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Chapter 433 The beginning of desperate situation

"Say death on the road to death and light a lamp on the River Styx"

Lu looked at the light from a distance and murmured.

After reading for a while, he suddenly thought of something and suddenly turned his head to look at the woman in black skirt beside him, blurting out: "You are trying to lure me to the legendary Hades, are you?

I'm already dead?!"

The woman in black dress sat on the bow of the boat, looking ahead quietly without saying a word.

Only then did Lu Yuan realize that he didn't know when it started.

Thick mist actually arose on the River Styx.

Unknowingly, fog began to appear on the River Styx.

The huge full moon submerged in the water behind me and the flowers blooming on both sides of the river were all invisible.

The black boat floated silently in the thick fog. Everything outside the boat was invisible, except for the dim light on the road ahead that seemed not even to be covered by the thick fog. It could always be seen clearly.

Chu, and it is obviously slowly approaching.

The atmosphere suddenly changed from peaceful and quiet to something a little strange.

A huge shock and horror quickly emerged from Lu Yuan's heart.

He was barefoot and stood blankly on the bow of the boat, unable to find the right words or expressions to express the complex emotions in his heart at the moment.

"Am I dead?

Am I really dead?"

A thought kept rolling in Lu Yuan's mind, and he thought of his final battle with "Andusa".

He indeed used the vortex generated by the panel to swallow "Andusa" as an upgrade material.

But before that, his life potential was almost sucked dry by "Andusha". It would be fair to say that he died because of this.


But he was not mentally prepared at all.

"I'm going to die like this?

From now on, are you really going to change your profession to become a warrior of the underworld?"

Lu Yuan didn't know whether he should cry or laugh now.

Death is something that everyone must face. When he was bored before, he never thought about what would happen if he died one day.

But when this day came suddenly, Lu Yuan was still caught off guard and even felt ridiculous.

It was as if someone suddenly made a huge joke to him, but the joke was really not funny at all.

Just when Lu Yuan's thoughts were mixed, the boat gradually came closer to the dim point.

Lu Yuan subconsciously looked up and saw the dim light slowly emerging from the thick fog.

It looks like a strange-looking street lamp, emitting a quiet yellow light, inserted diagonally on the bank of the Styx.

While Lu Yuan was staring at the strange street light curiously, he suddenly saw the light flickering for a moment, and then slowly turned around and blinked at him.


Lu Yuan was stunned.

Then I saw that behind this dim yellow street lamp, there were many similar street lamps.

These street lights seem to be alive, and the parts emitting dim yellow light on the top are their eyes.

In the thick fog that gradually broke away, on both sides of the Styx River, underworld creatures that resembled street lamps turned their heads faintly, and the dim yellow lights stared straight at the distance on the black boat, blinking.

This scene was silent and shocking, and had an indescribable feeling of great weirdness and horror.

"Hades Honor Guard?!"

Lu Yuan stared blankly at the street lights in Hades that seemed to be "welcoming" in front of him, not knowing what expression to make.

At this moment, a huge whirlpool suddenly appeared on the dark river in front of the boat.

When the whirlpool arose, the woman in black dress who had been sitting on the bow quietly stood up.

She seemed to turn around and glance at Lu Yuan.

Then he reached out and pointed at the location of the vortex with a finger.

Suddenly, Lu Yuan felt a strong force coming from behind, pushing him forward quickly.

He couldn't help himself and staggered out of the boat and fell into the river.

Before the body was completely swallowed up by the whirlpool on the river, Lu Yuan could still vaguely see

A figure in a black dress was standing on the bow of the ship, looking at him quietly across the whirlpool and the water.


Just like the experience of waking up from dreams countless times, as if a drowning person finally broke out of the water and saw the light of day, Lu Yuan suddenly opened his eyes and subconsciously tried to stand up.

The intense feeling of weakness that followed and the strong sense of restraint that his body was firmly fixed made his action ultimately in vain.

"I'm not dead!"

Lu Yuan's first thought after opening his eyes was to determine whether his current life was still alive.

Fortunately, the result feedback he received made him feel a sense of false alarm and happiness.

Once again it was confirmed that what the crow experienced in his dream was just a dream after all.


