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252. Chapter 249 Intelligence improvement, truth and mystery

Chapter 249 Intelligence improvement, truth and mystery

Lu Yuan closed his eyes, and the eyes under his eyelids rolled slightly.

The aerosol-like mental power quietly spread around him, becoming thicker and thicker as the pictures in his mind rolled.

In an empty church-like building, "Lu Yuan" knelt on one knee in front of a man wearing a white robe.

"Filuo'er, your piety and loyalty are known to the world, and the Holy Light will always protect Maple Dew City!"

A gentle and gentle voice came from above.

"Lu Yuan" raised his head and tried to look at the speaker in front of him and the solemn statue behind him.

But what "he" saw was a blurry scene

"Raise your arms higher! Lucio, are your soft sword skills used to chop insects?"

"Lu Yuan" stood with his hands behind his back in a garden filled with birds singing and flowers fragrant.

He loudly scolded a young figure in front of him who was wielding a big sword.

"The crows brought by the black meteorite swept across the entire Brent. These beasts ate everything. Large areas of farmland were destroyed, and even living people were pecked and killed."

"Lu Yuan" was sitting in a room full of ancient European style. The long dark red solid wood table in front of him was piled with parchment. A man stood beside him and reported in a rapid voice.

"Tongjiao City is short of food and is asking us for assistance."

"The road is far away" closed his eyes tiredly under the candlelight

"Death Tide! The Death Tide is coming!"

"It's the sound of the death knell! I heard the sound of the death knell! Holy light, who will save us?"

"Lu Yuan" stood on the towering city wall, and as far as he could see, the sky was filled with crows flapping their wings and having scarlet eyes.

Behind the flock of crows that blocked the sky, there was a thick black mist rolling in like ocean waves.

His ears were filled with all kinds of wailing sounds of despair, fear, and panic, mixed with all kinds of prayers, making a noisy sound.

Confusion, sadness, and helplessness were all surging in Lu Yuan's heart, and suddenly they turned into a surge of passion.

His eyes were red, he roared loudly, and suddenly raised the sword in his hand


Lu Yuan exhaled a breath of turbid air. At this time, the aerosol-like mental power around him had thickened to a new level.

The center of his eyebrows beat slightly, but he did not open his eyes.

Instead, he continued to crush the second and third black beads.

"Father Father"

"Fei Luo'er, Maple Dew City will be left to you to protect."

"The ancient evil god from the abyss has broken the barrier, and the gate to Hades has been opened.

His wings are covering this land, trying to sow the seeds of death and pain on every inch of it."

"But the holy light will not go out. The five saints have already gone to the royal capital. They will fight with the monarch against the followers of the evil god."

"The Holy Light will surely dispel the darkness, and victory will belong to us!"

"Too bad I can't see it"

A series of messy pictures flashed rapidly in my mind.

The invisible aerosol-like spiritual power continues to expand and expand

when reaching a certain peak


Suddenly broke out.

The earth and rocks around the far side of the road cracked and rolled out, and a gust of wind whipped up from the flat ground for no reason, blowing the black mist in the square.

It took a long time to gradually calm down.

Lu Yuan opened his eyes quietly.

The eyes were cloudy, with a deep look of sadness and vicissitudes remaining.

It quickly receded until it became clear again.


Lu Yuan exhaled for a long time, a trace of imperceptible fatigue flashed between his brows, but his eyes were extremely bright, looking quite excited.

After absorbing three oversized black beads in a row and being bombarded by massive memory images, even he felt slightly alienated and dizzy.

However, the benefits gained are also huge.

"Intelligence directly increased by 1 point, from 22 points to

[Speak to the Dead (Extraordinary)] Finally rose from lv7 to lv8, earning 1 skill point and 1 attribute point.

[Death Wind] is about to reach lv10, and [Clothes of Hades] has also been raised to lv3.


