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Chapter 293 Natural Enemy, Mythical Creature Overlord Level Existence

There are more than a dozen culture chambers neatly arranged in this biochemical test site.

Lu Yuan looked over one by one and found that they were all empty.

There is also a huge sleeping cabin more than three meters high standing in the corner. The hatch is open to the outside, and there is still a hint of cold air inside.

It is estimated that "Fake Wu Chao" came out of this dormant warehouse.

Lu Yuan searched the notebooks scattered on the laboratory table and on the floor.

Sit on a cultivation cabin and browse through it at will.

""Mythical Life Armor Experiment""

The note was still in Wu Chao's handwriting, but Lu Yuan was slightly surprised by the content recorded on it.

"Mythical Life Armor Experiment"!

From the name of this project, we can see how ambitious Wu Chao is. It seems that he is really researching in the direction of mythical life.

Lu Yuan quickly flipped through the contents of his notes.

Like some of his previous guesses, the "Fake Wu Chao" is indeed the product of the relics of evil emperors of the Evil Martial Alliance.

After the evil emperors of the Evil Martial Alliance die, they will leave behind the energy crystals of the power of the evil gods they inherited, which are called Evil Emperor Relics within the Evil Martial Alliance.

A large part of these relics were confiscated by Penglai, and finally they all ended up in Wu Chao's hands.

Wu Chao has even tried the path of mechas, so it is naturally impossible for him not to be interested in the evil martial arts that have been passed down for so long.

He combined his clone body with the Evil Emperor's relics in an attempt to create a so-called "mythical life"!

"After success, do you plan to use consciousness transfer technology to replace the clone's consciousness and achieve another meaning of 'rebirth'?"

Lu Yuan looked at the contents of the note with a look of thought in his eyes.

Wu Chao's plan is a bit like the "house seizure" that often appears in novels.

But looking back, I found that it was not as simple as I thought.

As the name suggests, Wu Chao only plans to use the cloned body as a "flesh and blood armor". It will transfer consciousness when needed, and choose to seal it in a dormant cabin when not needed.

Take it off and put it on as you please.

Moreover, this kind of "armor" can be purchased in many pairs.

I have to say that Wu Chao's idea is very good.

Unfortunately, his experiment failed.

And it failed completely.

The Evil Emperor's relics in his hand were all used up, and he did not create a qualified "mythical life".

The most successful among them is undoubtedly "Fake Wu Chao".

However, in the final analysis, this "fake Wu Chao" is an out-and-out failure, and it is still far away from the real "mythical life" in Wu Chao's mind.

The "Mythical Life Armor Experiment" was declared aborted, and Wu Chao destroyed all the cloned experimental subjects, leaving only a "fake Wu Chao".

After Wu Chao died, this "fake Wu Chao" may have sensed it and actually ran out of the dormant cabin on his own initiative.

Only then did a series of things happen.

Lu Yuan casually opened a note. The first page of the note was a lifelike hand-painted painting.

The painting shows a banshee with huge butterfly wings, ugly appearance, blue-grey skin, and a bright red tongue several feet long hanging down to her waist.

"Anles, the demon of lies, the god of deception.

Legend has it that it hides in the valley and will transform into butterflies and women to lure passers-by into the fantasy world it has woven by its own hands.

Then he uses his long tongue to suck out the brains of his prey to develop his ability to confuse people.

By flickering its wings, it can transform into the most beautiful dream in the world, or it can set off a huge storm that destroys everything."

This notebook records Wu Chao's power over each Evil Emperor relic, as well as the legend and origin of the Evil God behind it.

Lu Yuan gently touched the succubus with butterfly wings on the note with his hand, and his mind couldn't help but recall the content of the memory picture that had been passed on to him by the Hundred-Eyed Crow Feather——

In the starry sky, a colorful nebula slowly rotated and flowed.

Upon closer inspection, I discovered that a huge succubus with butterfly wings was sleeping peacefully in the center of the nebula.

All the colorful streams of light emanate from her body, and these rich streams of light form the shape of nebulae in the universe.

Within the colorful nebula, there are tens of thousands of moth-winged monsters.

These moth-winged monsters live in the nebula, and the banshee's huge body looks like a fairy country full of mystery and legend.

However, the next second

An extremely huge shadow suddenly appeared in the starry sky.

An extremely strong aura of death and decay gushed out.

The sleeping banshee in the colorful nebula suddenly opened her eyes, and then a horrified expression appeared on her face.

But she didn't wait for any action.

A huge mouth like a black hole opened in the void, swallowing up the banshee and nebula in one mouthful

After finishing its hunt, the Hundred-Eyed Dark Crow burped lightly, and soon melted its body into the dead darkness and disappeared.

"Natural enemy."

Lu Yuan casually flipped through the pages of the notes, these two words running through his mind.

That's right, natural enemies.

The birth of "Fake Wu Chao" was mainly due to the absorption of the terrifying evil power contained in the three evil emperor relics.

But what a coincidence, two of these three evil gods' powers represent relatively low-level existences in the mythical life food chain.

