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238. Chapter 236 The light of dawn, the grace of that spear

Chapter 236 The light of dawn, the grace of that spear

The hook-nosed old man and the horse-faced middle-aged man looked at each other in confusion.

The elephant protector has a steady temperament and is taciturn.

He has always advocated strength and had a firm will. Before accepting the evil martial arts inheritance, he was a standard ascetic monk.

Regardless of personality or body shape, the elephant protector always gives people a sense of weight, stability and reliability.

This kind of person has always been a solid backing in a team.

But now

The thick mountain-like elephant protector was actually trembling.

He even said that he was going to die.

The two of them couldn't understand.

What kind of unknown terror can make people like the protector suddenly fall into collapse in an instant?


The trembling Elephant Protector suddenly swelled when his fear reached a certain level.

The black robe that covered the body was torn, and the mask on the face fell off

Soon, a shocking body appeared.

The muscles on his body were so developed that they even burst out from under the skin, exposing a large number of veins and blood vessels, squirming like a skinned living creature.

In some locations, it has a rock-like texture.

His mouth was split on all sides, showing a petal-like gap.

On the face that was cracked in all directions, the entire left cheek was black and gray, like a stone growing on the face.

The elephant protector roared low, making a sound like an elephant's hiss.

His legs were slightly apart and sunk downwards, and his thick and burly body seemed to be deeply rooted in the ground.

Then he faced a certain direction, his eyes widened, and his originally hateful face became even more ferocious and terrifying.

His eyes looked far ahead.

It seemed like he was afraid, unwilling, and quietly waiting for something to come.

"In the end, why?"

The hook-nosed old man and the horse-faced middle-aged man were infected by his emotion and asked with trembling voices.

Then I heard a few intermittent words filled with depression coming from the mouth of Protector Xiang.

"The blasphemer who is destined to die is the final outcome."

The two people seemed to suddenly think of something, and their expressions suddenly changed.

At this time, a loud sound like a rapid beating of a drum came from a distance.


The sound was dull and thick, as if something was hitting the ground hard, turning the entire ground into a drum head.

And the pace is very fast, getting closer in an instant.

The ground beneath their feet began to tremble violently, dozens of times stronger than what the Dharma Protector had caused before, like an earthquake.

The next second, the pupils of the old man with the hooked nose and the middle-aged man with the horse face shrank sharply.

They saw a black figure on the horizon ahead, more than five meters tall, trampling on the ground step by step, and rushing towards them at an extremely fast speed.

"The walking class of the Ganesha Cult?!"

The two people blurted out subconsciously, and in an instant, the intense fear surged up like a raging tide, swallowing them up directly.

They now knew why the protector reacted the way he did.

As a thief of the evil god's power, he faces the sanctions and pursuit from the gods.

There is no way for them to escape, only death.

This is indeed the fate of evil warriors, and it is also the price that must be paid to obtain power beyond mortals.

The two of them retreated far away, leaving the elephant guardian alone to stay where he was.

They looked at the figure running towards them in horror and horror.

Belonging to the Ganesha Cult, the terrifying evil energy originating from the magic mountain fluctuates around the figure, forming a twisted scene like a force field, and the light seems to be swallowed up when it falls.

The terrifying walking-level pressure spreads out, stirring up the airflow along the way, visually giving people an extremely heavy and majestic feeling.

That figure seemed to be transformed into a huge black wave tens of meters high. Wherever it passed, earth and rocks rolled up, and the earth cracked. With a terrifying momentum that crushed everything, it rumbled towards them.

In comparison, the elephant protector who has the same origin and is in full state is like a small rock under the huge waves of a tsunami.

Standing there, alone, waiting to be swallowed by the huge waves.

In the blink of an eye, the figure was approaching.

The hook-nosed old man and the horse-faced middle-aged man were swallowed up by the huge waves and tsunami-like momentum.

While feeling the terrifying pressure that suffocated them, they looked at the elephant guardian in the distance who was about to collide head-on with his figure, and felt a deep sense of sadness for the death of the rabbit and the fox in his heart.

The muscles all over the body of the elephant protector were also tense to the extreme.

His eyes were so wide that they even cracked at the corners, and his face was ferocious as he stared at the terrifying figure that was rolling towards him like a magic mountain.

Trembling, fearful, and roaring with the pride of a fighter against fate!


