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Chapter 309: Tribe, career progress improvement (asking for monthly votes)

In a fierce battle, four people on the Yellow Bear exploration team were slightly injured and three were damaged.

Another person had an accident and was "abducted" by evil creatures, and his life or death was unknown.

When exploring a sub-legendary secret realm, it’s normal for people to suffer casualties, but I didn’t expect the first “casualty” to come so quickly.

Many people's faces were slightly solemn.

Yin Muqing retrieved the information belonging to Lu Yuan and unexpectedly discovered that this "self-sacrifice for others" had left a certain impression on her before.

Mainly because of his extremely thin resume.

Theoretically, it is impossible for the opponent to join the current "land reclamation" team.

But because he seemed to be an important contributor to unlocking the key to this secret realm, and his background seemed a bit special, he was forced in.

Yin Muqing's original impression of it was extremely ordinary, but now it has changed slightly.

Because although this young flying bear named Lu Yuan didn't consider his own strength first, he acted like a "stupid young man" and went up to save people, which she thought was very stupid.

But it has to be said that what a team really needs is the existence of this kind of person.

"Can anyone contact this flying bear named Lu Yuan?"

Yin Muqing scanned Lu Yuan's information and asked the flying bear generals.

Most people shook their heads. They were really unfamiliar with this name, but a few of them felt as if they had heard this name before.

But it's far from familiar.

"I have a chance to find him!"

At this time, a man came out and said.

Everyone followed the sound and saw that the person speaking was Han Xun. Then they remembered that Han Xun was indeed quite close to the other person.

When we were in the forest before, the two of them explored as a unit.

Yin Muqing thought for a while and quickly made a decision: "Then you take two people and try to search for his location. If there are clues, you can provide feedback in time."

Although due to the influence of evil energy fluctuations, technological communication methods often fail in the secret realm.

But within a certain range, induction can still be achieved.


Han Xun nodded solemnly.

Lu Yuan's "encounter" was completely unexpected by him, and now he is probably the one who is most worried about Lu Yuan in the entire team.

Although he can now feel that Lu Yuan probably hid part of his strength from him.

But in the current crisis-ridden environment, unless his strength reaches the level of Yin Muqing, even a four-winged flying bear like him is still at risk of falling.

We can only hope that Lu Yuan's luck will be good enough.

Han Xun quickly nodded at the two people, one of whom was the one who had been rescued by Lu Yuan from the strange bird group before, and then the three of them broke away from the large group and left in a hurry.

As soon as Han Xun and the others left, the Yellow Bear Exploration Team immediately saw two figures exuding a powerful aura like Yin Muqing appearing in the treacherous forest not far away.

Javier the Sleepless Ones are catching up!

Yin Muqing's eyes darkened slightly, and she immediately gave the order to clean the battlefield and continue moving forward.

"That's it."

He "held hostage" the strange bird and flew for a long distance. Lu Yuan felt that it was almost done, so he decisively punched the strange bird above his head in the abdomen.

[Grandmaster exerts force] The fist wrapped in platinum energy sinks into the belly of the strange bird easily like a knife cutting tofu.

The terrifying power exploded in the next second.


The body of the strange bird expanded strangely, then neighed and exploded into pieces that filled the sky.

Lu Yuan suddenly released his Grandmaster Domain, and the surrounding air immediately became distorted and blurred.

The long road is like stepping on invisible stairs in the air, "walking" down from an altitude of hundreds of meters step by step.

The blood mist exploded by the strange bird turned into countless tiny bloody tornadoes and surrounded him, and the essence of flesh and blood in it was absorbed by him through the pores of his body.

When Lu Yuan's feet landed, the blood mist in the sky had already dissipated.

"It's a completely different experience than landing with wings."

Lu Yuan let out a breath, thinking casually in his mind while looking at the surrounding environment.

He should have penetrated deep into the black plain by now.

Lu Yuan squinted his eyes and looked forward, and what he saw was a hill hundreds of meters high.

It may not be accurate to describe it as a mountain.

To be precise, it should be a stone pile made of a large number of black stones!

It's just that this stone pestle is really too big for ordinary people.

Around and on this huge black stone, you can see the figures of elephants walking one after another.

This is the first time I have seen the Elephant Man since Lu Yuan entered the mysterious realm of the Elephant.

"The Elephant Man's tribe, gathering place?"

Lu Yuan's eyes flashed slightly, "But why do these elephant men look like they are dead?"

Lu Yuan took a deep breath and walked quickly in the direction of the huge stone pile.

The closer he gets to Shi Lei, the hotter the elephant god's curse becomes on his chest.

He knows very well that there will be a crisis waiting for him ahead, but for him, the current crisis is also a rare opportunity.

After a long journey, I walked to the stone platform.

The stone is surrounded by elephant figures, each of them kneeling on one knee, with one eye closed on their forehead.

There are many huge and pale animal bones stuck in the gaps between the stones on the stone platform, like flags.

At the top of the stone platform, there is an elephant man with four arms and two heads, also kneeling on one knee.

Lu Yuan looked towards the direction where the two-headed and four-armed elephant man was kneeling.

The turbid fog in front of us made it difficult to see the specific situation. We could only vaguely see many small hills similar to the one in front of us.

The farther away it is, the higher it is.