They are all objects that the Hades creature, the Hundred-Eyed Crow, once preyed on.

The hundred-eyed crow is equivalent to their natural enemy.

And this fear of natural enemies is deeply imprinted in the inheritance of blood, strength and memory.

When the aura fluctuations of the Hundred-Eyed Dark Crow appeared, the "Fake Wu Chao" felt threatened by two "natural enemies" at the same time, and it became like that.


Lu Yuan casually threw away the notes in his hand and let out a breath.

The contents recorded in the notes about the sources and legends of various evil gods' powers now seem to him to have almost no reference value.

"The division of power among legendary beings, mythical beings, and ancient evil gods is much more complicated than I imagined.

Just relying on these folklore or the content circulated within each sect cannot compare the strength and weakness.

The most reliable thing is to pass on memories.”

Suddenly, Lu Yuan thought of something.

"The Hundred-Eyed Crow feeds on powerful mythical creatures such as the Demon of Lies, and is their natural enemy. It is at the top of the mythical life food chain.

Does it have its own natural enemies?

Is there a more powerful mythical life that feeds on the Hundred-Eyed Dark Crow?!"

As soon as this idea came up, Lu Yuan couldn't contain his inner curiosity.

He kept using his consciousness to send "questions" to the Hundred-Eyed Crow Feather on his chest.

Ever since this thing experienced the "Fake Wu Chao" battle, it seemed as if it had woken up from a deep sleep and became able to communicate in a certain sense.

While Lu Yuan was sorting out Wu Chao's notes, he continued to "tease" the feathers of the hundred-eyed crow.

He accidentally found several light golden unknown reagents in Wu Chao's biochemical testing site, but he didn't have time to study them.

Suddenly, Hundred-Eyed Crow Feather, who had been annoyed by his "harassment", finally reacted.

Trembling slightly, a trace of fluctuation spread out.

Suddenly, Lu Yuan's mind buzzed, and his eyes immediately fell into darkness.

Under the dim and turbid sky, a huge strange crow with nine hundred and ninety-nine eyes on its head slid silently across the sky.

Under the strange crow is an extremely huge long river with no end and no way back.

The river water is rouge color and so calm that you can hardly feel it flowing.


The blood tide surged in the Rouge River, and a huge wave of blood exploded.

The entire dim world seemed to completely turn into blood red at this moment.

And in this blood-red, a huge black shadow flashed away.

When the blood faded, the Rouge River returned to its original calm.

Only then did I see that the figure belonging to the Hundred-eyed Crow in the sky had disappeared.

In the empty starry sky.

With its wings spread out, the Hundred-Eyed Crow, which can easily cover several planets, is flapping its wings crazily.

But this overlord-like creature seemed to be running away desperately.

It flew past planets one after another, and the aura of natural disasters of death that it naturally exuded caused the living planets along the way to wither and perish.

But no matter how hard it tries, it can't get rid of the nightmare-like sense of crisis.

I saw that behind it, a huge black hole was continuously expanding and approaching rapidly.

After escaping for an unknown number of light-years, the Hundred-Eyed Crow was finally caught up by the black hole. It let out an unwilling wail, and a massive aura of death burst out from all over its body, as if the door to Hades had been opened.

But no matter how many worlds it has brought annihilating disasters to, and how many souls it has devoured, it seems to be of no use at the moment.

Everything is quickly annihilated in the black hole.

When the body of the Hundred-Eyed Dark Crow completely disappeared into the black hole.

The black hole suddenly closed.

An extremely huge and ferocious outline vaguely appeared in the starry sky. Its specific appearance could not be seen clearly, and all it could see was a pair of eyes that were more dazzling than the stars.


more than one pair


Lu Yuan came back to his senses from the memory scene, his mind was shaken.

An unspeakable horror and horror lingered in his heart.

"The Hundred-Eyed Dark Crow also has natural enemies!"

"And there's more than one!"

The black shadow in the Rouge River kept appearing in his mind, as well as the terrifying and ferocious outline entrenched in the depths of the starry sky, like a black hole in the abyss, and he could hear the sound of his heart beating wildly.

"Even the planet is like dust in their eyes. Such creatures are too far away from me."

Lu Yuan was still frightened and could not imagine how powerful such a creature was.

"How powerful would I be if I could integrate the auras of these two natural enemies into my martial arts?"

An idea suddenly popped into Lu Yuan's mind, and soon it burned like wildfire.

His eyes were burning, and the more he thought about it, the more feasible it became.

It's just that these two natural enemies of the Hundred-Eyed Dark Crow were too terrifying. He didn't even see their appearance clearly in the memory picture just now, and the Hundred-Eyed Dark Crow that was the target of hunting died.

It seems that we can only try to see if we can dig out more relevant memory scenes from the feathers in the future.

Whether it is the dark shadow in the Rouge River or the terrifying existence deep in the starry sky, he is definitely the true overlord among the true overlords in the mythical life.

As long as he carves out a trace of breath, he might have a huge surprise waiting for him.

Lu Yuan thought, and then his attention slowly returned to the tubes of pale golden reagent he just found in his hand.


This chapter has been completed!
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