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Chapter 479 Bloodline of God, [Light Hunting Falcon]

Lu Yuan looked at the countless waste mine stones floating silently around him, like a king surveying his country.

"This feeling"

He stretched out his hand, and it looked like it was carved out of gray-white jade. The strong, slender, and perfect palm slowly closed, and indescribable turbulent power surged and gathered between the five fingers.

He closed his eyes and whispered softly.

"It's really like a god."

At this time, the road is far away and any object within a radius of several kilometers can be clearly perceived.

It can be as large as primitive ancient trees and boulders hundreds of meters high; as small as a speck of dust or a trace of air.

All objects are reflected in his heart, down to the smallest detail.

The fluctuations of consciousness of any creature can be easily read by him.

Within this range, he controls the air, can control the flow of every breath, and create wind out of thin air.

He dominates the light, can control the brightness and darkness of the light, and determines the alternation between day and day.

This is his "domain".

And he is the "god" who is "omnipotent" in this "field"!

And the scope of this field is slowly expanding over time.

"It is very similar to the state of gods and demons when the limit was broken perfectly, but it is more powerful than the state of breaking the limit three times. It seems to have tapped out the most powerful and oldest part of my body's genetic blood."

Lu Yuan "examines" himself now.

He is now twelve meters tall, and all the flesh on his body is covered with a thin but solid layer of bone, like a pair of innate armor.

There are long, narrow and sharp bone spurs growing at each of his joints, but they do not affect his ability to make any movements. They fit perfectly, like natural combat weapons.

Behind him, a pair of dark wings spread out silently.

On the wings, the falcon-like feathers shine with a cold and magnificent light.

He couldn't describe his current state, he only knew that he was very powerful, very powerful, extremely powerful.

His life form seemed to have jumped many levels at once, arriving in a realm full of unknowns and reaching an unprecedented height.

"[Soul-Eating God Demon Seed (Super Mythical)]"

Lu Yuan read the name of this career panel lightly.

Only now did he understand the true meaning of the words "god and demon species" in this career panel.

The title "gods and demons" is an honorific title given by weak life forms to some beings that are too powerful to look up to. In essence, it is actually a huge difference in life levels.

For some powerful life entities born in the universe, their ability to reproduce and their bloodline have been diluted over a long period of time, weakening and degenerating from generation to generation.

But those living beings that are their descendants will still retain more or less part of their bloodline genes in their bodies.

The effect of [bloodline] is to excavate and trace this part of the bloodline genes until they are infinitely close.

"And the bloodline I am awakening now does not come from my body, nor does it come from the Soul Eater Clan, but"

Lu Yuan's golden eagle-like pupils flickered slightly, and he thought: "From Lu Qiyuan, from the Lu family"


It comes from the bloodline of the Duoling people.

The reason why Lu Yuan was sure was that when the [Bloodline] skill was activated, he could clearly feel that the scorching heat that seemed to burn his body did not involve the core of his body, but only the heat from "Lu Qiyuan"

With a body of flesh and blood.

"No wonder Duoling's flag has the symbol of a double-headed eagle.

I think the Duoling people themselves also know that their ancestors are in the form of human bodies and eagle wings."

Lu Yuan thought and raised his hand casually.

As his thoughts turned, groups of hurricanes formed out of thin air around his body, dancing and whirling wildly like worshipers.

A large amount of light gathered between his fingers, gradually emitting scorching heat, as if Lu Yuan had rubbed a small "sun" with his hand.

"The ability to control wind and light is hidden in the blood of Duoling people. It is very powerful and incredible."

The ability to control the wind fits perfectly with Lu Yuan's [Wind Rider (Legend)] panel.

With the two superimposed, Lu Yuan felt that he was now the well-deserved "Lord of the Wind".

Even though the current experience progress of his [Wind Rider (Legend)] panel is only 1%.

As for the ability to control light

Lu Yuan thought for a moment and took a breath.

With this inhalation, all the light around him seemed to converge towards his body.

This small area suddenly turned dark.

Lu Yuan's entire body seemed to have turned into a single human-shaped luminous body.

The surging cosmic energy poured into the body and converged towards one location.


A certain spot under Lu Yuan's neck began to bloom brightly. It was the first star acupoint he opened when he was practicing Star Martial Arts as a [Star Refiner].

In just a few seconds, this star hole was filled with a huge amount of cosmic energy.



Another part of Lu Yuan's body shone brightly, and a second star point was opened.

