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Chapter 39 Vicious Dog, Star Smelting Furnace


Woolf felt as if smoke was coming out of his throat.

His mouth was parched and he wanted to drink water.

But no one heard his needs, or in other words, even if someone heard them, they wouldn't pay any attention to him.

Because the spacecraft is currently flying to the desert star closest to Lilva, they, a group of prisoners who have been sentenced to death, only have the last few hours left to live.

Who cares if a dying man is thirsty?

Woolf called for a long time but received no response.

He made an effort to swallow, and his throat felt like it was covered with razor blades.

At this time, Woolf's heart was filled with resentment and hatred.


Why did those guys dare to do this to him?

His younger brother is a Lingting Guard!

Why do they dare to treat this pair of direct relatives of a Lingting Guard?!


"I want to live!"

"I want to contact Hank, I want to become a pilot, and I want to take revenge for everything!"

The burning flame of hatred turned into a huge desire to survive, miraculously giving Woolf a new strength.

Woolf climbed up from the deck with difficulty, half leaning against the cold wall, trying to catch his breath and regain his strength.

He doesn't want to give up.

He huddled in the corner like a wounded beast, his ferocious and cold eyes scanning every corner of the room in front of him, trying to find even a glimmer of hope for escape.


Just as Wulf was thinking hard, there was a sudden violent vibration on the deck below him.

The whole spaceship shook

A series of rapid footsteps came from the cell door, and Woolf seemed to hear someone yelling nervously.

"What's going on?!"

Woolf's expression changed, and for a moment he seemed to have forgotten all the pain on his body, and he rushed to the door of the cell with unusual vigor.

He leaned close to the chin-sized air vent on the door and listened carefully.

From the hurried chatter of the guards hurriedly passing by, Woolf vaguely learned a shocking news.

The spaceship seems to be under attack by unknown elements!

This news is undoubtedly great news for Woolf.

Woolf walked around the cell quickly in excitement.

He was obviously not the only one on death row who had similar thoughts to him. Woolf heard frantic banging on the doors from the cells on the left and right.

But even though the prisoners were making such a fuss, the guards who were supposed to rush to suppress them never showed up.

This shows how bad the situation was at this time. It is estimated that all the guards on the ship who were responsible for escorting the prisoners ran to fend off the attackers who attacked the ship.

"calm down!"

You didn't even try to calm down by shouting deeply.

What he has to do now is to regain his strength as much as possible, so that he can seize the opportunity to escape that may appear at any time.

Time passes minute by minute.

I don't know how long it took.


Suddenly there was a loud noise in Woolf's ears, and he heard the sound of something roaring,

It was as if a wild beast suddenly broke into this area.

With the appearance of this voice, the originally noisy prison area suddenly became quiet.


Woolf heard a shrill scream.

His heart skipped a beat and he stepped back nervously.

The screams came from his left side.

As the screams sounded, the sound of banging on the cell door over there seemed to become much quieter.

Not long after, the second scream sounded again.

Then the third tone, the fourth tone...

Almost every few seconds, a scream would be heard.

The screams were getting closer and closer to Woolf's position.

The air was oppressive, as if a ferocious monster was slowly approaching step by step.

A thick chill enveloped Woolf's heart.

Cold sweat continued to roll down Woolf's forehead.



A shrill scream sounded in Woolf's ears. Judging from the location of the sound, it should have come from the cell next to Woolf.

Woolf shrank suddenly to the corner of the room, his heart beating rapidly.

Just when he was at a loss.


The door to his cell was violently blasted open from the outside by a force.

Woolf's pupils shrank sharply, and he watched helplessly as a ferocious giant dog, almost more than five meters tall, with thick black smoke coming out of his body and red fire spitting from his muzzle, squeezed in from the door.

The giant dog with its whole body on fire locked onto Woolf's figure as soon as he entered the door.

Eyes as red as lava stared at him, and the pungent stench and smell of sulfur filled the entire room, almost suffocating Woolf.


The giant dog roared low, causing a violent fishy wind in the room.

Without any hesitation, it pounced towards Woolf with a "hoo".

Boundless fear enveloped Woolf's body,

At this time of life and death, he burst out the last bit of courage from nowhere and roared with all his strength.

"Don't kill me! My brother is a Lingting Guard!"

After this roar, Woolf seemed to have exhausted all his strength, and his whole body suddenly collapsed to the ground.

His eyes were closed tightly, preparing for the coming death.

