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Chapter 274 Creation Mountain and Taoist Cult, Lei Fusheng and Roubo


It is a carved grotto palace.

The style is rough and crude, with braziers for lighting hung on the surrounding walls.

In the middle is a long stone table more than ten meters long.

There are four chairs on each side of the stone table, and there is a huge stone throne in the middle.

On the wall behind the throne, there are two huge ancient Xia characters with dancing dragons and phoenixes - Shenwu!

The lower end of the word "神" is connected to the upper end of the word "武", and there is a black flame ring outside. The three constitute the unique symbol of the Evil Martial Alliance.

Although the Eagle Guardians and the Evil Martial Alliance call themselves the "Shenwu Alliance" every day, the Evil Martial Alliance still calls itself the "Shenwu Alliance" on some more formal occasions.

Around the "Shenwu" logo, there are various weird patterns painted on it.

Lu Yuan carefully identified them and found abstract symbols such as eagles, elephants, bears, spiders, etc. It seemed that these patterns should correspond to several protector-level figures from the Evil Martial Alliance.

"It feels a bit like the villain's lair."

Lu Yuan looked at the dimly lit, cold and empty hall, pointed at the throne in the middle and casually asked the Eagle Guardian beside him: "Is that the position of the Evil Emperor?"


Guardian Eagle nodded, then watched Lu Yuan walk over step by step, stepped onto the high platform, and finally sat down on the throne with a casual attitude.

"Remember to add a cushion underneath later."

Lu Yuan was sitting in the seat belonging to the Evil Emperor of the Evil Martial Alliance. He felt that the hard stone beneath him was a bit harsh on his buttocks, so he casually ordered the Eagle Protector.

The latter nodded hurriedly in agreement.

"But the view is pretty good."

Lu Yuan sat on the throne and looked down. From his height and angle, he could overlook the entire hall.

The long conference table below was also several heads shorter than him.

It is conceivable that if there is a group of people discussing something here, the people sitting at the long table can only see their own feet. If they want to see their faces, they must raise their heads at an upward angle.

Just fine.

Invisibly showing the evil emperor's lofty and supreme status.

"Has the message been sent?"

Lu Yuan sat on the Evil Emperor's throne and casually asked the Eagle Protector.

The latter replied: "It's been sent out.

Don’t worry, Demon Emperor, it’s about the Evil Emperor’s treasure, and the remaining guardians will definitely come.”


Lu Yuan nodded, and then said: "Tell me the information about the other guardians you know in detail."


The Eagle Protector seemed to have been well prepared. He stood in Luyuan, bowed his head, and quickly replied: "Among the remaining five Protectors, there are two that the Demon Emperor needs to focus on.

One is the thunder protector and the other is the flesh protector.

The former followed three evil emperors and controlled the evil power of thunder in Creation Mountain.

The evil power of thunder is much more difficult to control than the power of ordinary evil gods, and it is extremely dangerous. If you are not careful, you can easily die from the backlash of thunder.

However, the power is much greater than that of ordinary evil gods, so the status of Thunder Protector in the past generations is very high in the alliance, second only to the evil emperor."


Lu Yuan's eyes moved, "The identity of the protector is also passed down from generation to generation?"

"Not entirely.

Only an extremely powerful evil force like the Thunder Evil Force is worthy of being passed down from generation to generation.

The guardian relics are usually kept by the evil emperor and given to his confidants."

Following Guardian Eagle's narration, Lu Yuan roughly understood some of the inheritance systems within the Evil Martial Alliance.

The power of several evil gods in the Evil Martial Alliance that are specifically passed down to the Dharma Protectors were all defeated by the first, second, and third generation evil emperors back then.

The protectors who have obtained this type of inheritance belong to the orthodox protectors of the Evil Martial Alliance.

And those like the Eagle Protector and the Horse-faced Forest Protector are those with good abilities who joined later and were promoted to become Protectors.

This leads to a result - the strength gap between the protector-level figures in the Evil Martial Alliance is still quite large.