Like a protector roaring, he punches forward fiercely with his blood flowing.



The terrifying black tide rolled past the body of the elephant protector.

The strong wind caused by the rapid passing of the huge body blew the hair on the forehead of the elephant protector.

this moment.

The elephant guardian was stunned, as were the old man with a hooked nose and the middle-aged horse-faced man.

The three people's figures were frozen, and they all stood motionless.

It wasn't until the drum-like footsteps and the vibrations on the ground completely faded away that the three of them recovered from their stunned stupor little by little.

The three of them turned their heads in confusion and glanced in the direction where the Elephant God was walking away, and then looked at each other.

They all saw the same confused thoughts floating around in each other's faces and eyes——

Why did this person run away like this?!

Is it just passing by?



Lu Yuan threw the metal spears in front of him one by one and continued his practice.

The sounds of spears breaking through the air and giant metal balls exploding alternately in a rhythmic manner.

Stable and continuous.

The surrounding atmosphere fell into some strange depression.

Peregrine Falcon seemed a little restless, looking down from time to time to check the communication watch on his hand.

A strong man wearing a red bear uniform walked quickly from the bottom of the mountain.

Peregrine Falcon approached them, and the two of them whispered a few words, and then groups of armed Yellow Bear members ran out of the huge base. The silver-gray shuttles quietly took off into the air, and the gun barrels opened.

All the arrangements were carried out quietly and quickly like running water, and the tense atmosphere spread in the air.

Liao Yu stood beside Lu Yuan, watching everything proceed in an orderly manner.

He didn't know exactly what happened.

But I can feel the mood swings of everyone in the Yellow Bear Base from top to bottom, as if they are facing a formidable enemy.

This is in sharp and strong contrast to the calm and calm posture of Lu Yuan in front of him.

Liao Yu was a little overwhelmed and felt as if a huge storm was forming in the air.

And where he is standing now is the closest point to the road.

It is the only calm eye of the storm.

At this time, Liao Yu suddenly heard a strange sound.


It came from a very far away place, as if something giant was trampling heavily on the ground.

Soon, the sound became closer and closer.

Liao Yu, with his keen sense as a true-level fighter, noticed a slight vibration coming from the ground beneath his feet.

He was a little surprised when he saw small pieces of gravel jumping up from the ground and jumping to his feet.

This reminded him of ancient marches and battles, when thousands of troops and horses were attacking. Although there was no opponent in sight, the shock caused by the galloping trampling of the horses' hooves had already transmitted the enemy's information far away through the ground.

Liao Yu seems to have captured the source of the tense and depressive atmosphere in the entire Yellow Bear Base.

He raised his head, squinted his eyes and tried to look in the direction of the sound.

The next second my pupils shrank sharply!

He saw a person.

To be precise, it can't be considered a "human", but a humanoid monster with a head like an elephant and over five meters tall.

The monster was running in this direction, and every step it took was like a ferocious ancient giant elephant stomping heavily on the ground. Along the way, large tracts of earth and rocks rolled up like waves.

The violent and terrifying aura exuded from its body seemed to form a huge black wave tens of meters high behind it, rolling in mightily from the horizon.

"what is that?!"

Liao Yu looked horrified and blurted out subconsciously.

Although he is a true-level fighter, in the end he is just an ordinary person.

When had I ever seen this kind of monster that only appeared in movies and novels, my mind was shaken for a moment, and even my outlook on life was violently impacted and was on the verge of destruction.

At this time, a calm voice pulled him out of his shock.

"Bring me my spear."

the voice said.

Liao Yu suddenly turned his head, only to see that the road in front of him was far away and he didn't know when he had stopped training on spear throwing.

Instead, he began to face the direction in which the elephant-headed giant monster was attacking, and calmly said to the strong red bear man next to him.

"Sir, this time the Elephant God walks, the evil energy fluctuations are even greater than before."

"Bring me my spear."

Lu Yuan repeated it again.

The strong red bear man shut his mouth and turned around immediately.

A few seconds later, both hands came holding a gorgeous spear that was more than two meters long, with an ancient shape, and looked like it was made of sterling silver.

The moment Liao Yu saw this silver spear, he was immediately attracted to it. This silver spear seemed to contain some kind of magic power, attracting his attention all the time.

Looking deeper, Liao Yu even had vague hallucinations in front of his eyes.

There seemed to be countless voices roaring in his ears: "Fight! Fight! Fight!"