Lu Yuan rubbed his eyebrows and saw that the [Ancient Brent Language] on his [Ancient Language Expert] panel had been upgraded to level 3, and the [Weapon Master] career panel also had several more skills related to swordsmanship.

The black beads erupted from the body of the death energy monster are much more powerful than the red beads erupted from the pure Crow God Cult God Attendant.

Not only is it an experience elixir, but it can also inherit part of the other person's memories and skills.

It's just that the side effects are relatively large, so you can't consume it without restriction, otherwise it may lead to insanity and split personality.

"Let's think about the sequelae later."

Lu Yuan let go of his mental power while thinking about the clues he had just obtained from the three memories.

These three black beads come from the city lord of Maple Dew City - "Filuoer", his son - Lucio, and the bishop of the Holy Light Sect of Maple Dew City.

And the memories of these three people can be regarded as completely outlining the background of the entire story.

"The ancient kingdom called Brent believes in the goddess named after the Holy Light.

One afternoon, black meteorites fell from the sky.

And the nightmare of the ancient Brent Kingdom has officially begun."

"The black meteorite brings swarms of man-eating crows and a black tide of death that devours everything.

Wherever the black tide of death and the crows passed, they took away the life of all creatures, turning fertile fields into scorched earth, and prosperous cities turned into ruins of the mournful souls."

"The people of the ancient Brent Kingdom, under the leadership of the monarch and the five saints of the Holy Light Religion, resisted the coming of this natural disaster of death.

This is not just a war between mortals against natural disasters, but more like an invasion and plunder about faith."

Lu Yuan looked up at the statue in the square beside him.

A sculpture of a goddess with a raven head.

If he guessed correctly, this should be the statue of the Goddess of Holy Light believed by the ancient Brent people.

But after the fall of Maple City, Fei Luoer and others who became followers of the Crow God cut off the head of the statue of the Holy Light Goddess and replaced it with a crow head representing the Crow God.

Not only that, Lu Yuan also discovered something.

In the places he traveled, most traces of the Holy Light Cult and the original Ancient Brent were erased.

just like

Lu Yuan casually grabbed the huge black book left by the man in black robe on the ground.

This book is made of pages of stone slabs, and there are signs of smears everywhere on them. The whole page is filled with hymns in praise of the Crow God and praise of death.

"Even the images of the Goddess of the Holy Light Cult have been erased from my memory."

Lu Yuan has absorbed so many memories and heard a lot of words about the Holy Light, but the original appearance of the statue of the Goddess of the Holy Light Religion has not appeared in any of the images.

Once it comes to the memory of looking directly at the Goddess of Holy Light, what appears in the picture must be blurry.

The road is far away and I feel a chill.

This is much crueler than killing a person directly.

"Beliefs have been deprived so thoroughly that people's memories have been tampered with, and their spiritual will has been distorted."

Just imagine, one second you were a passionate goddess, and the next second you didn't hesitate to chop off her head with a knife.

I have believed in a god my whole life, and in the end all traces of him in my mind have been erased.

Lu Yuan suddenly couldn't look directly at the woman in black dress bathing in the River Styx in Crow's dream.

If the woman in the black skirt is really Lamashido, the goddess of death from the Crow God Cult,

Then this woman is really cruel.

The last memory of the Bishop of the Holy Light Cult of Maple Dew City was that he received the news that five saints would go to the capital of the Kingdom of Ancient Brent to fight against the invaders of the Crow God Cult together with the monarch of Ancient Brent.

The result of this battle

It doesn't take much thinking to know that the former must have failed.

Otherwise, this place would not be reduced to mournful ruins now.

"The location of the royal capital should be the red restricted area shown on the map."

"Huang Xiong's people are all wrong. The Wailing Ruins are not the Kingdom of God created by the Crow God of the Crow God Cult at all for their believers.

It’s the place of faith that the Crow God snatched from another god!”

Although Lu Yuan figured out the truth about the origin of the Wailing Ruins.


But more doubts emerged in his heart.