Generally speaking, the strength of the guardians inherited from the orthodox inheritance will be much stronger, while the strength of the guardians added later will be weaker.

Of course it's not absolute.

As Guardian Eagle just mentioned, another Flesh Guardian who is as famous as Guardian Thunder is the new Guardian who joined when the previous Evil Emperor was in power.

This person's situation is quite special. He is a cultist who defected from a cult called "Taoist Cult".

The believers who were originally loyal to the ancient "Gourmet God" suddenly felt that ancient martial arts + the power of the evil god were the ultimate path for unknown reasons, and then followed the evil emperor back.

I have heard many cases of evil warriors degenerating into cultists, but I suddenly heard an example of the reverse operation, which is quite legendary.

It has to be said that the previous Evil Emperor of the Evil Martial Alliance was indeed a talented person, and he could actually take advantage of the ancient evil god.

"Creation Mountain Taoist Cult"

Lu Yuan silently recited the names of these two evil cults, and tapped the armrest of the stone seat with his long and white index finger, making a rhythmic sound.

I got the stone slab with the inscription "Evil Quetzalcoatl of the Sky" from three people before, so I went back to check it out.

It turns out that it is related to the "Evil in the Sky" secret realm among the nine legendary secret realms according to Huang Xiong's internal statistics.

Coupled with the two evil sects that we now know about,

I have to say that this contact with the Evil Martial Alliance was quite valuable.


Lu Yuan raised his eyes to signal Guardian Eagle to continue his statement.

The latter nodded and continued: "Because the replacement of Dharma protectors is not as frequent as that of the Evil Emperor."

Lu Yuan's eyelids twitched slightly when he said this.

It seems that the fact that the Evil Emperor is a "high-risk profession" has been recognized within the Evil Martial Alliance.

"So the guardians' loyalty to each evil emperor is different."

This is actually quite easy to understand.

For example, the Thunder Protector and the Flesh Protector are the most ambitious ones in the alliance.

The former is a confidant of the previous evil emperor, and the inheritance of the evil power of thunder was given to him by the previous evil emperor.

The latter was impressed by the previous evil emperor.

So after taking office and taking office as the Evil Emperor, these two people were not very surrendered to the previous Evil Emperor, and they were regarded as two old thorns.

The Elephant Protector who is currently traveling with Lu Yuan and the others is a confidant of the previous Evil Emperor, and the inheritance of the power of the Elephant God was also given by the previous Evil Emperor.

So when Pei Ye obtained the inherited relics of the previous Evil Emperor, Protector Xiang had been loyally trying to assist him in ascending to power.

"The position of the Evil Emperor is vacant, and several major protectors have formed their own factions. Lei and Rou are ambitious and have been coveting the position of the Evil Emperor for a long time.

I, Guardian Lin and Guardian Xiang tried their best to stop it, but we were weak. Fortunately, you, the Demon Emperor, came out of nowhere!

Demon Emperor Qianqiu, the Divine Alliance will surely usher in an unprecedented era of great prosperity!"

As the Eagle Protector spoke, his expression became fanatical, and he slapped Lu Yuan with a rainbow fart.

Lu Yuan put one hand on the armrest of the Evil Emperor's throne, propped up his chin, and listened boredly to the flattery of the Eagle Protector.

I thought randomly in my mind: The strength of an evil warrior who follows the path of evil martial arts mainly consists of two aspects. One is the power of the evil god that he has mastered.

The other is his attainments in ancient martial arts.

As far as he knew, before the three Eagle Guardians were transplanted with the power of the evil god, they were all top fighters at the limit of their true intentions, and they were only one step away from being a master.

Therefore, no matter how rubbish the power of the evil god they control is, their strength can always be above S level.

"Thinking about it this way, the two outstanding people named Lei and the Flesh Protector can probably have SS?

If this power is conquered, it will indeed be a great help for me to go to Penglai."