However, after almost half a minute, the expected pain did not come.

The anger and smell seem to be too severe to cause trouble.

Woolf slowly opened his eyes.

He saw the terrifying giant dog whose body almost filled the entire room, looking down at him quietly.

The giant dog's eyes seem to have the power to penetrate people's hearts, and human words come out of its mouth.

"This guy didn't lie.

"Keep it, maybe it can come in handy...


Woolf stared blankly at the giant dog talking to himself in front of him.

The next moment, a flaming bloody mouth suddenly opened in front of his eyes.

His eyes widened suddenly, and before he had time to react, his whole body was grabbed by the giant dog, bitten like a toy and rushed out...

"Swiss, swiss, swish..."

The sound of the pen tip moving quickly across the paper.

The afternoon sun shines into the room like gold,

Lu Yuan was sitting at the window, holding a cup of warm coffee in his hand, enjoying his wonderful afternoon tea time.

More than two meters away from him, there was a medium-sized wooden drawing board.

A paintbrush is floating in the air, as if it is controlled by an invisible hand, and is moving quickly across the drawing board.

Not long after, a rather exquisite sketch appeared on the drawing board.

The painting shows a monster with blades all over its body, bat-like wings on its back, and two long black horns on its head.


Lu Yuan looked at the portrait on the drawing board with a thoughtful look on his face.

At this time, it was already the third day since he had completed the soul-devouring ritual and obtained the inheritance of the Demon God's Machinery Blueprint.

I don’t know if it’s luck or because the [Wind Rider (Legend)] panel is temporarily unlocked.

Lu Yuanyuan was lucky enough to win the favor of a high-ranking demon god, and received his own inheritance of the demon god's machine blueprints.

And what he is drawing now is the sketch of the inheritance of the Demon God's Machine Soldiers.

"The breath of evil thoughts. Taste the wind demon..."

It is not difficult to tell from the name of this Demonic Robot that the inheritance of the Demonic Robot obtained by Lu Yuan should be related to the wind attribute ability.

This is quite consistent with the [Wind Controller (Legend)] and the [Rhythmic Wind] spiritual power cultivation method passed down by the Lu family.

In addition, the grade of the inheritance itself is not low and has reached the red quality. It can be said that Lu Yuan is very satisfied.

However, although the drawings were obtained, new problems were encountered in the subsequent forging process.

Lu Yuan gently raised his hand, air flowed between his fingers, and countless small breezes emerged out of thin air. In an instant, the drawing paper on the drawing board not far away was torn into countless pieces, and then floated away.

"I really underestimate the inheritance of the Demon God's Robots from the Soul-Eating Clan..."

Lu Yuan rubbed his temples and couldn't help but sigh softly.

After learning about all the materials needed for the forging of the [Breath of Evil Thoughts. The Wind Demon God] mecha, Lu Yuan felt that perhaps it would be the best choice at this stage for him to accept the inheritance of the white-quality Demon God mech from the beginning.

The mecha blueprint he obtained involved nearly a hundred thousand forging materials.

Not to mention that he has never heard of most of the materials.

There are a lot of materials, and it often costs tens of thousands of tons.


He just wants to build a more powerful mecha casually for excessive use.

What kind of fun is this?

Are you rushing to build galaxy-class war weapons?

Lu Yuan couldn't help but feel a headache.

"I can only think of a way to make a simplified version of Super Invincible...

"After the simplified version is forged, as long as it has one ten thousandth of the power of the full version, it will be considered a success!"

Lu Yuan closed his eyes and began to conceive in his mind, sketching out the new drawings of the Wind Demon God's mecha.

He vigorously selected some necessary main forging materials and eliminated those functions and materials that he could not use at this stage, or that he simply could not obtain.

With the portable smart optical computer, we strive to search for the most cost-effective alternative materials.

He now understands why "Andusha", as the royal bloodline of the Soul-Eating Clan, has unlimited potential and a direct lineage seed with a bright future.

He held the blueprint of the black-gold-level Great Fallen Black Sky Ten Prison Demon God's mecha in his hands, but in the end he could only forge a prototype.

Even the Zifeng Demon God Mecha, which is two levels lower than the Great Fallen Hell Demon God Mecha, requires such a large amount of forging materials. If you want to forge a complete version of the black gold level Great Fallen Dark Sky Ten Prison Demon God Mecha, it will be even more demanding. It is a long-lasting and hugely expensive project.