Then the third and fourth

In just half a minute, these bright spots of light spread all over Lu Yuan's body.

All the dazzling combinations vaguely outline the outline of an eagle with its wings spread out.

Lu Yuan now looked at his [Star Refiner] panel, and was shocked to find that the information on this panel had also undergone earth-shaking changes.


Occupation [Star Refiner (Legend)]

[Awakened Star Map: Light Hunter Falcon

Number of lit star holes: 99

Awakened star map ability: chasing light

Star Map Secret Treasures Conceived: None]

"The natal star chart has changed, and even the professional level has been upgraded to the legendary level."

Lu Yuan blinked and felt an unexpected surprise.

Unexpectedly, after [Bloodline] awakened the bloodline of the ancestors of the Duoling people, he would directly upgrade his original natal star chart, and all of it would be opened and lit.

Now the ninety-nine star points in his body are connected into a whole, absorbing countless cosmic energy floating in the air all the time.

Together with the recovery speed of the body's core, it has become countless times faster.

"Try this natal star chart ability"

Lu Yuan's thoughts moved slightly.

The ninety-nine star points that form the eagle-shaped natal star chart in the body shine together.

In an instant, a strange power emerged, and a strange feeling arose spontaneously from the bottom of Lu Yuan's heart.


Almost in the blink of an eye, Lu Yuan found himself in a different position.

He appeared at an altitude of nearly 10,000 meters from his original location.

Looking down at the bottom, the other "him" is still standing in the original position, so lifelike that it is impossible to tell that he is just a "fake" made of light.

"So fast"

Lu Yuan couldn't help but be amazed.

This speed can indeed be called "chasing light".

It has not reached the speed of light, but it has exceeded the speed of sound by an unknown number of times.

The key is that it doesn't make any sound when it moves, it's as silent as light.

But the consumption is also huge.

With this move, the energy of the ninety-nine star points in Lu Yuan's body was almost exhausted.

Lu Yuan estimated that with his current star martial arts attainment, he would have to use the [Light Pursuing] skill at most twice before completely "emptying the mana", and then he would have to wait for the star point energy to replenish itself to a certain level before he could use it again.


"It's also very good. It is very practical whether it is chasing the enemy or escaping for one's life."

Anyway, Lu Yuan didn't rely on the power of the Star Martial Realm at all when fighting. These two "Light Escapes" were just like picking them up for free.

"Even if you don't have to chase the light, you can still control the light and create fake bodies to confuse your opponents."

Lu Yuan was very satisfied.

The human eagle wing is in a very powerful state, which can be regarded as elevating his combat effectiveness to a new level and directly becoming a major trump card after his mecha transformation.

"that is"

Lu Yuan fell lightly from an altitude of 10,000 meters.

The twelve-meter-tall godlike form quietly retreated, the huge eagle wings retracted and disappeared.

After a while, he landed.

The whole person has returned to his original young appearance again.

"The time limit is touching."

Lu Yuan sighed softly.

He made a rough calculation and found that he could only maintain this state for about a minute and a half.

Just like when you entered a perfect limit-breaking state for the first time, the countdown starts once the transformation is started.

"It is still determined by the life potential contained in the core of my body.

If my body recovers, maybe I can maintain this state for a long time."

Lu Yuan thought.

But then I thought about it again.

If his body is fully recovered and [Bloodline] is activated again, the bloodline awakened by then may no longer be the bloodline of Duolingren.

There should be another bloodline awakened.

It may be stronger than this human eagle-winged state, or it may be weaker.

Of course, Lu Yuan felt that there was a high probability that it was the former.

Because his body contains the blood of the Phoenix and the mysterious blood of Yuwen Tong.

No matter which of these two bloodlines is awakened, it is impossible to be weaker than the Duolingren bloodline, it will only be stronger.

"It's a pity that I have mastered the power of the evil god systems such as the Crow God, the Elephant God, Quetzalcoatl, and the many demon gods of the Soul Eater Clan through the career panel, and I have not inherited their bloodline.

Otherwise, if [bloodline] can awaken the bloodline abilities of these real gods, they should also be very powerful."

Lu Yuan felt a little regretful.

After all, he didn't know whether the double-headed eagle that originated from the Duoling people's bloodline was a real god.

But he understood the Crow God and the Elephant God. They were all serious ancient evil gods.

The Elephant God's Blood Sea Demonic Mountain and the Crow God Lamashto can even control the River Styx to swallow up an area of ​​the starry sky. Even a hundred-eyed Hades crow under his hand has the power to easily destroy the world.

