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248. Chapter 245 Village, Clues

Chapter 245 Village, Clues

The map of the Wailing Ruins was downloaded in advance at the Secret Realm Management Center before entering.

Nearly half of the entire map is in a black unexplored state, and the explored areas are marked with "D~S" with different danger levels.

At the top of the map is a small bright red "restricted area" marked with the four words "Not Explorable" in eye-catching red letters.

The upper left corner of the map displays the words - total exploration degree: 59%, and current exploration degree: 0%.

Lu Yuan looked around and found that his current location was exactly at the entry point at the bottom of the map.

A large chunk of the map has been explored, and most of the unexplored black areas are located in the upper half of the map.

"Cleaning out the evil cultists in the secret realm, obtaining effective information about the secret realm, and collecting the corresponding secret realm specialty materials can all be converted into corresponding exploration degrees, but it will not be settled uniformly until you leave the secret realm."

Lu Yuan casually clicked on the exploration task bar of "Screaming Ruins" and took a look and found that all tasks can be roughly divided into these three categories.

"Let's find an unexplored black area first. Whether we should go deep into the red restricted area or not, we will consider it later."

Lu Yuan turned back and glanced at the entrance where he came from.

I saw that the entrance to the glowing gap began to fluctuate violently, as if something was trying to get in from the outside.

Expecting that the group of people from the Mysterious Team that he had just seen outside were about to come in, Lu Yuan was slightly afraid and did not want to meet these people, so he casually confirmed a direction and ran forward in large strides.

The area that has been explored is very peaceful, and no evil presence shown in the data has been seen.

The flat land is bare, without any vegetation, and occasionally the ruins of low buildings can be seen.

The style of these ruins is ancient and crude, reminding Lu Yuan of those old adobe houses that collapsed after being disrepaired in the countryside.

"There is a rumor circulating among Huang Xiong that the secret realm is a livable place created by the ancient evil god for believers.

Being able to create an independent small world space like this for people to live in, how powerful is the ancient evil god?"

As I walked far away, I thought to myself silently.

The deeper he goes into the secret realm, the more he feels his own insignificance.

He had only seen this kind of creation-like feat in novels before.

When a few imaginary words in the book turned into reality, they were truly presented in front of him.

The kind of awe and excitement for the unknown power that comes from the heart is difficult to describe in words.

Lu Yuan stopped in a relatively large ruins.

He dispersed the aerosol-like mental power and searched carefully among the ruins, but unfortunately found nothing.

Lu Yuan was not disappointed either, after all, this area had already been explored.

lv3 [Eye of Death Omen], activate!

Lu Yuan suddenly activated his skill, and his eyes turned into pure darkness with a ray of paleness in the middle. He raised his head and looked around.

This was a spur-of-the-moment attempt.

The feedback he received surprised Lu Yuan a little.

He clearly saw that the dead energy lingering in the air, seemingly floating randomly, was actually like water falling from high to low, all flowing in several general directions.

He compared the map of the secret realm and chose the direction closest to him and rushed there.

In the process of rushing there, Lu Yuan also activated the two skills level 3 [Crow Whisper] and level 8 [Death Wrapping].

The aerosol-like mental power radiates out quickly when the [Crow Whisper] skill is activated.

Not long after, I received intensive feedback.

Black dots appeared one after another from the field of vision and quickly gathered towards Luyuan.

As they got closer, Lu Yuan realized that the crow he summoned this time was somewhat unusual.


Lu Yuan casually picked up a crow, and was shocked to find that the crow summoned from the secret realm was completely rotten, without any flesh and blood, and only a few scattered feathers were attached to the body.

His whole body was wrapped in a thick air of death, and his eye sockets were hollow.

But it can still fly.

Although the consciousness fed back is particularly muddy, it can also provide Lu Yuan with a role in monitoring his surroundings.

He currently has 22 points of intelligence and the detection range of his mental power is less than 300 meters.

Having a crow as an eyeliner is much better than relying on yourself with a half-dead drone.

"Undead Crow"

Lu Yuan let go of the crow in his hand, and the strong death energy gathered from all around like a tide and wrapped around him.

Like a black flame that burns silently, or like a decaying cloak blown by the strong wind.

Lu Yuan closed his eyes and recalled the battle with the powerful god of Crow God Cult, Karofis.

The death energy around him slowly began to gather behind his back, gradually forming two huge black wings whose general shape could barely be discerned.


Lu Yuan stamped his foot violently, making a big hole in the ground with a bang.

The whole person was like a sharp arrow piercing the air, and instantly jumped dozens of meters into the air.

Then it started to fall.

During the fall, he "flapping" his wings desperately.

But it only slowed down the falling momentum slightly, and the whole person continued to fall uncontrollably.


"Boom!" He stepped heavily on the ground.

"My body is too dense and my weight is many times that of Karlofis.

The strength of the death energy is not enough, and the technique used to use the death energy is too rough."

Lu Yuan summarized the reasons for his "failure" and let out a sigh of relief, not feeling too frustrated.

This time he entered the Wailing Ruins with the intention of upgrading the [Calling the Dead (Extraordinary)] level and sharpening the [Calling the Dead] skill.

He continued to move forward, and continued to try the ability to fly with the help of death air. His posture was clumsy but he was having a great time.

Unknowingly, the deathly aura before his eyes became thicker.

Even without opening the [Eye of Omen of Death], with the naked eye you can still see large groups of black mist condensed with death energy shrouding the front.


Faintly, there seemed to be the sound of wailing and crying wafting out of the black mist.


Under Lu Yuan's control, several undead crows flapped their wings and fled into the black mist.

Lu Yuan gathered his death energy, and the lv1 [Clothes of Hades] quietly emerged on his body, condensing a thin translucent light film, and then slowly walked in step by step.

