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Chapter 457 Stealing Trash

The roaring sound of the engine was directly covered up by the loud noise of the mining machine's clanging operation.

Lu Yuan glanced back, tugged the corner of his mouth, then casually took out a few chewing gum-like things from under a hidden groove on the console, threw them into his mouth, and suddenly kicked the accelerator.

The ultra-small aircraft that resembled a motorcycle jumped out at high speed, with a long red tail flame completely escaping the pursuit of someone behind it, and plunged into the primeval forest ahead like a sea of ​​ink.


After turning off the aircraft's built-in energy protection barrier, the cool breeze from outside rushed in, randomly blowing Lu Yuan's hair, bringing a refreshing and refreshing feeling.

Lu Yuan chewed gum, followed the guidance of the map, and controlled the suspended motorcycle under him to fly quickly and flexibly against the surface of the virgin forest.

This car was bought by Lu Qiyuan, a second-generation aristocrat from the fashion circle, who wanted to take his goddess Venia for a ride.

It's a pity that Weniya has never sat in the back seat of his car once, but now Lu Yuan has come in handy.

In the vast darkness, Lu Yuan drove his motorcycle quickly over the forest sea.

The stars above are bright.

Gradually, a large number of bright green light spots flew out of the virgin forest and slowly floated into the air.

Lu Yuan saw something novel and stretched out his hand to grab it.

Those light spots quickly disappeared when they came into contact with his palm.


Lu Yuan's expression changed, and he clearly felt that the disappearing light spots seemed to have melted into his body.

Not only that, these light spots seem to contain a trace of life energy.

It's very weak, but it's there.

That is to say, Lu Yuan is extremely sensitive to the life energy that is conducive to the recovery of his strength, and ordinary people cannot detect it at all.

There are more and more bright green light spots above the forest, like countless fireflies, gradually converging into a dreamlike ocean of light spots.

And Lu Yuan seemed to be walking through this ocean of bright green light.

"so much"

Lu Yuan slowly slowed down the speed of the suspended locomotive, looked at the spectacular and beautiful scene in front of him with a blank expression, and couldn't help but murmured: "It would be great if you could absorb it all for me."

Even if the life energy contained in one point of light is extremely small, when so many points of light are gathered together, it is very impressive.

Unfortunately, these free light spots are not affected by any force and are difficult to capture.

Lu Yuan tried to use his [Swallow] skill, but even if he completely turned his body into a state of viscous black liquid, it would still take a long time to swallow this "ocean".

Five minutes after these light spots appeared, they began to quickly dissipate.

The majestic and spectacular emerald green ocean gradually collapsed.

There is a long way to go and you can only give up.

"never mind."

Lu Yuan picked up the speed of the suspended locomotive again, his eyes flashing slightly.

"Let's go back and study where and why these light spots containing life energy came from.

Now, let’s get down to business.”

He was stopped for a short time by the appearance of this mysterious sea of ​​light points.

If we continue to delay, Lu Feng who is following behind may smell the smell and catch up soon.

He didn't think that he could completely get rid of the opponent just by not bringing a terminal and turning off the positioning of the optical brain pendant hanging around his neck.

Lu Feng should have other ways to track him.

Taking one last look at the forest, which gradually turned from majestic and beautiful to darkness and silence, Lu Yuan stepped on the accelerator, and the suspended motorcycle under him once again flew out like a sharp arrow.

Fifteen minutes later, the speed of the locomotive slowly slowed down.

In Luyuan's field of vision, a small scene of bright lights appeared.

Lu Yuan controlled the motorcycle to stop in front of a large tree with a dense canopy.

Jump off the car and put the motorcycle back into the space capsule.

He stood on the top of the tall treetops, squinting his eyes, chewing gum and looking at the brightly lit place from a distance.

"It should be there"

Xiao's Mining, a small company specializing in bismuth metal mining.

It is also the closest bismuth metal mining point shown on the map to Luyuan.

The destination of his trip.

"Let's go."

Lu Yuan withdrew his gaze and jumped down from the top of a treetop dozens of meters high like a spiritual ape.

Using the connections between the vines and branches between the trees, he quickly approached the brightly lit place.

"Strength 16, Agility 16, and Constitution 16. The basics of this body are still a bit lacking."

Lu Yuan jumped around for a few minutes, feeling exhausted and breathing slightly heavier.

If it were before, he would have arrived at this short distance of just a few kilometers without even breaking a sweat.

Riding a suspended locomotive is just a matter of stepping on the accelerator.

It's a pity that he is weak now. In order not to be discovered by others, he can't continue traveling in the hover car, so he can only use this primitive method.

Fortunately, when Lu Yuan went out today, he specially changed into a tight-fitting motorcycle suit and put on night protective goggles.