Just as Lu Yuan was thinking about it, he suddenly realized that the curse of the Elephant God on his right chest was frighteningly hot.

Fragmentary images of magic mountains, boulders and three six-armed elephant men flashed through his mind.

"It looks like the curse is approaching."

Lu Yuan rubbed his eyebrows and couldn't help frowning: "What a coincidence."



At this time, a huge roar came from outside the hall.

The Guardian Eagle, who was flattering her non-stop, suddenly stopped talking, followed closely by the Guardian Elephant and the horse-faced middle-aged man who were just recovering from their injuries, and they hurriedly walked out with serious faces.

Lu Yuan stood up slightly and squinted his eyes to look in the direction of the sound.

It's as if you can see the outside situation through the heavy door obstructions.

The curse mark on the right chest is still burning.

Lu Yuan stretched out his hand and touched it gently. His previously frowning brows suddenly relaxed and he whispered to himself: "If you think about it from another angle, this curse actually comes at the right time."

"Damn it! He called us to come, but he closed the door and refused to let anyone in!

Do you really think that the person standing behind you is the next Evil Emperor?!"

At the stone palace gate exposed outside the mountain, a black bear man covered in long hair swelled to more than two meters in height.

The muscles under the fur were bulging, his eyes were red, and his expression was as ferocious as a wild beast.

He kept banging vigorously on the stone door in front of him.

There are two kinds of blood red and white lights intertwined in the two giant hands like bear paws.

Every palm shot has its own unique palm skills, and is obviously derived from an extremely high level of pure martial arts.

The old man in a suit and the Spider Guardian stood quietly aside, one behind the other, watching the black bear man call the door.

Each of the black bear man's palms hit the stone door with great force, causing large chunks of stone skin to fall off.

The escaping force even caused the surrounding mountains to tremble slightly.

But even so, the stone door is still unbreakable, and it is unknown what material it is made of.

"Save your energy"

The black bear man fought for a while, but the stone door was still strong.

The Spider Guardian not far away couldn't help but sneer, "The gates of all branch bases are made of high-purity rainbow steel, which can withstand the impact of a maximum force of 300 tons.

Don’t you know how much you weigh? You might as well just shout at the door, maybe the people inside can hear you.”

Hearing this, the black bear man stopped what he was doing and looked at the other party with a sullen face, "You can do it if you have the ability."

The Spider Guardian twitched his lips and took out a mobile phone from his pocket.

But just when he was about to contact the people inside through communication, suddenly

Protector Lei, an old man in a suit in front of him, had lightning flashing in his eyes.

In an instant, a thick shadow moved over quickly.

The black bear man and the spider guardian in the field suddenly felt as if their hearts were racing.

Immediately afterwards, a super loud "bang" was heard, and the ground under his feet and the rocks above his head rumbled and shook.

I don’t know how many rocks are rolling down outside.

Wait for the smoke and loud noise to dissipate.

The two of them saw that at some point, a figure over four meters high, like a mountain of flesh, had appeared in the field.

This figure has a snow-white complexion and is covered in fat all over his body.

He was gently pulling an arm out of the smashed stone door.

Turning his head, a big face so squeezed by fat that his facial features were almost unrecognizable looked at the Protector Lei with a smile, who was surrounded by a faint electric light, and said slowly: "Hey, how come the Protector Lei is still blocked from the door?

Woolen cloth?

The people inside are so damn brave.

I opened the door, Protector Lei, please come in quickly, please come in quickly."

The man who looked like a mountain of flesh smiled broadly, and his movements caused the fat on his body to tremble like waves.

The terrifying pressure brought by their size and strength also rolled towards the three people on the field like a wave.

Protector Lei's face was expressionless.

But the Black Bear Man and the Spider Protector were looking at the broken door that was said to be able to block the explosion of three hundred tons of punch power, as well as the mountain of meat in front of them, and whispered each other's names with pale faces.

"The flesh is good and the flesh protects the Dharma"


This chapter has been completed!
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