If the woman in the black dress in the dream had not summoned a whirlpool to let him leave, and he continued to walk along the Styx while taking advantage of the boat, he might never wake up.

Of course, now is not the time to dwell on this issue.

Lu Yuan suddenly found that he was in a rather cramped, weird, depressing and unfamiliar place.

"Where is this?"

What Lu Yuan saw were rough, uneven, squirming, dark red inner walls that resembled flesh and blood tissue.

It was as if he was currently inside the belly of some large creature.

Some curved bony structures growing out of the dark red flesh wall firmly fixed his entire body in one place, seemingly just for safety?

Lu Yuan saw a large number of fluorescent screen-like things scattered above and around his head.

There is also a plump green thing jumping back and forth between these fluorescent screens.

"Cuckoo bird?!"

Lu Yuan instantly recognized the identity of the fat bird and blurted it out.

The latter noticed that he woke up, flapped his wings and landed on his chest, and then screamed "coo coo".

From the conscious information conveyed by the cuckoo bird, Lu Yuan roughly figured out what happened.

"Andusa is dead"

"Dramatic changes occurred in the secret realm of the ancestral land"

"Yu Wentong sent me away on the Spirit Devourer's spaceship so that I wouldn't be captured by people from highly civilized families and used as a guinea pig for research."

"So, we are now far away from the original starry sky and are wandering aimlessly in the vast universe?"

Lu Yuan frowned, the situation suddenly presented to him made him a little confused as to what to do.

He was actually forced to "leave his hometown" and "escape" to an unknown distant place?!

Lu Yuan couldn't help but feel a little irritable.

This feeling is like waking up after a long sleep and suddenly finding that you have been sent to a foreign country on a ship ticket.

Of course, he didn't mean to blame Yu Wentong.

Putting himself in his shoes, Yu Wentong's decision was undoubtedly the most beneficial to him.

If he was really captured by the so-called Bai family and the family behind "Andusa", it would be really miserable.

Speaking of which, Yu Wentong, who chose to stay alone and face everything, may be in a worse situation than herself now.

It's not even as good as wandering in the starry sky.

But even though I knew it was a long way to go, I couldn't do anything.

In front of the dominating Mingkong family of high-level literary figures, he and Yu Wentong were just ants who couldn't help themselves, trying to survive in the cracks.

"Forget it, let's take one step at a time before talking."

Lu Yuan took a deep breath to calm down the irritable emotions in his heart.

He first checked his injuries.

The situation was better than he expected.

After "Broken Pill", my body was like a battlefield that had just been bombed by a nuclear bomb, and it was devastated.

But there are two forces flowing within him.

A path that is far away is quite familiar, coming from the phoenix essence that was previously retained in the body.

He didn't know about the other one.

These two forces are intertwined and are constantly seeping into every cell in your body.

"The immortal characteristics of the Phoenix's Nirvana and rebirth"

Lu Yuan's eyes flashed slightly.

In the process of absorbing the essence of the phoenix for a long time, his body naturally contained a trace of the power of the phoenix's bloodline.

His life potential was almost absorbed by "Andusha".

After the vortex generated by the synthesis of the career panel swallowed "Andusha", Lu Yuan's life potential used for "bait" was not returned at all.

This near-death situation activated the phoenix's Nirvana and rebirth characteristics contained in his bloodline.

The first step for the phoenix to rise from the fire is to burn away its flesh and blood, and to give birth to a new life out of the ashes of despair.

But just at this step

The road is stuck.

Another mysterious force in his body tightly protects his last bit of vitality and continuously provides new life energy.

This prevented the power of the Phoenix in Lu Yuan's bloodline from being fully unleashed.

The whole person is in an extremely embarrassing situation——

I can't live but can't live, and I can't die even if I die.

We can only survive like this "half-dead".

"This power should come from Yu Wentong."

Lu Yuan guessed the origin of the mysterious power in his body. Apart from Yu Wentong, he could not think of any other possibility.

It’s not that Yu Wentong did bad things with good intentions.

Because Lu Yuan knew very well that just the little bit of power of the phoenix bloodline he had absorbed and transformed would probably not have even one ten-millionth of the effect of the real phoenix bloodline.

When most of the phoenix's life essence has been consumed, it is simply impossible to resurrect from the ashes like the real phoenix in myths and legends.