These two items are also matched with the suspended locomotive and have good protective capabilities. They blocked Lu Yuan from being scratched by countless vine branches along the way. Otherwise, he would probably have been covered in small scratches and wounds before running very far.

A few minutes later, Lu Yuan successfully arrived at the target location.

He stood on a thick branch of a tree, adjusting his breathing while quietly surveying the situation of the mineral site in front of him.

Similar to his mining site, this mining site was an open space artificially opened up in the forest, and then some buildings for people to live in were randomly erected on it.

The overall shape is a semicircle. The center of the semicircle is a small square for people to move around. The gap in the semicircle is facing the mining operation point.

Most of the small mining sites have similar structures.

Lu Yuan didn't see anyone at first glance. They might be working at the mine, or they might be resting in their respective rooms.

"For a small mining company built in a deep mountain and old forest, the armed protection force will not be too strong. It only needs to be able to drive away wild animals on a daily basis."

While Lu Yuan was thinking, he casually took out two more pieces of chewing gum from the pocket of his motorcycle suit and stuffed them into his mouth.

This kind of chewing gum has the effect of stimulating nerve excitement to a certain extent, which just replenishes the energy he has consumed during this journey.

"But there must be basic security facilities. If I broke in directly, I would be discovered immediately."

Lu Yuan chewed the gum, feeling the mint-like taste gradually spread in his mouth.

Looking around, his eyes flickered slightly, and he quickly had an idea in his mind.

He touched his pocket and took out four or five space capsules.

Each capsule contained a type of vehicle. Except for the hovering motorcycle he drove when he arrived, he opened all the rest in one go.

Six-wheel off-road, doorless supercar

These are considered the most advanced means of transportation on land.

In the era of mecha cannons, they can only be reduced to large toys.

"Go ahead."

Lu Yuan looked calm and gently pressed the remote control button in his hand.

In an instant, five steel beasts roared and jumped out of the dark primitive jungle with a "boom", running from five different directions at the same time towards the miners' base not far away.

The car body rubbed and collided with the uneven forest road, and the engine roared.

Except for an orange supercar with a chassis that was too low and got stuck halfway, and its four wheels could only spin in circles, the remaining four cars all rushed into the small semicircular square smoothly.

The originally peaceful base suddenly heard loud sirens.

Lu Yuan saw a dozen drones and robot guards rushing out in an instant.

Four or five men ran out of the building complex, looking nervous and shouting something.

Because he did not bring a personal terminal and the optical brain he carried was turned off, Lu Yuan could not understand what they were shouting.

You can only see most of these people running towards the same building.

There was another person running in another direction alone.

Lu Yuan's eyes flashed, and he let the few cars continue to have fun in the field, his eyes locked on the outlier.

His figure was slightly hunched, and in the next second he disappeared silently into the shadows.

"Damn it, what happened suddenly at night?!"

Pingji, who is tall and bearded, is a typical Solkari mixed race.

His facial features are deeper than those of ordinary people. He has a big nose unique to the Solkari people. His brown-black curly hair is messy and has not been washed or combed for almost a month.

A brown bear comes out for a walk after a nap.

Heiji hurriedly ran towards the other direction of the weapons depot.

Although he didn't know exactly what happened and what kind of thing suddenly broke in and triggered the alarm, the batch of high-value iron ore and gemstones placed in the warehouse could not go wrong in his hands.

The mining site occupied by Xiao's Mining is only the most common bismuth iron ore, but during the mining process, some small amounts of precious metals, gems, and the like are occasionally unearthed.

Half of these fragmentary by-products need to be handed over, and the remaining half is divided equally among the miners, which is considered an extra income.

If he loses this income, not only the mine manager will not be able to spare him, but other workers will also have to make trouble for him.

Pingji quickly ran to the warehouse.

There are a total of eight warehouses, seven of which have locked doors, and one door is open, and you can vaguely see some colorful lights coming from inside.

That is the light emitted by various radiant energies in the waste mines at night. It is very beautiful, but also very troublesome.

The mining site handles waste mines intensively every two months, and there is still more than half a month until the next waste mine cleanup.

"What bastard doesn't close the door?"

Pingzhi cursed, kicked the door of the waste mine warehouse, and then walked straight towards the third warehouse.

In fact, it is safest to find a space prop to carry such a valuable thing with you, but even the mine manager with the highest income in the entire mine cannot afford a space prop, let alone ordinary miners like them.

Just when Pingji was about to open the warehouse door.

Suddenly, a slight wind sound came from behind him.

Heiji subconsciously turned his head, and out of the corner of his eye he could only catch a glimpse of a black shadow flashing before his eyes.

Before he could react, he felt something gently put on his shoulder.