It is estimated that even if the rebellion did not break out, "Andusa" would have to wait until he has fully grown up and achieved a certain identity and status in the Soul-Eating Clan if he wanted to complete the initial forging of the Great Fallen Black Sky Ten Prison Demon God's Machine Soldiers. accomplish.

Lu Yuan's simplification lasted from afternoon to late at night.

Then from night to dawn, the next day comes.

When the first ray of sunshine in the morning fell on Lu Yuan, Lu Yuan, who was half leaning on the chair, finally opened his eyes.


An inexplicable look flashed through his clear eyes, and then they were taken over by deep exhaustion.

Lu Yuan drank the cold coffee in his hand and rubbed his temples vigorously.

The first round of simplification has been completed.

Lu Yuan directly eliminated more than 95% of the materials in the original Zie Feng Mo forging blueprint, and repeatedly replaced and evaluated the remaining selected materials several times, and finally obtained a new mecha forging blueprint.

Whether this new drawing is feasible or not is left aside for now.

At present, there are only two problems left before Lu Yuan.

The first problem is the collection of silver materials.

According to his simplified blueprint of the Xifeng Demon Robot, all the silver materials needed can be found on the market.

Lu Yuan did a search and found that he could collect a lot of them on Lilva Star alone.

The remaining items can be purchased online.

The most important problem is probably the money required to purchase forging materials.

Lu Yuan currently only has more than 5 million Duo spirit coins in hand, and according to his estimate, at least one billion in funds will be needed to realize this blueprint.

This does not take into account the fact that some materials may be wasted due to operational errors during the process.

"A problem that can be solved with money is not a problem.

Whether it is through formal means or informal means, it is easy to handle.

Lu Yuan thought for a moment and quickly thought of several ways to solve the problem of funding sources.

Some of these methods may be quite extreme, but at this stage Lu Yuan no longer wants to waste energy on this problem.

The second point is...

"Need a star smelting furnace,"

The more advanced the mecha, the higher the requirements for smelting conditions.

Lu Yuan estimated that in order to perfectly build the Xifeng Demon mecha, a star-rated mecha smelting furnace must be used.

Generally speaking, star smelting furnaces are prepared for forging top level mechas above level ten.

Renting is extremely expensive, and even if you have money, you may not be able to rent it.

You must have strong relationships and connections to be qualified to use it.

"Compared to the first problem, the second problem is the most difficult to solve.

Lu Yuan frowned.

Now he is just the son of a third-class baron noble. It is extremely difficult to obtain the qualification to use a star smelting furnace.

Lu Yuan thought for a long time, but could not think of a suitable solution.

I can only shake my head, put this problem aside for the time being, collect materials, and look for opportunities again.

After not moving for nearly twenty hours, Lu Yuan's body also felt a little sore and numb.

He put down his cup and stood up from his chair.

Go out of the house, breathe in the fresh air, and stretch your muscles.

The morning breeze in the forest is as fresh and refreshing as ever.

After unlocking the [Wind Rider (Legend)] career panel, Lu Yuan clearly felt a completely different feeling from before.

The wind flowing around seemed extremely kind and gentle to him.

He only needs a thought, and the air will flow freely according to his thoughts.

Lu Yuan found that the spiritual core of his brain's [Rhythmic Wind] had also become particularly active.

He just tried to run the core a little bit, and on the career panel, the experience value of [Rhythmic Wind] skyrocketed.

In less than half an hour, he actually broke through from level 4 to level 5.

Even his intelligence attribute, which was originally 30 points, increased by 1 point, reaching 31.

"According to fantasy, I am now the so-called super genius with affinity to the wind attribute!

With the same wind-attribute mental power cultivation method, in my hands, both the speed of cultivation and the effect are many times that of ordinary people...

Lu Yuan has already felt it.

At this time, he broke through to [Rhythmic Wind] at level 5, and the effect of mental power on increasing his speed was more than ten times stronger than before at level 4!

A normal upgrade from lv4 to lv5 does not have such an exaggerated improvement.

Not only that, the [Wind Controller (Legend)] career panel also gives him the ability to directly control the "wind power"

"This way.

My [Wind Demon Mad Ax Style]...seems like I can really become a "Wind Demon"!"

Lu Yuan's eyes flashed, he learned how to use a sword, and slashed forward.

At that moment, a whirlwind visible to the naked eye arose out of thin air, rolling up the turf and soil on the ground, roaring all the way forward.

This chapter has been completed!
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