But soon, this illusion was cut off, and one hand gently grasped the spear body.

Liao Yu came back to his senses and saw that Lu Yuan had already held the spear in his backhand, using the same starting position for the decisive move in his family's marksmanship.

The details are slightly different, which are changes made by Lu Yuan based on his own shooting habits.

After more than half a month of training, Liao Yu has become very familiar with it.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The elephant-headed monster's footsteps, like thunderous drums, were getting closer and closer. The ground under Liao Yu's feet began to shake slightly. A tsunami-like pressure pushed the airflow and set off a strong wind, blowing towards his face.

The faces of everyone in the Yellow Bear Base became solemn, and Liao Yu also began to become nervous.

However, Lu Yuan was still calm. He didn't even glance at the elephant man. Instead, he looked at the spear in his hand, slowly and gently touched the patterns on it, and then

"Kacha kacha kacha——"

In Liao Yu's doubtful eyes, Lu Yuan's figure began to expand rapidly, growing taller inch by inch.

The astonishingly stretchable black battle suit on his body was directly stretched to the point of being taut, outlining his exaggerated muscle outlines.

The long black hair grew and fell rapidly like a waterfall, and then was stirred up by a surging heat wave.

Liao Yu's eyes widened and he kept looking up, watching the road rising in front of him like a dark cloud.

The silver spear in his hand bloomed with a misty silver light at this moment, like the moon hidden behind the dark clouds.

"Crunch, crunch -"

Lu Yuan's arm holding the spear was still swelling, with thick veins popping out.

His ferocious yet handsome face was still calm, but the ground beneath his feet seemed to be unable to withstand some terrible force, and began to crack inch by inch, spreading like a spider web around.

A huge but invisible wave was released from Lu Yuan's body.

The aerosol-like mental power gradually emerged behind Lu Yuan, a vague, vague figure with a head like a goat.

When this phantom appeared, the brilliance of the silver spear in Lu Yuan's hand suddenly became stronger and even became a little dazzling.

An indescribable terrifying pressure that seemed to be solidified pushed Liao Yu's body forward, causing him to stagger back.

They almost retreated to the edge of the cliff before reluctantly stopping.

Liao Yu was horrified, his eyes widened, and he watched Lu Yuan slowly raise his right hand.

The nearly twenty-meter-tall shadow of a sheep's head seemed to be sucked into the spear like running water.

In an instant, the silver brilliance bloomed to its extreme.

The specific shape of the spear could no longer be seen at all. Liao Yu could only see a beam of silver light held high by Lu Yuan, a bright twist.

The moment when the pressure on the top of the mountain reaches a certain peak

long way to go

He threw the silver light in his hand fiercely.

The solid pressure on the top of the huge mountain also dissipated as the silver light disappeared.

The air and sound from the top of the mountain seemed to be taken away with it.

Liao Yu fell to the ground in despair, looking at the light in his field of vision that seemed to be slow but fast, streaking across the sky like a silver comet.

Subconsciously, I covered my heart.

this moment

He felt as if his mind and soul had been pulled away.

Recommend this book, high-quality alliance article!

"Pretending to be a professional player, you won the championship?"

[I, Lu Ming, started my business with a loss of 50,000 yuan]

But fortunately, the alliance worker system has been awakened. As long as he keeps listening to his boss's instructions, his strength can be improved. Lu Ming has the motivation at this moment, punching SKT and stepping on Samsung's beautiful life! The worker marries Bai Bai.

Being rich and beautiful is no longer a dream!

[I, He Chaoxin, was ridiculed by others for not understanding e-sports economics, so I directly invested a small goal of 100 million to become the owner of a league club. 】

Fortunately, the alliance wealth conversion system has been awakened. As long as the team loses the game, it will receive a lottery of wealth resources. The higher the team level, the richer the rewards.

Therefore, He Chaoxin's goal is to build the most luxurious team in the world and achieve the worst record.

When the workers met the boss, the style of this club began to become strange.


"How come you, Galen, are chasing and killing five people on the opposite side?"

"Isn't this what you shouted, boss?"

"Why can your Nuoshou cut five?"

"Isn't this the direct attack with light speed and blood fury that you said, boss?"

"No, aren't you a loser? Why did a god come down to earth?" He Chaoxin was about to cry but had no tears.


This chapter has been completed!
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