olympiad competition. While Lu Yuan answered fluently, he secretly sent a private message to Huang Xiong to prepare the trophies and certificates and send them home as soon as possible.

I haven’t seen him for two months. My father, Lu Xinghua, looks much better, has become whiter, and has gained some weight.

The situation at home is developing in a better direction, and Lu Yuan feels inexplicably relieved.

He has not forgotten his original intention of practicing martial arts - isn't it just for the sake of everything in front of him?


At this moment, Lu Yuan suddenly felt touched.

Something seemed to have opened a crack in my mind, and a large amount of light leaked in.

Immediately afterwards, he felt that his mental power suddenly surged.

The aerosol-like mental energy lingering around him increased by about half.


The sudden surge of mental power spread out, forming an invisible and massless shock wave.


The lights overhead flashed randomly, and then the power went out at Lu Yuan's house.

"Old house, the circuit must have tripped again!"

Dad Lu Xinghua muttered and got up to check, and his mother got up immediately to find a flashlight to light him up.

In the dark restaurant, lights from the homes next door shone in through the windows.

Lu Jing looked at Lu Yuan with wide eyes, and said with some surprise: "Brother, why are your eyes so bright?!"

Lu Yuan looked at Lu Jing quietly, was silent for a while, and then said, "Sister, let's go to grandpa's house to stay for a few days tomorrow."

Lu Jing was stunned for a moment, then nodded heavily.


A desolate and silent quarry.

Lu Yuan felt the heavy body under his eyes.

slow, clumsy, sluggish

However, the moment this body moved, black lines quickly lit up inside the body that looked like it was carved out of rock.

Those feelings of slowness and clumsiness immediately disappeared, replaced by a majestic power that could destroy almost everything!


This punch hit the ground so hard that the solid rock ground with a radius of 100 meters turned into powder.

The terrifying counter-shock force was transmitted back, but was completely lost under the glowing black lines in the body.


Lu Yuan exhaled a breath of turbid air, and his consciousness instantly returned to his original body.

[Imagine Enemy] The time in the consciousness space is suspended, and the elephant man in front of him walks and remains motionless with a downward punching posture.

Lu Yuan stepped forward, walked in front of the walking body of the Elephant God, stretched out his hand and pressed on the walking body of the Elephant God, and felt a rough and hard touch on his fingertips.

He closed his eyes, and a scarlet blood line lit up on his chest.

One way, two ways, three ways

There are a total of nine blood lines, intertwined and twisted like a dragon.

When the nine blood lines completely emerged, Lu Yuan's figure trembled slightly, his eyes opened instantly, a faint red glow appeared in his eyes, and a faint red glow suddenly appeared all over his body.

"Tiangang Balie!"

Suddenly, Lu Yuan felt an unstoppable and domineering feeling in his heart.

Even his mentality has changed slightly, as if he has transformed into an invincible general fighting on the battlefield, with the heroic spirit to swallow up all the wastes, look down on the heroes, and directly take the enemy general's head in the midst of thousands of troops.

But it's not over yet.

Lu Yuan recalled the feeling of his consciousness just entering Xiang Shen's walking body, and the aerosol-like mental power dispersed.

Surge, gather, and gradually form a shadow that vaguely resembles a head and a human body.

At the moment when Xiangren's true intention was formed, the domineering and heroic aura in Lu Yuan's heart immediately climbed to another peak.

He punched the walking Elephant Man in front of him on the head.



With a crisp sound, Lu Yuan's punching wrist was broken.


Lu Yuan opened his eyes, and in the small bedroom where the lights were turned off, there seemed to be an inexplicable light flashing away.

He sat cross-legged on the old man's mat that he had not seen for a long time. He did not get up in a hurry, but continued to think.

His current skills on the [Fighter] panel are almost reaching their peak.

He is already considered an extremely top pure martial artist.

It is precisely because of this that we can more deeply feel the fatigue and weakness in the later stages of the pure martial arts career.

So he tried to create an extraordinary martial arts path that was unique to him.

"Replace the true meaning of the crane with the vision projected by the Crow God, and replace the true meaning of Henglian martial arts including Tiangang Ba Lie with the vision projected by the Elephant God."

"Judging from the results of [imaginary enemy] consciousness space simulation, this approach is still feasible, but I don't know how effective it will be when actually put into practice?"

Lu Yuan opened his career panel.

On the [Fighter] panel, there are a wide range of martial arts skills, including sure-kills and even super-kills.

For the current Lu Yuan, the power seems a bit weak.

"Except for the core professional skills, most martial arts skills are almost useless, miscellaneous but not refined.

No, even if I practice to a very advanced level, I still won’t be able to achieve the results I want.”


Lu Yuan thought about it, and sorted out the skills he had mastered so far to form a brand new martial arts system that was truly suitable for him.

"This new martial arts system should include the four directions of offense, defense, speed and spirit.

Use pure martial arts as your bones, pure martial strength as your flesh, pure martial arts moves as your skin, and the true meaning of the evil god’s projection as your soul!”

In the darkness, the light in Lu Yuan's eyes became more and more intense, and there seemed to be countless spiritual lights colliding and dying in his pupils.

He murmured to himself: "The name is just called - Illustrated Book of the God of War.

Those who create the law should have a long way to go for me."

I recommend this book, it is a very interesting longevity article.

Book Title: Competition for Immortality

Introduction: "The way to cultivate immortality is like a thousand troops crossing a single-plank bridge. The difference between one step and one step is a handful of loess. So even if I die, I will die on the road to becoming an immortal!"


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