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Chapter 328 Evil God Factor, Ember Ranking!

Most likely it won't work.

As a god-level mecha second only to the super-god-level mecha, it can already be regarded as the most top-notch strategic weapon on this planet.

The status is almost the same as that of nuclear weapons of the old era.

Currently, the Far Star Federation, Xia Kingdom and Havel can become the only three overlord-level countries on the planet. A large part of the reason is that these three have the largest number of god-level combat mechas.

Lu Yuan had gone out of his way to learn about the hierarchy of mechas when he heard Xiao Rui mention the three super-god-level mechas of the Far Star Federation.

Before the SSS level, the standards for classifying the levels of strong humans were similar.

But after the SSS level, they began to be distinguished by "earth level, sky level, god level and super god level".

Mainly from the SSS level up, the combat effectiveness of mechas spans a wide range, and it cannot be measured by individual combat effectiveness.

Moreover, the combat effectiveness of mechas of the same level in the hands of different pilots is also very different.

Some special types of mechas cannot be controlled by a single pilot.

Although it is not clear how powerful the god-level mecha is, Lan Chen's description can reveal the terrifying nature of the war weapon in front of him.

It’s such a terrifying war weapon

There is more than one person on this planet who can compete with it based on individual strength.

Among them, Yu Wentong, the most outstanding one, could only be restrained by a super-god-level mecha above the moving god-level mecha.

How powerful is Hitomi-sama?

"I don't know when I will reach that level."

Lu Yuan sighed in his heart and turned to ask Lan Chen beside him: "Didn't our Xia Kingdom dispatch mechas of the same level?"

Lan Chen shook his head.

"It can't happen.

Don’t forget, this is the territory of the Far Star Federation.”

Lu Yuan clearly understands that the act of entering such top-level war weapons into the territory of other countries is no different from starting a war in a sense.

No wonder Lan Chen said that during this exploration of the Ember Mountain Secret Realm, the Far Star Federation set various exploration rules in a direction that was beneficial to itself. Other countries were full of complaints but still had to comply. The ultimate reason was here.

From this point of view, the meaning of this Ice God mecha standing here is more to scare other countries' exploration teams, and most of them will not enter the secret realm.

"Although we don't have god-level mechas coming this time, we still have two sky-level mechas and several earth-level mechas in the exploration team, so we are pretty strong.

It's just that one Sky-class mecha was damaged during the previous exploration operation and has been sent back for repairs.

It’s the first video I sent you to watch. The key to the damage during the fight for the red flame fruit has not yet been obtained. It’s really a shame.”

Lan Chen kept chattering on the side.

After hearing this, Lu Yuan thought for a while and asked: "We are all jointly exploring, why don't we just drive in a few more mechas and just push them across? It's better than dying every day, right?"

Lan Chen rolled his eyes and replied: "It would be nice if it was that simple.

Fighting mechas are extremely suppressed by the legendary aura in the secret realm. Even the sky-level mechas can only exert less than one-tenth of their combat effectiveness.

The cost of this thing is very high, and the resources required for maintenance and repair may be enough to create several individual combat capabilities above the SSS level."

"All right."

Lu Yuan nodded, finally clearing up the doubts in his heart.

While he and Lan Chen were talking, the shuttle slowly landed in a busy base below.

The two got off the shuttle, and Lu Yuan looked around and saw that the very large base in front of him was actually composed of many small bases.

Every small base was hung with the flags of various forces, many of which he had never even seen before.

"This is just a supply depot. Going inside is the real base camp!"

As soon as the shuttle took off, Lan Chen called Lu Yuan into the secret realm.

In front of the entrance to the secret realm, there was only a team of machine guards who briefly verified the identities of the two people and then let them go.

Passing through the huge vortex light curtain, you officially set foot on the land of Ember Mountain.

Lu Yuan first felt his body sinking slightly, which was the effect of high gravity, but the impact was not significant.

Immediately afterwards, there seemed to be a trace of mysterious breath in the air that was continuously integrating into his body.

With the influx of these mysterious auras, the blood cells in Lu Yuan's chest began to circulate faster, his spirit and will became active, and his body became slightly hot.

Lu Yuan's whole body seemed to be soaked in a comfortable hot spring, with all the pores in his body opening unconsciously, greedily absorbing these unknown and mysterious powers.

If I could use one word to describe Lu Yuan's feeling at this time, it would be


Unprecedented, it feels like you can become stronger just by lying down without doing anything!

"How about it?"

Lan Chen's voice came to my ears.

Lu Yuan turned around and saw Lan Chen's joking eyes with some concern.

“Do you feel like you’re being severely suppressed?

Isn’t it very uncomfortable?

This is the unique legendary atmosphere of the legendary secret realm.”

Lan Chen patted Lu Yuan's shoulder and comforted him: "Get used to it slowly, everyone is here this way."

Lu Yuan had a strange look on his face, and while suppressing the feeling of comfort like taking a bath, he nodded solemnly and answered Lan Chen.

"Well, I will adapt as soon as possible."

Lan Chen nodded with satisfaction, and then led Lu Yuan towards a camp ahead.

Lu Yuan followed Lan Chen, looking at the environment in front of him and thinking about the source of these mysterious auras.

"This so-called legendary aura should be the extraordinary substance I was asked to collect when I entered the mysterious realm of Xiang.