“Who is the enemy that the five saints and Lord Gubrent will finally fight against?

It is impossible to simply resist the black tide of death and the overwhelming crowd of crows. There should be a specific target or a group of targets.

Just like what the Bishop of Maple Dew City said, he is the attendant of the evil god from the abyss."


The most critical point.

“This battle ultimately ended with the successful invasion of the Crow God Cult.

Then why can Huang Xiong’s people now be allowed to enter and explore at will, and continue to eliminate these believers that the Crow God Sect has finally captured?”

“Is this place abandoned?

Or is there something going on with the Crow God in the Crow God Sect?”

"Also why is there so many secret realms related to ancient evil gods in the world I'm in now?

Will one day, the real world will also encounter a catastrophe similar to the invasion of the Crow God Cult in the ancient Kingdom of Brent?"

The thoughts in Lu Yuan's mind were as complicated as threads, and he couldn't sort them out for a while.

He slowly stood up, called up the database, wrote down everything he had sorted out, and entered it into the database.

All this information was dug out from the memories of the ancient Brent Aboriginal people.

Apart from him, there is a high probability that no one can do this.

If the truth about the formation of the Wailing Ruins is exposed, I don’t know what kind of impact it will have on the Yellow Bear and the real world.

At this time, on the secret map, his current exploration level has reached 5%, and the integration progress of the [Ancient Language Expert] and [Student] panels on the career panel has also reached 10%.

His process of exploring the truth behind the fall of the ancient Brent Kingdom seems to have greatly promoted the fusion of panels.

Lu Yuan even suspected that the reason why the two professional panels were fused was because of his strong passion for exploring the secrets of ancient civilizations and ancient evil gods.

The opportunity for fusion is because of a small piece of ancient memory related to the ancient evil god from a farmer in the ancient Brent Kingdom.


Lu Yuan took the huge black book that was revealed from the bishop of Maple Dew City and some items that could prove his discovery, and quietly activated the [Clothes of Hades] that had been upgraded to level 3.

[Clothes of Hades] After upgrading from lv2 to lv3, the death energy condensed into a thin pair of light armor, and the patterns on it also increased a lot.

Whether it's defensive power or aesthetics, it looks like they've been improved a lot.

Lu Yuan rushed forward slightly and jumped up.

A large amount of death energy gathered and formed huge black wings behind him.

With his wings flapping, he took advantage of the wind and glided forward quickly over the ruins of buildings.


Lu Yuan's eyes flashed, and he muttered in his heart: "It's not far away from being able to completely fly with the help of death energy."


Two super-alloy long swords flashing with a large amount of electric light disappeared in the air, leaving deep traces of cuts.

Instantly penetrated a huge figure more than two meters tall, wrapped in death energy.

The superalloy sword jumped out from behind the figure. The electric light was slightly dim, but it was quickly and firmly grasped by Xie Jun who appeared here.

A large amount of blue electric light emerged from Xie Jun's body and arms, and was injected into the long sword.

In an instant, the long sword's blue light surged.

Xie Jun held two swords in his hands, charging forward and slashing horizontally.


His figure suddenly appeared ten meters away.

Behind him, a huge figure wrapped in deathly energy slowly separated from the middle.

The latter roared loudly and gathered a large amount of death energy around him, trying to repair his injuries.

Several figures jumped out from the side.

Energy attacks of various colors were bombarded on it as if it were free of charge.

Not long after, the huge lifeless body suddenly collapsed, slowly collapsing like a crumbling sand sculpture, until it completely turned into a puddle of black ashes.

A man stepped forward, fiddled with the black sand twice, picked up a black ball the size of a thumb, and said with a smile: "I've got another one."

Xie Jun shook his hands, and the two super-alloy long swords in his hands automatically flew into the alloy scabbards behind him under the guidance of the magnetic field, with a cool and handsome posture.

He looked relaxed and had a satisfied smile on his stern face.


This chapter has been completed!
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