“It may not be impossible”

Lu Yuan blinked, thinking of the polyhedral super-mythical career panel in his body.

Since the [Soul-Eating God Demon Seed] will incorporate all the evil god system career panels in it, there should be more linkages in the future.

Thinking about it, Lu Yuan took a look at the conditions for improving [bloodline].


[Lack of mythical skill points, cannot be improved]

The message that popped up on the panel made Lu Yuan stunned for a moment.

Mythical skill points?!

What the hell is this?

He was originally prepared to need a large amount of skill points to upgrade, but in the end, he was given a mythical skill point.

“How to obtain mythical skill points?

Increase the level of the mythical profession?"

Lu Yuan frowned and came up with a guess in his mind.

If this is the case, then you may have to wait until the [Soul-Eating God Demon Seed (Super Mythical)] panel reaches level 2 before you have a chance.

Judging from the current progress, we don’t know how long it will take.

Fortunately, after the lv1 [bloodline] skill is unlocked, the progress bar of his flesh-devouring branch can continue to increase, so it doesn't matter if he doesn't upgrade for the time being.

"The flesh-devouring branch brings a powerful increase in combat power, while the non-flesh-devouring branch brings the inheritance of the Spirit-Eating Clan."

"Both of them are extremely powerful. They are indeed super mythical career panels."

Lu Yuan sighed in his heart, and then sat down cross-legged. Circles of black mucus precipitated under his body, rapidly devouring and absorbing the life energy from countless bismuth metal waste mines around him like a living creature.

He had previously thought of leaving part of the extracted bismuth metal to strengthen his mecha body, but after touching the "bottleneck" of the mecha body, this idea was abandoned.

A hundred pieces of paper stacked together are not as strong as a piece of iron, and excessive stacking of low-grade materials will only make his mecha body clumsy and bloated.

It's better to sell them all and exchange them for higher-grade materials and resources.

The most important thing he should do now is to build the mechas of [Breath of Evil Thoughts Eat Wind Demon] as soon as possible.

During the devouring process, Lu Yuan was also casually looking through the memories of your seventh-level pilot devoured in the lair of the Demon Fat Thief.

At this moment, Iron Rose Sonis, who had planted the [Seed of Doom] by him, was also sending some memory information one after another.

As an implanted person of the "Seed of Doom", Sonis is destined to have no secrets from Lu Yuan, her "master".

The combination of these two memories allowed Lu Yuan to understand a lot about the Star Thief Group on Lilva and the Life Source Mine mentioned by Sonis.

The specific situation is actually similar to what Sonis told him.

The star thieves headed by the "Sea Wolf" star thieves group are indeed planning to snatch the ancient ruins containing the life source mine from Lord Gem.

But Sonis didn't say anything.

This group of star thieves not only want treasures, they even want people.

They planned to kidnap Lord Gem together with him after robbing the treasure, and then use this to demand a ransom from the Weir family behind Lord Gem. When the ransom was received, they would kill and rob the entire Lilva planet, and then collectively

Run away!

"Tsk tsk"

When Lu Yuan learned about this opportunity, he was shocked and couldn't help but sigh.

"Bold enough, ruthless enough and greedy enough."

It is really crazy to think of eating the skin and bones of a popular heir of an earl family.

Lu Yuan now knows the real purpose of the Lingting guard who arrived with him in coming to Lilwa this time.

He was probably invited by Lord Gem to help deal with the Star Thieves.

"I don't know if these star thieves know that in addition to being a Lingting Guard, he also has the identity of the son of a duke."

Lu Yuan shook his head and continued to look down.

Soon he made a new discovery.

The seventh-level pilot who was devoured by him was actually the younger brother of the leader of the "Sea Wolf" star bandits!

"No wonder Sonis was so willing to spend money to make peace with me and asked me to cooperate.

It seems that they plan to trick me in first, and then use the sea wolf's hands to kill me."

Sea Wolf's eighth-level pilot, Lilva, is recognized as the strongest among the Star Pirates!

Lu Yuan's eyes flashed, but there was no expression on his face.

Not to mention that he has now awakened his [bloodline] and is not afraid of the so-called powerful eighth-level pilot.

After Sonis was planted with the [Seed of Doom] by him.

If the Sea Wolf wants to deal with him, the first one to jump out and stop him will be Sonis herself.

"[Seed of Doom] is really useful."

Lu Yuan couldn't help but sigh in his heart.


This chapter has been completed!
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