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Chapter 271 Slate, Hurricane

Lu Yuan took a deep breath, and the fire-like death energy poured out from all sides, condensing into four jet-black wings with crystal luster behind him.

Like a black cloud, he flew out of the window silently and soared upwards.

In just a few breaths, he reached an altitude of tens of meters above the ground.

The black wings flapped silently, looking down from afar.

The whole view of Linghexuan can be seen. The street lights dotted the city night below. You can see the hurried pedestrians returning home in the evening, and the delivery people riding battery scooters in the streets and alleys.

There was a slight feeling of warmth in the right chest.

Lu Yuan gently pressed the spot where the elephant god's cursed mark was, quietly until the hot feeling gradually subsided.

The curse seemed to be getting closer to him.

But Lu Yuan didn't have much emotion. He determined the direction of the three guardians of the Evil Martial Alliance and controlled his wings to fly in that direction at full speed.

He enveloped his whole body with part of the death energy, and his whole body completely melted into the dense night.

In this way, even if someone below looks up, they can only capture a small piece of fast-moving dark clouds.

There is no need to worry about being caught by the electronic instruments and monitoring equipment in the Old City Circle. Only the Sky Eye system can detect his existence.

However, the results of the Sky Eye monitoring feedback will eventually be passed to Lu Yuan, because as a two-winged flying bear, he is now the person with the highest authority in the entire Old City Circle.

Calculated in this way, it has come a long way and is now equivalent to "perfect invisibility".

The moon is very round today, the air quality is good, and there is very little haze in the sky.

Lu Yuan slowly increased his flying altitude. The full moon was right in front of him, and the bright moonlight shone in his face.

From his perspective, everything in the world is at his feet, there is no noise or pollution, and there is only a full moon in his field of vision, giving him a wonderful feeling of being extraordinarily open, cold, ethereal and quiet.

Lu Yuan only learned to fly using death air wings in the Wailing Ruins. This was his first time trying it in the outside world.

At this time, I feel more and more how wonderful it is to be able to fly autonomously.

It is a completely different experience than flying to the sky with a flying tool.

"The images captured from this perspective are really suitable for use as a mobile phone desktop. Drone aerial photography cannot achieve this effect."

Lu Yuan blinked his eyes and took a few photos with the built-in photography function of the optical brain in his pupil. He admired them over and over again. The more he looked at them, the more interesting they became.

Once people encounter something particularly interesting or beautiful, they will inevitably develop a desire to share it, and Long Lu Yuan is no exception.

He looked through his contacts.

Then I sent the photo to [Master Tongtongtong], [Old Sister Lu Jing] and [Quiet Zhubao].

Of course, this kind of photos can only be sent to girls. Among Lu Yuan's contacts, there are only these three girls who are close to him.

The three of them responded quickly.

Yu Wentong is the fastest.

Hitomi-sama praised me and sent me dozens of pictures.

There is a full moon hanging still on a sea of ​​red, a full moon surrounded by countless purple thunders, a full moon with a strange green color, and an invincible and huge real moon photographed in a vast starry sky.

have to!

Bringing humiliation to oneself.

What scene has Hitomi-sama never seen?

Lu Yuan slapped a string of "666" on it and attached an emoticon of "worship the boss".

Then click on Lu Jing’s message - [Still not sleeping so late? Bro, I want to order takeout, but I don’t know what to eat. Do you have any recommendations? 】

Lu Yuan was quite speechless and replied with a "poop" expression.

Then look at the message Xia Zhijing replied - [It’s so beautiful.]

Finally got the reply I wanted.

Lu Yuan was chatting casually while flying towards the set target.

In a deserted wilderness somewhere, under the cold full moon, three figures were locked in a bitter fight.

The elephant protector, who was originally more than two meters tall, now grew to a height of nearly three meters. The large black robe that covered his body all year round disappeared, revealing his muscles as strong and thick as granite.

Blood-red feathers sprouted from the Guardian Eagle's body, and his two arms seemed to have turned into wings. His fingers were extremely long and his nails were sharp, like the talons of some kind of falcon.

He was hovering in mid-air off the ground, his two claws constantly drawing clear bloody traces in the night.

The remaining Horse-faced Protector Lin was now shrouded in thick gray mist. His physique under the gray mist was strong and strong, full of explosive power.

The three of them were at full strength and would attack or resist from time to time.

But the strange thing is that there doesn't seem to be any opponent in front of them, as if they are fighting an invisible enemy.

"Bang bang!"

There were a few short muffled sounds, and several deep dents suddenly appeared on the protector's burly body. He groaned and his body shook slightly.

The thick arms like doorposts roared forward, bringing up heavy air waves, and seemed to hit something, making a crisp "ding" sound.

The Elephant Protector took his hand back, and there was a deep wound on his fist, which was bleeding.

"No, if we continue like this, we will be beaten to death."

The voice of the Eagle Guardian was heard not far away. He flew towards the Elephant Guardian with an ugly expression on his face, and his two eagle wings were covered with bloody wounds.


The strong wind carried the gray fog, revealing the middle-aged appearance of the horse's face.

The middle-aged horse face has a gloomy look, and there are many dents in his strong body, but he is recovering quickly with the repairs of the gray mist.

"The Eagle Protector is right, we should find a way to withdraw as soon as possible."