If it weren't for the mysterious power of blood that Yu Wentong injected into his body to protect him, the moment the Phoenix's rebirth fire was truly ignited would be the moment when he was completely defeated.

The phoenix that failed in nirvana in the Mountain of Embers is the best example.

But now that the problem has been found, the solution to the problem is still far away.

He didn't know how to deal with the current situation at all, so he could only let it develop on its own for the time being.

But there’s a little more to discover along the way.

These two forces conflict with each other and have contradictory goals. However, when they assist each other on a certain level, they also have some kind of wonderful connection with a part of their body.

This part is exactly where his previous master's blood elixir stayed.

After Lu Yuan shattered the "Dacheng Blood Pill" that he had worked so hard to cultivate little by little, the center of the chest turned into chaos?!

He didn't know how to describe it either.

Anyway, there was a gray mist somewhere between illusion and reality.

Lu Yuan tried to use his mental power to reach in and explore, but the feedback he received was nothingness.

"Don't tell me this is a new realm above the three flowers and five qi of the martial arts master?!"

Lu Yuan blinked and suddenly remembered the murals of villains he had seen in Penglai Hutian Secret Realm.

After the three flowers gathered together and the five qi came to the Yuan Dynasty, the "inner heaven and earth" was born in the little man on the mural, which is the so-called "Secret Realm of Hu Tian".

His three flowers have been completed, and his five qi have just begun.

But "Broken Pill" was the right move.

Not to mention that it is really possible to enter the next great realm of martial arts master by accident.

It's just that this step was inherently flawed and extremely embarrassing.

It belongs to "skipping classes and skipping grades". If you take too big a step, you will get hurt directly.

This "inner heaven and earth" also looks like it is half dead and cannot be opened up.

"Even the [Martial Arts Grandmaster (Extraordinary)] career panel has completely turned gray, and it is really wishful thinking to jump directly to the realm of opening up the inner world."

Lu Yuan couldn't help but smile bitterly.

He felt that his current physical condition could only be described in one word, and that was - chaos!

It was such a mess that he didn't even know how to sort it out one by one.

He had thought about looking for ideas and inspiration from the new career he was about to start after devouring "Andusa".

As a result, this super new profession that he had high hopes for, after "Andusa" enthusiastically joined it, seemed to have once again entered into new discussions and deductions.

There is still a gray vortex spinning there, like a mouse circle that is always in a "waiting" state.

When Lu Yuan was having a big headache due to the "post-disaster reconstruction" work in his body,

Fortunately, there are "good news" coming from the Cuckoo bird who is in charge of piloting the spacecraft.

"The spacecraft is damaged, energy is insufficient, course deviation, and anchor point is missing."

After Lu Yuan listened to the "telling" of the cuckoo bird in front of him, he suddenly laughed angrily.

"Can you please repeat that?"


The cuckoo bird raised one wing and scratched its round head, making a "sorry" look.

Then he defended loudly, saying that as a bird, it is not easy for him to reach this point.

Moreover, when I was discussing with Yu Wentong and decided to send Lu Yuan away, the situation was so urgent that I didn't have time to check the spacecraft properly. How could I know that there were so many problems.

Lu Yuan was too lazy to listen to Cuckoo bird making excuses again.

He discovered this guy's bad luck early on.

As long as you stay with it, nothing good will happen anyway.

Even if there are good things, a wave of bad luck will inevitably follow after the good things.

After doing it so many times, he was almost used to it.

The sealed Spirit Devourer spaceship disappeared from the sky, and Lu Yuanwei's remaining spiritual power extended outward through the spacecraft.

As soon as the mental energy reaches the spaceship, as long as it is slightly far away from the spaceship, it will be immediately exhausted by the powerful force.

Lu Yuan could only barely "see"——

The Spirit Devourer spacecraft he was riding on was now glowing all over, like a blazing fireball.

Cutting through the cold and dark starry sky, it quickly slid towards a bright spot in the distance.


Lu Yuan regained his mental strength, took a long breath, and lay down in the cabin of the spacecraft with his whole body relaxed.

Looking up at the dark red roof of the cabin, he murmured with some abandonment: "It seems that the dirt is really going to be reincarnated now, and the underworld warrior is back."



This chapter has been completed!
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