To be precise, it is the aura left after the ancient evil gods were active in the secret realm or descended."

"I didn't expect Grandmaster Chunwu to be able to directly absorb this power to strengthen himself. In this way, Ember Mountain is simply a treasured place for cultivation for me!"

"But why didn't you discover this when you were in the mysterious territory of Xiang?"

Lu Yuan thought about it and quickly came to an inference - it may be because the Elephant Mystic Realm has been "dead" for too long, and the aura belonging to the Elephant God has also become decayed by the erosion of time.

Only the active evil spirit aura is beneficial to the pure martial arts master's way.

This can also explain why he can draw nutrients from the flesh and blood of ancient evil creatures?

Because the ancient evil-god creatures were originally the products of being infected by the evil god's breath, the evil god's breath in their bodies combined with flesh and blood, and was naturally full of activity.

Lu Yuan thought for a while and decided to call this aura - the evil god factor!

However, he had not figured out the reason why the Pure Martial Arts Master could grow stronger by absorbing the Evil God Factor.

Reminiscent of the secret realm of Hutian, the villain on the mural not only absorbed the evil god factor, but also absorbed another kind of power from the followers and admirers who knelt down at their feet.

A bold guess flashed through Lu Yuan's mind——

"Is it possible that the direction of the master's pure martial arts practice in the future will also become something similar to the ancient evil god - a 'god'?!"

What the mural villain absorbs from his followers and admirers is actually something similar to the "power of faith"?!

What the ancient evil gods valued most were believers, because they needed to draw faith from believers. A large part of their divine power was the power of faith, so

The essence of the evil god factor is actually the power of faith!

Thinking about it this way, it seems that everything can be explained.

Lu Yuan looked calm on the outside, but his heart became agitated because of this conclusion.

He felt that if his guess was not completely correct, it was at least half correct.

"It's a pity that in the current environment, cultivating believers has long been blocked. Not only is it difficult, but it is also extremely easy to be labeled as a cult and strangled by the authorities.

It is impossible to reproduce the path of the little man in the mural to become a god.

Fortunately, I can still absorb the evil god factor and become stronger."

Thoughts surged in Lu Yuan's mind, and for a moment he became quite clear about the follow-up direction of the Grandmaster's Pure Martial Arts.

"Based on the activity and intensity of the evil god factor in the secret realm of Ember Mountain, it can be deduced that there must have been phoenixes in Ember Mountain.

The place of nirvana of the phoenix is ​​true.

And it is estimated that the last time the Phoenix was active in the Ember Mountain was not that long ago, and even said "

Lu Yuan looked at the gorgeous scene of fire clouds in the sky of the secret realm above his head, and thought to himself: "It is very possible that there are still phoenixes in the Ember Mountain!"

Thinking about it, Lu Yuan and Lan Chen had already reached the entrance of the base camp ahead.

As Lan Chen said, this secret area is the real base camp.

The scale is much larger than the supply base at the entrance.

The base buildings of all the forces are built in an approximate semicircular shape in a circle toward the depths of the secret realm.

At the outermost position, Lu Yuan also saw a nearly 100-meter-high superalloy defense wall. There were sentries at certain distances on the wall. A large number of drones responsible for reconnaissance were spread over the base, like swarms of bees.

In and out.

There are also many base stations with super-large energy shields set up in the base camp, but they are not turned on. It is probably to save energy and will only be turned on when a real crisis comes.

In addition to these, the most eye-catching thing in the entire base camp is a large virtual light screen projected over the base in real time.

No matter where you are in any corner of the base, as long as you raise your head, you can clearly see what is displayed on the light curtain.

Lu Yuan took a look and saw names listed on the light screen. After the names, a value called "Ember Value" was displayed.

"First, Orisha (Far Star Federation), ember value: 354,671"

Lu Yuan read out the names he raised softly, then turned to ask Lan Chen beside him, "Is this the contribution ranking list you were talking about?"


Lan Chen nodded.

"How is the ember value calculated?"

Lu Yuan asked.

Lan Chen shook his head: "I'm not sure, the comprehensive algorithm is quite complicated.

The few points I am relatively sure of are - one is to kill, kill the natives and monsters in the secret realm.

According to the strength of the killed object, it is converted into different amounts of ember value.

The second is the harvest. The more precious the harvest, the higher the value of the harvest is evaluated, and the higher the converted ember value is."

Lu Yuan listened to Lan Chen's introduction, thought for a while, and said, "Then what I harvested is okay if I don't convert it into ember value?"

After hearing this, Lan Chen gave him a meaningful look, nodded and said, "Young man, this is a good question.

According to the regulations, this is absolutely not allowed.

But you know that rules are dead but people are alive."

Lu Yuanxin understood the meaning.

But then I heard Lan Chen change the topic and said: "But I personally suggest that you don't challenge this rule.

Generally speaking, the benefit to us after harvesting is converted into ember value is greater than harvesting privately.

Unless you can get that kind of extremely precious rare item, then even the superiors will probably take the initiative to hide it for you.


Lan Chen patted Lu Yuan's shoulder and sighed softly: "With the strength of us two brothers, the probability of getting such a rare object is infinitely close to 0. Let's honestly explore and kill monsters to save some embers in exchange for merit."


This chapter has been completed!
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