Map display.

He has now reached an unexplored area.

The information sent back by the undead crow was also vague, and it could only be vaguely identified from afar, which seemed to be an abandoned gathering point.

Like a small village?!

The aerosol-like mental power dispersed in the black mist, suppressed by the death energy, and the detection range was compressed to less than a hundred meters.

The drone carrying the resource package behind him made a rustling noise that sounded like the signal was being interfered with. Lu Yuan continued to go deeper with a calm expression.


Suddenly, there was a series of strange sounds coming from the front.

The sound sounded like someone dragging something heavy and rough while walking and rubbing against the ground.

Lu Yuan's eyes flashed and he looked at the [Eye of Omen of Death].

In the black mist, he saw a dense human-shaped death aura walking towards him.


Not a group.


Similar sounds came from all directions, far or near, shadowy in the black mist.

The unknown, mystery, and fear follow one after another.

For a moment, Lu Yuan had a sense of déjà vu that he was playing a horror game.


"The protagonist of a horror game can only run away, but I can force it."

Lu Yuan sighed softly, and the tension and horror that had finally built up in his heart were instantly wiped away.

Under the mental detection, the full picture of the unknown intruder in the black fog appeared before his eyes.

They are tall or short figures with stout bodies, and their whole bodies are tightly wrapped in black and gray cloth.

Each figure was dragging a weapon in his hand.

Steel fork, hoe, sickle

They all look like agricultural tools used in agricultural production.

Lu Yuan looked calm, and the death energy wrapped around him suddenly surged with a roar, and then turned into thick tentacle-like black air pillars and violently shot out in all directions.


A pillar of air hit hard the thick, rotten body closest to Lu Yuan.

The latter didn't even say a word, and was directly blasted backwards, flying a full seven or eight meters away.


He shook his head and stood up unsteadily.

The area on his body that had just been hit by Lu Yuan's death energy was dented, and the black and gray cloth covering the surface of his body was broken.

But with the influx of dead energy from all around, the depressions became convex and smooth, and the broken black and gray cloth strips were rewoven and condensed into intact.

"Ming Yi?!"

Lu Yuan recognized at a glance that the black and gray cloth strips on the opponent's body were actually some external manifestations of the "Clothes of Hades".

I couldn't help but complain in a low voice: "Damn, even this little monster's Mingyi skill level is higher than mine. What on earth am I doing?"

have no choice.

But still have to continue.

Lu Yuan kept telling himself in his heart - "I am a mage now, I am a mage now!"

While controlling the death air column, he continued to sweep around.

This is the simplest technique to use death energy. The godly servants of the Crow God Cult that Lu Yuan met before basically controlled death energy in this way.

He had tried Kalofis' technique of condensing death energy into a moon blade and ejecting it several times, but he was still very unfamiliar with it.

However, if you use death energy to attack monsters that are also born from death energy, the decay attribute of death energy itself will have almost no bonus effect.

The death aura around here is particularly strong. A group of monsters dragging farm tools, like Xiao Qiang, fell down and stood up, fell down and stood up again.

Lu Yuan played "ping ping pong" for a long time, but he didn't even kill a single monster.

He really couldn't hold it back


He stamped his feet suddenly and exploded beneath him.

The body turned into a fierce black shadow and rushed into the black mist.

The strong death aura wrapped around his body and hands like a cloak.

He casually slapped a monster.

Pressed down by a huge force of nearly a hundred tons, the latter immediately exploded into pieces with a "bang" sound.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

One at a time.

Not long after, all the figures around Lu Yuan were wiped out by him with his bare hands.

He stood there expressionlessly, watching the corpse of the monster under his feet decay as quickly as the weather, turning into a puddle of fine gray sand after losing its lifeless support.

Among the fine sand, a black-gray bead the size of a small finger was revealed.

Lu Yuan's eyes flashed and he bent down to pick it up.

After searching around, I found a total of more than twenty similar beads.

Lu Yuan picked up a round bead and looked at it carefully.

Judging from the style alone, this round bead is no different from the red bead he got from the Crow God Warrior before, but the color is different.

The latter resembles the eyes of a crow, while the former resembles the eyes of a dead crow.

"Can I absorb this?"

Lu Yuan was thinking about it, but he had already crushed the beads between his fingers.

The black-gray ball shattered and quickly turned into sand. A thick black-gray liquid flowed out of it and seeped into Lu Yuan's skin.

All of a sudden, prompt messages kept popping up on Lu Yuan's career panel.

On the [Report to the Dead (Extraordinary)] panel, the professional experience and [Death Wrap] skill experience values ​​are also rising.

“The same as before”

Lu Yuan was feeling happy.

Suddenly, countless broken and dim images suddenly poured into his mind.

In a daze, he seemed to be suddenly in a vast field.

The sky in front of me shows two colors.

Half of it is blue, and the other half is turbid and thick black gray.

A huge amount of black mist swept in from the other side of the sky like a giant wave, swallowing everything.

Unspeakable fear and despair enveloped his heart.

He shouted uncontrollably - "@#¥%!"

Then, he was completely submerged by the boundless black fog.


Lu Yuan's body trembled slightly and he recovered from his daze.

He stood there blankly for a while.

Then he lowered his head and slowly picked up a farm tool that looked like a steel fork next to a pool of monster remains at his feet.

After losing the blessing of death, this farm tool itself almost rotted beyond its appearance.

Lu Yuan carefully examined every part of this farm tool.


He found several strange, strange, and crooked characters on the handle of the steel fork.

Inexplicably, he seemed to be able to understand the meaning of these characters, and even couldn't help but read them out of his mouth——

"May the Light grant Anska abundance and harvest."


This chapter has been completed!
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