The elephant protector stamped his foot on the ground, and the ground shook violently. The earth and rocks rolled around like waves, and the offensive of the invisible and strange enemies around the three people seemed to be stagnant.


He hummed loudly, and then the three of them shot out in unison in three different directions.

But just when the three of them chose to escape, a strong wind suddenly broke out around the wilderness.

A large amount of air flow gathered and formed a huge hurricane around the three people, rolling up countless sand, gravel, grass and trees on the ground, and the momentum was extremely terrifying.

The three people's original position was in the middle of the hurricane, and they happened to hit the wind wall of the hurricane when they escaped.

The result was like hitting an extremely hard high wall, and all three figures were forced to fly back.


The elephant protector planted his feet on the ground, raised his right hand, and the magic lines on his body as solid as granite lit up. The terrifying power gathered in his fist, and he punched the wind wall in front of him fiercely.


A big hole opened in the hurricane wall.

But before the three of them could be surprised, the big hole was repaired in an instant and disappeared.

"It wants to trap us!"

The Eagle Protector's face was extremely ugly, and he kept waving his arms in all directions, drawing blood marks, which fell on the wind wall and made a clanging sound.

"Walking level! This is definitely walking level power!"

The horse-faced middle-aged face began to show traces of fear and horror, and his strong and perfect body seemed to be trembling.

"Why can a walking class come out of a stone slab?"

"Who are you asking me about? I told you not to touch that thing, but you still want to try to identify the master with blood? You must have read too many novels!"

The Guardian Eagle growled at him.

At this moment, "Shua——"

A huge and transparent twisted wind blade suddenly emerged from the hurricane surrounding the three people, and fell towards the head of the Eagle Protector.

The elephant protector's eyes flashed slightly, and he raised his right hand, trying to block the wind blade.

As a result, as soon as he touched the wind blade, his solid and thick right arm was cut off silently.

The Eagle Protector took this opportunity to dodge, and then looked at the Elephant Protector who was missing an arm, as well as the bottomless long and narrow ravine where he had just been standing, and his face instantly turned pale.


He couldn't help but uttered a curse word to cover up his trembling heart.

The three of them had no time to take a breath. Another transparent wind blade cut through them in the fierce hurricane.

And this time there was more than one.

The pupils of the three of them shrank, as the Protector Xiang had learned from the past, and they no longer dared to touch the wind blade at will.

He used various methods in the small hurricane to escape this round of attacks with great difficulty, but finally raised his head

But they saw a dense and twisted shape of wind blades in the air above the heads of the three people.

If all these wind blades fall, the three of them will have no room to escape.

All of a sudden, all three of them felt like their scalps were numb.

"Break it! Break the damn thing and get out!"

The Eagle Protector immediately went crazy and attacked a wind wall in front of him with red eyes.

The elephant protector and the horse-faced middle-aged man also woke up and attacked the same wind wall with him.

But the strength of this wind wall seems to increase over time, and just now a punch from the elephant protector can make a hole.

Now that the three of them worked together, they couldn't even make a breach. They could only watch the wind wall in front of them continue to ripple, but they remained motionless.

"Go to hell!"

The Eagle Guardian scratched his claws on the wind wall with great irritation, and the sharp fingertips touched the rapidly flowing air, making a "sizzling" sound like metal friction.

After a while, one of his paws became bloody.

But he didn't seem to notice it, he just kept looking up at the twisted wind blade that was about to fall on the top, and kept drawing out his claws.

Just when the three of them were almost filled with despair.



There was a loud noise above the head, and a hole was broken in the unbreakable wind wall. The bright moonlight shone through the "skylight" and quietly fell on a translucent spear inserted into the ground, like a black crystal carving.


A trace of cold, decaying, and dead breath escaped from the spear, filling the entire hurricane space in an instant.

The three of them were stunned by this sudden change.

Immediately afterwards, a second loud "bang" was heard.

Another black spear fell, and the hurricane opened a second hole.


The third root.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The fourth root, the fifth root

One after another, black spears seemed to fall from the underworld and heaven.

The gray hurricane was broken open one by one by the rain of spears thrown.

Black flames spread and burned around the edge of the broken gap. In just a few breaths, the hurricane that was originally like an iron wall became riddled with holes.

The three Eagle Guardians stared blankly, before they could come to their senses.

Then I saw a blurry figure appearing outside the hurricane.

The figure came in the moonlight, stood outside the hurricane wind wall, stretched out his hand and made a simple tearing motion.

Immediately afterwards, a figure with four huge jet-black wings sprouting from his back and wearing ancient and noble armor that seemed to be made of black crystal appeared in front of the three people.

This man has a tall and straight posture, and his body shape wrapped in armor is almost perfect.

Wearing a crystal mask that covers two-thirds of his cheek and is covered with Higan flower patterns.

The hurricane blew his short hair as black as night, and the transparent wind blades that the three Eagle Guardians feared like tigers and scorpions rushed towards him like a swarm of sharks that smelled the fishy smell the moment the figure appeared.

But after the transparent wind blade, which was extremely sharp and seemed to be able to cut everything, touched the human figure, it was all blocked by the gorgeous armor on his body.

It emits a series of dense and broken sounds like "ding, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong".

For a moment, the three Eagle Guardians were all stunned.


This chapter has been completed!
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