Then a strange numbness spread rapidly along the neck to the whole body, and all the strength in the body seemed to be drained out in an instant.

His legs weakened and he knelt down directly in front of the warehouse door with a "plop".

At this time, a calm voice that sounded very young came from behind him.

"Can you understand what I'm saying?"

"I ask, you answer."

“The power is really too small”

Lu Yuan slapped the bearded miner in front of him with one palm, and once again couldn't help but secretly complain in his heart.

This time, according to his original expectation, the person who was hit should twitch all over and be in extreme pain.

As a result, the bearded man in front of me didn't seem to be in any pain except for weakness in his hands and feet.

I can only think that my current strength is too weak, and is only slightly stronger than a normal adult male Duoling.

If it weren't for his martial arts skills and fighting consciousness, and after devouring Lu Qiyuan, he would have an incomparable understanding of the Duoling people's body structure.

It's really not easy to deal with the tall and bearded miner in front of you in an instant.


After being attacked, the bearded man immediately started to chirp a lot.

Without a translator, Lu Yuan didn't know what he was talking about, but he could tell from the other person's tone and expression that he was probably begging for mercy or something like that.

He didn't bother to write ink, so he asked directly: "Where do you put the waste ore that you usually mine?"

He couldn't understand the other party's words, but even terminal communicators from twenty years ago required basic translation functions. As long as the other party was not a primitive person, he would definitely be able to understand what he was saying.

After listening to Lu Yuan's questions, the bearded man started chattering a lot more.

Then he consciously managed to stand up from the ground, and tremblingly opened the door to the warehouse in front of him.

"What a coincidence?

Is it right here?"

Lu Yuan was a little surprised. He always felt that something was wrong. The bearded man didn't seem to fully understand what he said.

So he repeated the question again, emphasizing on the waste mine.

The bearded man kept nodding his head and led Lu Yuan into the warehouse obediently.

After twisting and turning in the mountains of containers, he finally stopped in a hidden corner of the warehouse.

"Abandoned mine! I'm talking about abandoned mine!

Bismuth metal waste mine!”

Lu Yuan looked at a box full of dazzling rough gemstones and precious metal ores in front of him. He suppressed his breath and repeatedly emphasized to the bearded miner that what he wanted was waste ore.

The bearded miner looked confused.

Obviously, in his understanding.

The person who suddenly broke into the mine base in the middle of the night, made such a big fuss, and hijacked and threatened them must have come after the most valuable thing in their mine.

Otherwise, what is the picture?

Abandoned mine?

He just thought it was a translation error caused by the translation software that came with the terminal.

"Okay, I can find it myself."

After several attempts to communicate with no results, Lu Yuan finally gave up the idea of ​​finding someone to lead the way.

He didn't know whether he was lucky or not, but he caught such a stubborn thing right away.

With a slight exertion on his hands, the bearded miner rolled his eyes and fainted.

Lu Yuan glanced at the small box filled with gems and precious ores in front of him, thought for a while and finally put it into the storage space prop he brought with him.

It doesn’t take up much space anyway.

"Maybe there is surveillance in this warehouse. It's chaotic outside now, and they don't have enough manpower to notice it.

If it takes too long, they will definitely come, I have to move faster."

Lu Yuan quickly left the warehouse door and searched around the warehouse.

Finally, I found what I wanted for this trip in a half-open warehouse.

"For a few worthless rocks, you made me feel like a thief"

Lu Yuan shook his head and thought to himself that he didn't know how much bismuth metal waste mine he could buy with the value of the few cars he threw out as bait.

His tormenting for nothing was purely a whim, and the result was that he really couldn't wait for a moment to regain his strength.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Yuan walked into the warehouse filled with waste mines.

The warehouse was filled with a high concentration of radiation, which even had a certain visual impact on Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan didn't care, he narrowed his eyes and walked slowly inside.

The cause of the formation of waste mines is definitely not just the source of insects.

But in a place that specializes in bismuth iron ore mining, the main reason for the waste of bismuth iron ore must be the contamination from source insects.

Not long into the journey, I saw a bismuth iron waste mine piled into a hill of seven or eight meters on the side of the warehouse.

These waste mines almost all have the same feature.

That is, a large amount of dark green, emerald-like crystal condensation is condensed on the surface.

In the dark warehouse with no lights on, under the radiating light from the surroundings, it emits a mysterious and quiet light.

These rays of light are reflected in Lu Yuan's bright eyes, and their expressions are floating.

Lu Yuan looked at the bismuth iron waste mine piled in a hill-like shape in front of him and opened his arms.

The next second, his whole body suddenly melted like water, turning into a thick black liquid that quickly flowed towards the hill in front of him.


This chapter has been completed!
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