Lu Yuan walked around the stone platform and counted the four-armed elephants on the top of the stone platform. There were twenty-three elephants in total.

He could not feel the breath of any living creature in these elephant-men, which was completely different from the various ancient elephant-god creatures he had encountered before.


Lu Yuan noticed that there seemed to be an inexplicable pattern on a black boulder more than ten meters above his head.

As soon as he moved, he subconsciously moved over to check.

However, the moment he touched the huge stone in front of him, the curse of the Elephant God on his chest was as hot as a brand, as if he had touched some mechanism.

The elephants kneeling around Shi Lei all opened their eyes at the same moment!


Dozens of elephant hisses erupted in Lu Yuan's ears at the same time.

The huge sound waves gathered together, shaking the whole stone tower as if it was trembling slightly.

Then in the next moment, the elephant people around Shi Lei who woke up from their slumber rose into the air and came towards Lu Yuan to kill them.

In an instant, Lu Yuan seemed to be shrouded in a thick shadow, and the tsunami-like pressure completely submerged him in the blink of an eye.

half a second later


A twisted, invisible force of terror exploded on the stone.

The white-gold Gang Qi burst out in all directions like thunder, accompanied by severed limbs and arms belonging to the Elephant Man!


Lu Yuan's figure, completely enveloped by the Grandmaster's domain, was blurred and shrouded in a large, twisted and invisible mass.

He suddenly crushed the rocks under him with his foot, and with his whole body wrapped in platinum aura, he was like a ball of white lightning, twisting and turning among the resurrected Elephant Men.

Every time the lightning flashed, an elephant man exploded into pieces.

In just a few breaths, the dense shadow that originally shrouded Shi Lei was torn to pieces.

These ordinary walking-level elephants, whose general combat power is only SS-level, were easily torn apart like fragile rag dolls under the hands of Lu Yuan, the martial arts master with full strength.

The more than twenty Elephant Men were rapidly reduced in number, and chunks of flesh and blood splattered everywhere like raindrops on their bodies like black rocks.

Just as Lu Yuan was "carnage" wantonly, a huge body suddenly fell from above his head.

He saw an elephant man with two heads and four arms rushing towards him with scarlet eyes.

Two golden lights flashed in Lu Yuan's eyes, and his slender body surrounded by Gang Qi suddenly expanded -

[Grandmaster Overload Form]!

The high-speed vibrating muscles are like countless tightened and loosened bow strings, releasing a terrifying force that far exceeds a thousand tons.

"Grandmaster Divine Elephant Style Double Swallowing Dragon!"

Lu Yuan punched with both hands at the same time, and his two arms disappeared in the air and then reappeared.

The violent and ferocious momentum of the two-headed and four-armed elephant man swooping down was stagnant.

Then it exploded with a "boom"!


Lu Yuan moved non-stop, pulling out several remaining phantoms in the air.

when he returns to his original position.

The remaining Elephant Man figures on the stone platform were also frozen, and then exploded one after another.


Lu Yuan exhaled softly amid the scattered black pieces of flesh and blood.

The swollen body shrank quickly, and a large amount of white gas was released from every pore in his body.

His expression was calm, his flying hair gradually fell down, and his red skin slowly returned to its original whiteness.

After a few breaths, this huge stone monument completely returned to its original calmness.

The only difference is that the kneeling elephants around the stone have all disappeared, leaving only debris like gravel on the ground.

"one two three four"

From afar, I counted the remaining elephant hearts on the ground.

There are twenty-three in total, twenty-two of them are about the same size, and the remaining one is almost three times the size of the others.

Lu Yuan crushed these stone-like hearts one by one and absorbed the ghostly light inside.

He watched the progress bar on his Elephant God panel grow rapidly.




Lu Yuan couldn't help but frown slightly.

“Why do I feel so little energy?”

After a total of twenty-three hearts were absorbed, Lu Yuan found that his [Like God Ming King Stance (Extraordinary)] experience bar had only risen to 42%.

Each heart of an ordinary elephant man only provides him with 1% of the experience bar progress. The two-headed and four-armed elephant man gives him quite a lot, almost 5%.

"Compared with the walking of the elephant gods that were killed outside the secret realm, it is far inferior to that of the ordinary ancient elephant god creatures."

Lu Yuan thought for a moment and guessed that the previous Elephant God Walkers were very full of electricity because they wanted to go outside the secret realm to chase him.

These elephant men who stay in the secret realm and are in standby mode are all in a "low battery" state.

"It is estimated that recharging these half-dead Elephant Men is also a very laborious task. Otherwise, if there were a few more Elephant Men in the previous rounds of curses, I would not be able to hold on anymore."

"As for the people who charge these elephants"

Lu Yuan subconsciously imagined a certain figure standing on the top of the magic mountain, with three heads and six arms.

"Fortunately, there are enough elephants in the secret realm, but the quality is not enough. The quantity should be enough for me to fill up the experience bar."

Lu Yuan thought, turned around, and his eyes finally fell on the pattern carved on the stone that he had noticed before.

Upon closer inspection, I found that it looked like a picture.

When Lu Yuan tried to interpret the content of the picture, the progress of his two career panels, [student] and [ancient language expert], which had always been in a state of fusion, finally began to jump again.


This chapter has been completed!
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